The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
ive never had a leaf like that either lol looks burned to bits the others im unsure,wenenever ive had a nute issue ive just flushed em all out and started again seems to wkr for me


Well-Known Member
i didnt think it was nute burn because when ive had that before it cam on straight away and it was on the tips. this has taken over 2 weeks. i was thinking mag def from this thing i read about growing in coco. ill paste it below

Magnesium deficiencies normally start in the lower leaves. The veins remain green while the rest of leaf turns yellow and shows chlorosis. The leaves eventually curl up and die. The edges of affected leaves feel dry and crispy. As the deficiency continues it moves from lower leaves to the middle and upper half. Eventually the growing shoots change from pale green to white color. The stems and petioles may take on a purple color.


Well-Known Member
i didnt think it was nute burn because when ive had that before it cam on straight away and it was on the tips. this has taken over 2 weeks. i was thinking mag def from this thing i read about growing in coco. ill paste it below

Magnesium deficiencies normally start in the lower leaves. The veins remain green while the rest of leaf turns yellow and shows chlorosis. The leaves eventually curl up and die. The edges of affected leaves feel dry and crispy. As the deficiency continues it moves from lower leaves to the middle and upper half. Eventually the growing shoots change from pale green to white color. The stems and petioles may take on a purple color.

so howd u think u caused it then coz by the sounds your using the exact same evrything as me? im using coco for second grow but adding cannazym or w/eva its called,eitherway looks nasty and im glad i dont have to deal with shit lie that


Well-Known Member
its a common fault with growing in coco aparently because coco doesnt have nutes already in it like soil. ive been reading that thread again after posting the pics and it says to give epsom salt and dolomite lime or cal-mag.


Well-Known Member
Fuck the ph pen off its not needed the same goes for ph up and down its aload of bollox trust me ive run cocco all through 50+ grows and neva had to use a fucker straight out tap with a little boiled water to knock the chill off it add your nutes and pour job done as long as u stick between the lines of the guide your good to go fuck keeo messin around it good for your plant to av all levels of ph and aslong as u dont do somethin stupid it should be rock steady anyhow in cocco by extreme i mean goin from 1 side of the chart to the other !!

Start off with clones at quarter strengh till around 6inch then push it up to half gradually once there wait till you hit roughly 10-12inch anf push to 3/4 stengh by then u should be hittin flower so u can gradually uo the strengh to full doses


Well-Known Member
I've got 2 x GT205's and a 905 but only used 1 of them so far and ended up fire fighting root rot my fault but i know where i went wrong so next time should be better
hmm, interesting, i have never seen it happen, what is root rot like lol ?
yield wise with NFT i normally get anything from 3-8 oz per plant depending on strain, although there is exceptions larger sativa/haze plants can produce over 1lb each pretty easy
i think NFT is more suited to larger plants, that fill out into the space around them plants in nft naturally want to get big and spread out
you can grow lots of little plants with nft but i don't think it is as space efficient as using individual pots for each plant
if i was going to fill my whole floor space with little SOG style clones single cola plants i would use pots not NFT much easier to move the plants around when they are in individual pots etc

peace :)


Active Member
And once again I come back to find my boys scintillating with witty repartee...

Good thing I'm too fuckered to be entirely sure what you're talking about :D

We moved! No more health freak flatmates! (Of course now I have weird neighbours to get paranoid about instead)

Which of the phone companies provide dongles (USB internet) without contract?