The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
lol that suks ass matey...but ive smoked sum good shit that had seeds!

lol and unlucky likes ur post the heartless bitch ther needs to be a unlike button for that inda shit hahaha

anyone elsegettin sum bullshit captacha after typing MAKE SURE U PPUT A PLEASENT MESSAGE IN THER FOR WEBSITE OWNER

i put it should be disbaled for known active members or how about fater so many points it dnot get triggered! duh
cheers mate. i quick dried it and tried smoking it. 5 weeks into flowering wasnt long enough lol. its fucking shit


Well-Known Member
cheers mate. i quick dried it and tried smoking it. 5 weeks into flowering wasnt long enough lol. its fucking shit
ohh was it only halfway thru? shit ther would have been practicly nowt then :( wounded fella did it hermie or did u miss a male or not clean yer room properly after a male last grow?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Sorry, dura, beans arrived safe and sou/nd, cheers for doing that for me :)

Just bak from my course, it's going to be 14 hour days for the next 4 weeks. Cooked up some racks of lamb for dinner though which was good :) I had thought i'd be a youngun, turns out i'm the oldest by many years and they're all just spanking hot 8yr old prep school girls :D Ding Ding! lol


Well-Known Member
Sorry, dura, beans arrived safe and sou/nd, cheers for doing that for me :)

Just bak from my course, it's going to be 14 hour days for the next 4 weeks. Cooked up some racks of lamb for dinner though which was good :) I had thought i'd be a youngun, turns out i'm the oldest by many years and they're all just spanking hot 8yr old prep school girls :D Ding Ding! lol
lmao u old letch


Well-Known Member
ohh was it only halfway thru? shit ther would have been practicly nowt then :( wounded fella did it hermie or did u miss a male or not clean yer room properly after a male last grow?
it was a full on hermie mate. its a new tent and as far as i know the conditions are near perfect. ive been in there twice to check for light leaks and there are none. out of the 5 strains i have in there only the barneys farm blue cheese have turned. i got a 5 pack of fem seeds, all germed. when i put them on 12/12 2 turned out to be males and 1 had calyx and hairs but had 3 sets of male parts. i cut them off and it went ok for 3 weeks but then i got worse. now another 1 has started to turn. so far it only 1 of the 5 thats still looking good

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
lmao u old letch
Nothing wrong with looking lol. And hey, my gf is only 19. And hey, can't blame a man, not when bottle after bottle fo wine is dissapearing at dinner and the wine tasting, it all rather spiralled into debauchery, one girl who is plain nuts was making up for her lack of looks and charm by turning absolutely everything into sexual innuendos lol teenagers will be teenagers, not gonna see me complaining :D

Was stationed next to an amerian girl who has flown over from Michigan just to do the course, she's great fun although it's amusing watching her trying to fathom our measuring systems :D "you mean a tablespoon is measured with an actual spoon? How do you do that aurately??" :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Dunno if or how Don knows, who knows, loose lips sink ships and all that guffaw, i do tend to drink lol. My gf goes by the name of Kuroi.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
only know the lass through RIU lad. funny you mention the yanks not knowing how to measure their recipe's are measured in cups ffs

i'm still done in from the stag do on fri/sat/sun. wasn't at work yesteray. think i need rehab.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Fuck knows must of dreamed it mate..... how the fuck you pulled it off then?
Through a curious series of events :D Spoken with her for a few years, and one day i got a text saying she was stranded and annoyed, and just happened to be stranded in my city, without knowing that i lived there, so i p[layed knight in shining armour and offered her a bed until she could sort out her travel and it all went from there. It is all good :)

I ent gonna be on much for a while, a month of 14 hour days is gonna rather flatten me i fear, but god is it fun :) I cooked everyone chicken breasts stuffed with taleggio and sage wrapped in parma with a dill and creme fraiche sauce and courgette fritters with tomato chutney, went down a storm :) Although freake myself out, turns out that when you throw half a bottle of white wine onto a searing hot pan to deglaze it you rather create what one might describe as a monumental fireball :D