The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
u girls gonna kiss n make up now arrrrr bless, remember always use protection now ladies in future lmao (recorded mail)
Yeh i 2nd that mate, only time i havent is with my seeds cos was sendin 10 out an cunt give 2 fucks if they dint turn up, i knew i sent um lol

hows it goin anyhow ya little southern fucka?


Well-Known Member
Yeh i 2nd that mate, only time i havent is with my seeds cos was sendin 10 out an cunt give 2 fucks if they dint turn up, i knew i sent um lol

hows it goin anyhow ya little southern fucka?
just makes sense geezer, yeah ill accept how ever some1 wants to send a sample aslong as well packaged but if your expecting back then recorded or dont bother sending.

im all good m8, gonna flip the switch on me own 6 in 20ltr airpots next mon/tues.


Well-Known Member
just makes sense geezer, yeah ill accept how ever some1 wants to send a sample aslong as well packaged but if your expecting back then recorded or dont bother sending.

im all good m8, gonna flip the switch on me own 6 in 20ltr airpots next mon/tues.
Yeh mate i was just bein tight an thought fuck it would have been like £35 for me to give away 100 of each of me seeds lol i thought fuck that ended up costin about tenner 12 quid lol tight i no but was skint at time lol

How long veg you gave um mate? be them 20Ls are fuckin huge lol sayin that i remember old wow used to have 1, dint he do that massive trainwreck in 1? or sumthin can remember it looked well nice.


Well-Known Member
Yeh mate i was just bein tight an thought fuck it would have been like £35 for me to give away 100 of each of me seeds lol i thought fuck that ended up costin about tenner 12 quid lol tight i no but was skint at time lol

How long veg you gave um mate? be them 20Ls are fuckin huge lol sayin that i remember old wow used to have 1, dint he do that massive trainwreck in 1? or sumthin can remember it looked well nice.
wow's to up his own arse now hes discovered the pleasuredome lmao that should get a response lol


Well-Known Member
wow's to up his own arse now hes discovered the pleasuredome lmao that should get a response lol
You what mate i know he split up with the mrs but thats it?? he on the same email mate keep thinkin i need to have a chat with the lad but always forget, need to tell him the ballast i bought of him works sound the rattle was just some resin.


Well-Known Member
Evening guys.....I've not been talking much but on Fri I got robbed. Sucking eastwards got away with a good few plants. 11Am in the morning, bold as brass. Proper professional outfit......haven't heard a whisper. Thinking out of owner's....I've had to change everything up.....reckon a crew been watching me. The house they tanned had 1700 quid, iPad, 50" tv. Took funk all bar plants. Bastards, but it's the game eh...eventually I'll find out but what u gonna do......cause more dramas. Stay safe guys


Well-Known Member
Pukka Im just gonae soak it up. Aint anyone round ma parts. Had every street rat by the throat m8. Moving on.....potted up a load of psyco today. Givining them 2 weeks veg. Fill the hole eh


Well-Known Member
Pukka Im just gonae soak it up. Aint anyone round ma parts. Had every street rat by the throat m8. Moving on.....potted up a load of psyco today. Givining them 2 weeks veg. Fill the hole eh
was they due croppin? dodgy mate i reckon its some fucker around there, find out soon enough, make sure they dont forget, cut um or sumut, you scotts are good at that lol


Well-Known Member
It was coming down Sun. Fishy as fuck. I always have a lockback on me m8. Call it my SOS.....I know and ma man knows everything that goes down here. Reckon it was a professional outfit mate. U dontt know the half of the dodgy shit thats happened these last 2 weeks. Im moving in 2 weeks. Im out. Keep growing and have 1 guy I trust buying. Not playing the game no more. Fuckin headache


Well-Known Member
You sell any outta town?

shame you gotta moved mate, for the best tho ey, i only let my bestmate have mine or odd 1 oz out, not like any fuckers bothered about my 2 plant grow tho lol

wheres every cunt gone i get on for a couple of hour an every cunt fucks off, do i smell??......dont answer that you cunts! lmao


Well-Known Member
Fuck me billy lad good job ya was nt there ay lad could of got messy mate u know me bro got fucked by the same yardies i told ya bout a fair few months back? !! U gotta stay ontop of shit lad the cunts will be back mate just av somethin handy at hand the yardies down here are takin nuff estates mate nothin ya can do if u not up for the fight tbf but fuck yhat mate its mine and our kids bread and butter so it was gonna kick off at sum point just a pity they neva had the bottle to do it while the 2 of us were there !! Dont know wot scotlands like for ya black culture but its mainly the yardies that push locals out as they are mad for it down this way got alot of respect down these ways tho so a little get together is nt hard to get mate like i say stay safe be good for the move even if alittle hassle bro