The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member

So I looked on Barney's website to find out their contact details to see if I can call them.

Barneys 1.jpg

I have just phoned 'Barney's Farm Coffeeshop' on this number......

Barneys 2.jpg

I asked the guy if the 'Liberty' that High Times has published as Barney's cup entry this year is the same as the 'Liberty Haze' they won with last year and this is how the conversation went.

Me: Good afternoon, is that Barney's?
Him: Yes.
Me: I'm enquiring about Barney's entry into the cannabis cup this year, is 'Liberty' the same strain as the 'Liberty Haze' from last year?
Him: We don't discuss things like this over the phone.
Me: I'm only asking if Barney's entry into the cup this year is the same as last year, that's all.
Him: No, we're not entering the cup this year.
Me: According to High Times you are.
Him: (lol) Hmm well, High Times say what they want.
Me: So Barney's are not entering the cup this year?
Him: No.
Me: And that's official?
Him: Yes.
Me: OK. Thank you very much for your time, good day.


Well-Known Member
I'm not too bad mate thanks, there's an update a few pages back.
morning bitches,, or afternoon. i loose track

yorkie hows the cuts mate? rotting or dead? lmao
i stuck to my word and fed last night,, im to every 2 days now,working to everyday

chedz lol i have the same bouncing zebra for my lil one,,not outside tho,, i llike the swings mate,, i bet YOU have loads of fun on that haha


Well-Known Member
2 are dead due to stem rot and the other 2 are sat doing fuck all, if I can't build this fogger cloner and get them in it before they die as well I'll be round for some more!
stem rot? lol wat did u do hahaha,, maybe to much stuff on the cube,, id fuk the rockwool of and try jifyys,, will root riots work for cuts?

doing fuk all mate but if ther not dead then thats all good,


Well-Known Member
just walked in the door from havennt had anything to eat since my 7am bowl of cornflakes, just got sat down and the door goes, it was the old dear from across the landing steaming bowl of home-made soup for me. think im gonna adopt her as my granny.


Well-Known Member
That's what use to intrigue me as well....

I was in Bali once and scored a bag of what was supposed to be weed, it was something on what looked like a stick, (although the stick looked nothing like a MJ stem/branch). And ultimately it tasted shit and did fuk all, lol. But it did kind of look like a bud, more so that Oregano does! haha.
I think I scored some of the same shite. Kuta beach, a few years back now. I was fucking pissed when I finally got a proper look at it...had no problem scoring good stuff in Sumatra.


Well-Known Member
It can only be a matter of time before Boris Johnson's mum comes forward and tells us that she was raped by Jimmy Savile in 1963.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
12 hours in the kitchen with a trapped nerve in my neck, not gonna be trying that one again :(

But i did get time to cook everyone up some nice lunch :) Sirloin and fillet steaks cut into stir fry strips, flambeed in port then into a tomato and rosemary sauce with some tagliatelle :)


Well-Known Member
i no u a busy man cheds but wot r the pics of fella? as in wot plants? u got any th red mist pics in there?
no red mists lad ill get sum up wen i do take sum tho they are filling in nicely tbh mate u got a few of em on the go??

fuk me chedz u gone from sideways pics to upside down ones IMO
Fuck off ya cunt lolol i forget to keep the phone the right way haha fuckin sick of rushin about tbf lad wot u upto??