The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
they knew exactly what they were doing, no way was that grown like that by mistake....funny.


Well-Known Member
they knew exactly what they were doing, no way was that grown like that by mistake....funny.
You know it more like they panicked as it was gettin so big and thought there only excuse to the neigbours was to say they brought it from the car boot lol it fuckin did the trick anyway lol id of been gutted to have cut that mofo down early hahaha


Well-Known Member
Every family should have one of those in their backyard, the strawberries of the future (or the present). Help greenhouse gases, grow "de ganja".:)


Well-Known Member
Is that tuttie or what ever ment to be from Barnsley?.......I no they got there own clone only they call sumut simular ........few lads I no from there was givin it large sayin there cut was the shit, for it to turn out to be blues ffs.....the backward fuckin interbreed cunts ant got a clue!


Well-Known Member
JI cant garantee its tuttie mate. If i get anything tidy off it ill get a sample to you. My mate chops his down about week 6-7 and quick dries it with the light on. Most of the stuff ive had off him has been nice but this was really tasty and quite strong. The bloke he had it off was always getting cuttings and i remember him saying the 3 strains i named and that waas the best of the 3 imo. but hes gone down now so i wont be able to find out off him. Im deffinately going to keep it then. Ive got my old tent but the only light i got is a little tube thing, will that be ok to reveg it? Ill send a sample to you when its done mate and you can let me know if you want any cuts
no probs mrt should b ok under the 1 tube reveges seem to like less light for em to switch back to veg anyway lad !!;-)


Well-Known Member
Is that tuttie or what ever ment to be from Barnsley?.......I no they got there own clone only they call sumut simular ........few lads I no from there was givin it large sayin there cut was the shit, for it to turn out to be blues ffs.....the backward fuckin interbreed cunts ant got a clue!
Yo pukka wots happenin bro hows the lemon gettin on with the psychosis ??
The tutti is ment to b from mids mate not sure. but it might be birmingham!!;-)


Well-Known Member
Eyup cheddz lemon was doin good mate till a few days ago when I fed it with way to high ph gone kinda dodgy now with the 3 bladed leafs an slow growth should be sound in a day or 2 lol need to sort me head out. Psycho on the other hand is doin mint gettin beastly an starting to frost up nice. I'll get some pics up later.


Well-Known Member
Yeh not them Barnsley lot then the fuckin frauds....surely you'd a herd or got it by now if it was from down your way's them gk crosses comin on?


Well-Known Member
eyup sambo lad, hows it goin me old fruit?.................cant even you have a word then old boy, seen as its down your way??


Well-Known Member
eyup sambo lad, hows it goin me old fruit?.................cant even you have a word then old boy, seen as its down your way??
I no off people who grow it, I say no off tho cause they aint no friends of mine and the person who I no them threw I don't even like that mug, me sister brought a tens last week was tutti.

Could have brought a cut bout 3yrs ago but was silly money 200-250 1 or the other, I was still feeling the free the weed love back then n told em to do 1 at that price, but if I had the chance again I would pay it now, its stinkier n tastier than livers and as strong as the pyschosis-exo.

Is definatly the best smoke I've ever had.