same here D if the puffs good and im pissed deffo gonna spew lolI always use to spew when I had been drinking then had a smoke. I need to start with both at the same time and then I am okay...unless I am on some sort of super mario type journey.
I love lamp
ya lucky fucker ur be getting ya end away n chilling on xmas day, whilst im running around cooking n lookinf after sprogs whilst barely having a chance to get outside for a joint, not jealous at all m8 lmaothankfully it's just me and mrs d for xmasso sexy slinky underwear has been bought, so I am set......
........not sure what to get her yet though.
??? u had a defqon lololI love lamp
that's not too much to ask santa is it?ya lucky fucker ur be getting ya end away n chilling on xmas day,
Ok for some I've just been paid £300 to cover Xmas n last me til end of Jan ffsyeh wer all sorted too, spent a rake in iceland yesterday and summor today, just got to get the last minute shit,meat,bread,eggs,, all that kinda shit, then wer ready!! let the weight increase commence!, suprised me cupboards aint cummin of the wall,, and the wifes hapier now too thank fook couldnt be doingw ith a friction xmas,
but saying that wat was the point? workds ending tomorrow, AAARRGHH
not including the television we spent 2.1k on xmas in food and presenets, the tele was ontop so if u inclue that 2.8k,, fucking madness,Ok for some I've just been paid £300 to cover Xmas n last me til end of Jan ffs
Were gna have bout 40 to spend on baby presents( nothing bought at all so far) n 100 ish bills gotta be paid then food shopping so will be lucky if I can even afford a deal bag after everything's paid then I've still gotta try n find money to get us thru til end of Jan from somewherenot including the television we spent 2.1k on xmas in food and presenets, the tele was ontop so if u inclue that 2.8k,, fucking madness,
fucking hell man,, times that hard? mate if i had summet here id sort u out,, i really would,, but im on the estate bags myself, fucking scandalous,, dunno wat to sayWere gna have bout 40 to spend on baby presents( nothing bought at all so far) n 100 ish bills gotta be paid then food shopping so will be lucky if I can even afford a deal bag after everything's paid then I've still gotta try n find money to get us thru til end of Jan from somewhere
Yup unfortunately so mate n don't be silly, don't expect anyone to have to bail us out lolfucking hell man,, times that hard? mate if i had summet here id sort u out,, i really would,, but im on the estate bags myself, fucking scandalous,, dunno wat to sayi know wat ur saying and im feeling ya man. times are at ther hardest rite about now,
Dosent sound good m8, hope things sort themselves out and u got more luck in the new year, on another note.....can u imagine ic3's misses gettin pregnant and having a black baby lmao..a paki!Were gna have bout 40 to spend on baby presents( nothing bought at all so far) n 100 ish bills gotta be paid then food shopping so will be lucky if I can even afford a deal bag after everything's paid then I've still gotta try n find money to get us thru til end of Jan from somewhere