The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
You keeping your PE for your own stash ic3? Or are you one if the rare breed that cure your stuff before you put it out?
going in jars for a few days/week,, same with the exo,, only 1 pe plant going out at 160 im sure its nrly redy for jars but never used em b4 so its just guess work, been in dry box since thurs night


Well-Known Member
do you kno what kinda yeild it gives mate?
not the highest yielding, but not the lowest either, last one i took had 4oz on it, be warned, they are slooooooooow :( pretty good smoke tho :) aint had it cured yet...

ice, think i'm just gunna bring you it lol, fukkin bout with post, reckon id be there in 20 mins from where i'm @


Well-Known Member
not the highest yielding, but not the lowest either, last one i took had 4oz on it, be warned, they are slooooooooow :( pretty good smoke tho :) aint had it cured yet...

ice, think i'm just gunna bring you it lol, fukkin bout with post, reckon id be there in 20 mins from where i'm @
inbox me mush


Well-Known Member
not the highest yielding, but not the lowest either, last one i took had 4oz on it, be warned, they are slooooooooow :( pretty good smoke tho :) aint had it cured yet...

ice, think i'm just gunna bring you it lol, fukkin bout with post, reckon id be there in 20 mins from where i'm @
how slow we talkin? lol well 4 oz aint bad id say its worth it :)


Well-Known Member
im goin back to growing 'the church', fuck it, even if bill sorts me with this livers or psychosis, i love growing the church. absolutely no problems with it and as i pulled 3 oz a plant at the very beginning im sure i can pull 5 oz in coco. christ i only grow to sell so i dont give a fuck, its not as if im punting to the connossieur market. 200 an oz all day fuckin long.
btw any of fucksticks selling a 2m x 1m x 2m tent...i need one for a loft grow.


Well-Known Member
says 9 weeks on DP but mine went nearly 10 week, and was still early tbh, could have gone a week or 2 more, but needs must.
wow 12 weeks that is sloooow lol. woz it still a nice smoke at 10 weeks?

nd i use a 5 tube t5 for first 2 weeks then jus throw them straight under my hps mate


Well-Known Member
You people flip flop between indica and sativa doms. One moment you are going to grow one then a minute later the other. Make up your bloody minds :P


Well-Known Member
even if bill sorts me with this livers or psychosis,.
yeh a BIG fucking IF

dates on beans mean fuk all,., look at me, my exo im on day 56 so just over 8 weeks the PE is menna be 7 but went the 8 the exo is menna be 8 but i think its gunna go the 9/10


Well-Known Member
Only reason they are going longer ice is your grow conditions and skills, both should have been ready by 56 me an jimmy been chopping both them strains in that timeframe and they are ready.


Well-Known Member
ha ha no way check this shit out



Well-Known Member
less of the durex gimp, and yeah ah know what you mean, bugger was supposed to deliver it about 3 weeks ago, no probs though im not gonny be ready for it till a week on saturday anyway, so its vegging courtesy of his electricity.....its not for that reason i want the church back though, its just a good no hassle cash crop.
any one recommend using bud blood at start of flowering, i bought it wanted to know what people thought of it also canna boost with big bud?


Well-Known Member
Only reason they are going longer ice is your grow conditions and skills, both should have been ready by 56 me an jimmy been chopping both them strains in that timeframe and they are ready.
na its that duff bulb i had in ther for the first 2 weeks, anyways just been up!! ther on water now for 3-4 days then getting hung,, they seem to have started swelling over night! nits,, but yeh just gave em ther first litre of pure water, buzzin :)


Well-Known Member
i agree with sambo ic3 the exo i done was a strong smoke from week 5. 7 weeks and it was good to go. im not as strong as some when the itchy fingers start lmao

@dura who's the breeder for that church? is it a good smoke?


Well-Known Member
i agree with sambo ic3 the exo i done was a strong smoke from week 5. 7 weeks and it was good to go. im not as strong as some when the itchy fingers start lmao

@dura who's the breeder for that church? is it a good smoke?
ghs is church

but yeh maybe i could have pulled earlier, but with so many white hairs i was less that happy doing it, like i say the ron pure water now, maybe 3 days, il buy sum gaffa tape to doo my grow room door and ther getting hung,, 6.99 for a roll of gaffa!! fucking liberty, OH got a shed load of ph pen batteries if anyone needs any