last person i heard joke or lie about cancer collapsed with renal failure less than a week later
Funny that , just been for scan on my liver ! , you're prob right ! I was gonna send u an ounce of my finest , but you made me so para now you can go fuck yer sen ! , ps , if I go I'm coming back to kill all yer plants every grow ! ... Not that you need much help on that score tumor has it ! , love ya m8 x
lmao nice 1 manlast person i heard joke or lie about cancer collapsed with renal failure less than a week later
Funny that , just been for scan on my liver ! , you're prob right ! I was gonna send u an ounce of my finest , but you made me so para now you can go fuck yer sen ! , ps , if I go I'm coming back to kill all yer plants every grow ! ... Not that you need much help on that score tumor has it ! , love ya m8 x.............................wait,, u have a finest>?
i know tell me about it.morning and merry xmas eve,where all my xmas samples,greedy bunch o cunts lol,must be in after xmas post
you cant beat a bit of gay porn on xmas lolMerry Bollox to the Peoples Front of Judea Thread...or is it the Judeans Peoples Front thread?...
Jingle baws....
Peace, DST
lol,, im glad a got my q before hand, fucking sack buying weed over the chrimbo period, lol,,, thers a abundance of weed on my estate if u fancy paying 210 a ounce or 110 a half! them sum mad prices rite ther,Fuck me would be easier getting blood out of a stone than finding a bit of weed round here ffs