The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
nope sounds like merda to me :)

How can you comment on something that you don't know about then? i have read into splitting the stems the idea is that you split the stems to stress the plant to create more resin whether it works or not i can't say as i haven't tried it that's why i keep an open mind on it


Well-Known Member
As if this grow wasn't going badly enough my sour diesel has thrown out some boy bits which i have now ripped off, i can't wait to chop the fuckers down start again :(
so how many is that now whats turned on ya? fucking shitty genetics or what?

How can you comment on something that you don't know about then? i have read into splitting the stems the idea is that you split the stems to stress the plant to create more resin whether it works or not i can't say as i haven't tried it that's why i keep an open mind on it
she wa stalking peicrcing not splitting according to the oxford dictionary ther diffrent things BUT you are a welsh so maybe not :P hahaha ive had a scoot around and not red anything good about it and even tho the nets full of yes and no's thers deffo an abundance of FUCK NO! threads about lmao and i dont think she did it in the end anyways or her big bud would have ended up not so big bud as in small bud! llol

well fucking missed the posties ffs parantly th wife never heard him knoking so gotta wait til tomorrow for my parcel! WOUNDED BRUV! lol u know im up and out to depot in morning,

and fuk me 4eyes i aint been online for 3 days been decorating and u jump on my 1st post ya welsh sheep shaggin fucker ya! hahaha

its all gravy m8


Well-Known Member
The hermies are more from heat stress amongst other things if it was just the sour D i would think it's the genetics but the royal cheese has a few male flowers to so heat and the stress i've put them under i'm thinking i'll no more the next grow when i put more in and piercing/splitting making holes in the stem with a knife all the same to me bruv lol


Well-Known Member
The hermies are more from heat stress amongst other things if it was just the sour D i would think it's the genetics but the royal cheese has a few male flowers to so heat and the stress i've put them under i'm thinking i'll no more the next grow when i put more in and piercing/splitting making holes in the stem with a knife all the same to me bruv lol
lol slitting is like wn u got a 18yr old virgin on yer widger peisrcing is putting a whole THRU no splitting the camber you know!!LOL

so u got heat issues in your space? fuk man ive heard sum stories about heat issues but other than me veg box wen i had that in grow room wat got rather warmi been kinda lucky with just 1 extractor mounted in the celing my shits the perfect temp/

u sure u got no pollen left ther from a previous grow or sum shit?? seems strange that both strains suffered same shit with same conditions i mean did u not know u had heat issues o just tried to wing it or wat? fuk before i put a extractor in my room i walked in and felt like id been smacked in the face with a hot wall of air?


Well-Known Member
You can't split something without piercing or making a hole in it so yeah same thing lol

There's no pollen left from any previous grows and if there was it wouldn't be viable so heat and my vegging skills i'm putting it down to, the plants have been stressed to fuck by me as i haven't had the time that i would normally take to get them done.
Under normal circumstances it would take me about 8 weeks to veg them to 18" after constantly flushing and fucking them up this time it took 4 weeks so i've got next to fuck all side branching then i potted them up and switched to flower the same weekend so all of that hasn't helped at all.
I was going to throw them out when i had notice on the house but kept them so whatever i get will be a bonus :)


Active Member
How can you comment on something that you don't know about then? i have read into splitting the stems the idea is that you split the stems to stress the plant to create more resin whether it works or not i can't say as i haven't tried it that's why i keep an open mind on it
you got to stress with light to increase resin putting stress on the plant by putting holes into it aint gonna increase anything but seed content and a good way to give your plant an infection

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
seriously guys, the things you're talking about are down to genetics. no putting nails through your plant or light leeks in your tent are going to cause hermies or increased resin production.

if you want to muck about with the levels of different terpines and the thc make up it's down to feed and light. ie more MH or UV-b in the light spectrum will give you a different high in the end product as it'll have different levels of thc tha cbd etc

not trying to be a bobby big bollocks it's fact.


Active Member
if you want to muck about with the levels of different terpines and the thc make up it's down to feed and light. ie more MH or UV-b in the light spectrum will give you a different high in the end product as it'll have different levels of thc tha cbd etc

not trying to be a bobby big bollocks it's fact.
thats what i said, copying me with better wording lol


Active Member
sweet !!
basically if you want better qualitly either get better genetics or get a plasma , metal halide, uva/uvb lighting
grow healthy plants its pretty simple peeps
dont go all american on us and try makeing shit more complicated then needs be

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah me american lmao i'm geordie about the farthest you'll get from yank.

was just trying to be helpful, i'll keep it to 1 syllable...... fuck already broken that one.


Well-Known Member
seriously guys, the things you're talking about are down to genetics. no putting nails through your plant or light leeks in your tent are going to cause hermies or increased resin production.

if you want to muck about with the levels of different terpines and the thc make up it's down to feed and light. ie more MH or UV-b in the light spectrum will give you a different high in the end product as it'll have different levels of thc tha cbd etc

not trying to be a bobby big bollocks it's fact.

its all about the clone-onlys good reason they been around 20+ yrs lol but agreed don down to genetics, ive seen all the stem piercing bullshit same as ive even read people given the plant the pill i.e womens birth control? giving ya plant 48hr darkness at the end the list gos on but end of day if you got good genetics, enough light and decent temps then ya carnt grow wrong.

people complicate shit too much it really aint that hard fuktards to grow good weed, get good yields all without ever piercing stems or any of that shite.......

oh yeah almost 4got this new season of true blood is worth a watch 1 of the best seasons, also bout to start on weeds season 8 thats not long out, done well ol weeds to last sooooo long pretty much with the same cast still.


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of getting some of those reptiglow uvb bulb from ebay but i need to get some tidy genetics on the go first lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hint hint eh ;)

now that's a new one, giving your plants the pill :shock: effective against pollination hmmmm that's like fucking a brid when she's on the blob and thinking it'll be fine she cant get preggers.

i'm going home to piss on my plants, i heard it's good ph up ;) or was that lemon juice. maybe i should wait till the morning sugar puff piss for max ppm. i'm gonna go start a thread.

i have the rep to back my bollocks. i need to get out of here i think i've started trolling myself.


Well-Known Member
lol yeh ive heard of the pissing on yer plnts one lol

me? shit my enviroment is perfect for the plants i grow i dont need to fuk about with em shit if i had autowater system i wouldnt even go up ther to chek em more than once a week ,

so its rite yeh..propperlight.nutes and enviroment u dont ened to be fucking with your shit#
clone onlys for me now ive got shit boxed off