The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Sad about the workers but as for the police well thats different.
you shore do have alot of hate in ya halfloaf is understandable being ginger and scottish lol you should speak with dura72 hes a happy chap and scottish n ginger (poor fucker) maybe he can give ya some tips on controlling that hate lol

whats the difference from the police to the workers the police where working too?


Well-Known Member
Was over at the start of the year in Cape Town which is not totally representative of the whole country as you know. Probably be down in Jo-burg before the end of the year for business.

what sort of things you noticed had changed? I thought post World Cup in Cape Town they had cleared loads of street schollies away (who knows where too!!!) There is a central development programme in Cape Town for street kids, building improvement, etc. We pay an extra % in tax for that.

yeah was pretty mad id have fucking shot em too, was only the day before that they had lynched 2 police and some workers who wanted to break the strike n go back to work.

u been over recent dst? its changing alot out there was loads different than my previous visits.


Well-Known Member
white beggers all over pretoria that id never seen before, rumours true or not of white squatter camps in joberg.

blacks having more money n jobs of power like id not seen 4-5y ago it just seemed all very different and that bit more dangerous than 4-5yr previously.

cape town tho was amazing as ever fucking love that city.


Active Member
Well being oppresed by tyrants for hundreds of years in your own country will make you angry.
As for the police they are the bad guys in this they didn't have to fire upon the people with live rounds they chose to.


Well-Known Member
Well being oppresed by tyrants for hundreds of years in your own country will make you angry.
As for the police they are the bad guys in this they didn't have to fire upon the people with live rounds they chose to.
2 police had been lynched i.e hacked to fucking death n beaten with sticks n clubs the day before if they where then charging you and you had a gun would u not fire and say '' oh you poor oppressed people please kill me too'' lmao


Well-Known Member
Very true lad, I saw a few non African beggars when I was down.

The sad thing is that black people are no different from whites (even with decades of oppression) and that has been proven over centuries with them selling their own people for slave trade. The rich blacks will fuck over their brothers as quick as you can say Zulu! It's sad to see. God knows what will happen when Nelson finally pops his cloggs.

white beggers all over pretoria that id never seen before, rumours true or not of white squatter camps in joberg.

blacks having more money n jobs of power like id not seen 4-5y ago it just seemed all very different and that bit more dangerous than 4-5yr previously.

cape town tho was amazing as ever fucking love that city.


Well-Known Member
Very true lad, I saw a few non African beggars when I was down.

The sad thing is that black people are no different from whites (even with decades of oppression) and that has been proven over centuries with them selling their own people for slave trade. The rich blacks will fuck over their brothers as quick as you can say Zulu! It's sad to see. God knows what will happen when Nelson finally pops his cloggs.
yeah i think it will get BAD when he dies, my friends over there well most are afrikaan farmers they have already had to fight court case's with africans who claimed the land cause of some old graves.

and too true the way the native south africans treat the zimmers is just as bad if not worse than apartheid.


Well-Known Member
Like i said live rounds no need to use them and when i referd to being oppresed i didn't mean the Africans.
no need to use them??? you got a angry mob who have previosly killed charging you with intentions to do the same again and no need to use them? u must be smoking some good shit this morning lol


Active Member
[h=2]Plastic Bullets[/h]
  • Plastic bullets are commonly used for target practice. They also are used by police for riot control. Plastic bullets are made for most all types of firearms, including handguns.

[h=2]Bean Bag Rounds[/h]
  • A bean bag round, which also is known as a flexible baton round, is primarily used by police for riot control. However, bean bag rounds can also be purchased for individual guns as a non-lethal round. Much like the rubber bullet, a bean bag round shoots at a high rate of speed. Bean bag rounds are not made to penetrate the skin, but they will incapacitate a target and leave a large welt.

[h=2]Electric Bullet[/h]
  • A technology known as the shock round, is an electric bullet which is a non-lethal round. Acting much like a Taser or other electric shock weapon, the electric bullet is a metal or rubber bullet that is shot out of a gun to incapacitate a person. Upon hitting a target, an electrical charge is released which affects the central nervous system and send a jolt of electricity through the body. It has a farther range than most other non-lethal rounds



Well-Known Member
thats all well n good but when ya got a crazed angry mob with intentions on killing you and only live rounds then you use em.