The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
is that 14 from seed showing?
clone, m8,, clone only remeber :)

EXO-- very spindley,,

swapped out bulb,, seems to have done the trick,, only been a few days but already i can see the boost, im a lazy grower m8 feeding every 3 days n shit,, only look at em that often too,, none of this go inn everyday to check shit, much more rewarding checking twice a week


Well-Known Member
clone, m8,, clone only remeber :)

EXO-- very spindley,,
sorry forgot, funny thing is i thought they had that weird clone shape goin on, uneven node spacing. ive a cpl of mutnats right now. so do you count it 2 weeks from fully rooted?


Well-Known Member
sorry forgot, funny thing is i thought they had that weird clone shape goin on, uneven node spacing. ive a cpl of mutnats right now. so do you count it 2 weeks from fully rooted?
haha np mate,, fuck u know my histroy with seeds, last grow 32,, i ended up with 2 lmao FAIL... sticking to clones,, i know i can do em

2 weeks in box under blue spec cfls,, only 100 watts over 6,, 2 wernt rooted wen arrived,, lost one,, then affter 2 week in box 2 week veg,, then 48 hrs dark,, then flipped


Well-Known Member
implannin sumthin like tah myself. the are ive got is only 3' x 4' so i think ill pull more doing 9 in that area with no veg instead of 4 with a months veg. i'll find out from this grow. im gonna flip them this weekend i think, that way ive one ready at the start of december and another just b4 chrimbo


Well-Known Member
implannin sumthin like tah myself. the are ive got is only 3' x 4' so i think ill pull more doing 9 in that area with no veg instead of 4 with a months veg. i'll find out from this grow. im gonna flip them this weekend i think, that way ive one ready at the start of december and another just b4 chrimbo
yeh, i normall do more but, these airpots are fuking huge lol,sum1 sed cut them down but was too late id potted up and dont like fucking with them tbh, yeh mine should be done end of november early december and since its 9th october now,, that dont sound all that far away,spec as i only chek them twice a week,, seems tobe going faste rthan in and out everyday, maybe u should do a sog in that area, scren a screen up and what not?my space is what, 3.5ftx 8ftx celing height,, fuking pain the door been at one end,but leats its on the side, could be rite on the end,thatw ould have been a pain,, what u growing? nefing good?


Well-Known Member
IC3, how big are your pots and how much water do you give them? Every three days is the max I would ever leave any of my plants. I think you could get more growth if you treated them more frequently. Plants will manage with what they get given. A plant that has a constant supply of fresh h2o can grow more efficiently as it is able to take up more nutrients, hence more growth. Just me 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
yeh, i normall do more but, these airpots are fuking huge lol,sum1 sed cut them down but was too late id potted up and dont like fucking with them tbh, yeh mine should be done end of november early december and since its 9th october now,, that dont sound all that far away,spec as i only chek them twice a week,, seems tobe going faste rthan in and out everyday, maybe u should do a sog in that area, scren a screen up and what not?my space is what, 3.5ftx 8ftx celing height,, fuking pain the door been at one end,but leats its on the side, could be rite on the end,thatw ould have been a pain,, what u growing? nefing good?
a few bluewidows, 4 ah think, a sharkstooth, an exo-dreamtime, a q querkle and 2 querkle x exos.the last 4 are regs so its a hit or miss, hope to fuck there ladies coz its the last of the fairy sent ones .


Well-Known Member
IC3, how big are your pots and how much water do you give them? Every three days is the max I would ever leave any of my plants. I think you could get more growth if you treated them more frequently. Plants will manage with what they get given. A plant that has a constant supply of fresh h2o can grow more efficiently as it is able to take up more nutrients, hence more growth. Just me 2 cents.
I HAVENT DONE A INLET THIS GROW,,should have done but i neevr have

ther the 10 litre airpots, and wen i checked they dident look wilted so they obviously dident need or wer needing food,, wen i leave em the 3 days i get no yellow leaves,,wen i water more fequently i get yellow leaves,, sign of overwater i heard,so not a fucking clue,, but ther only in early flower, l start going in more within the next week,, bring it to every 2 days

about a litre and a bit,, 1 full jug and a bit.. 2 arent on trays so gotta be carefull,, with leakage ect


Well-Known Member
The blue widow is a strain i'd run again. The plant was nice and compact, it was about the same size as the ones i pull just 1 oz off but i got nearly 3 off the blue widow. I did have a bit of hermie in it but not too bad and i only had a few seeds


Well-Known Member
Ok, ever checked to see if there are dry patches in the medium. 1 - 1 1/2 litres is not very much for a 10litre air pot with only coco in it. So every week they get around 3 litres. I personally don't think that is very much (inlet or not) When I water I like to get the whole medium soaked, otherwise areas can dry out, become heavily loaded with salts and basically no roots will grow in that area. I give my 3.5 litre pots 1 litre of water.

Put a couple of old dinner plates, or paint pot lids under the pots to save mess.

Not trying to bust yer baws, just looking at ways to help.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
its finished in 6 or 7 weeks, this is my 4th run of them i think. good plant no problems, yeilds average, had few good reports from customers, more than happy. think it all started with a freebie i got from billy.


Well-Known Member
Ice i told you this other day mate im upto feeding every day an it takes 3L to soak through in the 10L airpot i got goin now day 6 of 12/12....plant has had a daft long veg mind but still should be every other day at least mate an more then a 1L or so your only gunna fuck ya sen yield wise if you dont pull ya finger out lol


Well-Known Member
Ok, ever checked to see if there are dry patches in the medium. 1 - 1 1/2 litres is not very much for a 10litre air pot with only coco in it. So every week they get around 3 litres. I personally don't think that is very much (inlet or not) When I water I like to get the whole medium soaked, otherwise areas can dry out, become heavily loaded with salts and basically no roots will grow in that area. I give my 3.5 litre pots 1 litre of water.

Put a couple of old dinner plates, or paint pot lids under the pots to save mess.

Not trying to bust yer baws, just looking at ways to help.

Peace, DST

no mate its cool,, all help given is greatfully recieved :) its all for my benefit.... thanx il order more a an b this week and up ther feeding to daily a litre a day u reckon? 7 a week?

its finished in 6 or 7 weeks, this is my 4th run of them i think. good plant no problems, yeilds average, had few good reports from customers, more than happy. think it all started with a freebie i got from billy.
u doing BW then?? we may have to do a small swapsy at the end since wqer redy at same time,?,:)


Well-Known Member
Ice i told you this other day mate im upto feeding every day an it takes 3L to soak through in the 10L airpot i got goin now day 6 of 12/12....plant has had a daft long veg mind but still should be every other day at least mate an more then a 1L or so your only gunna fuck ya sen yield wise if you dont pull ya finger out lol
i know mate but its a mission getting in plus im nrly out of nuutes il reorder sum tomorrow,,


Well-Known Member
yeah mate no probs, ahll hold some back for you
yeh m8 just a lil bit prcy like..

wen i say mission getting in,, i mean my room,, cfonceaed the enttrance,, propper 10 mn job unhiding it

so whats with yellow leafs wen i feed more regurly??