The UK Growers Thread!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
happy thoughts here in the uk thread i see?
how r we u bunch mummys boys/fuck nuggets/ spunk bubbles and odd couple who r alright haha


Well-Known Member
Sweet mate that last 1 popped yet? cant wait to see um grow fella get plenty a pics up lol antry an rotate up stright 1st ya cunt lol jk
whats the line up then chedz? you keepin the psyco an slh goin? an did u get a livers cut?
Im thinkin 10xgkxlivers 10xexo 10xslh 10xpsycho 2 weeks veg the flip the bitches im gonna grow out the gkxlivers and find the best keeper out of em and take multiple cuts of it to get me 10 so its gonna take sum time still waitin on 1 to crack bu the rest am in jiffy plugs now


good morning :) lovely day here nice family bbq later my 1st grow and cant belive how impaitent i am guess its getting close to crop 6weeks today just reading on which seeds to get and nutes for next time any advice on nutes would be gratefull using Hesi at the minute thanks
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Well-Known Member
^^^true true^^^.............canna`s a good nute range mate
Ditto that iys the only shit ill use just for simplicity no ph ec ppm bollox just straight up mix and feed!!
Ow and na lad no livers clone reached us yet but in not that fussed tbh mate ill get me a good fucker out of your mix !! Haha


thanks for replies ill get some canna ordered for my next attempt just wish i knew what i was looking at on my buds to know when i should crop lol


Well-Known Member
hehe, you gotta lad. Fuk sake I think the UK thread is the only place I can get away with it, seems I got shadows following me around on this site deleting all and anything I say about BB. Funny thing is, Companies not even legally mine so I don't know why they get their nickers in a twist. Meanwhile back on the US (where it is illegal) they let people (and no offense to them) like Subcool, Raredankness and god knows who else have their own sub sections and threads dedicated to what their seed companies are doing.
I have also sent numerous messages to the Admin (on behalf of BB) about advertising in the past on RIU and to date have not had nish from them.....I know the Euro is pretty crap but it's still worth a little summit summit. Not that they would get any of BB's cash now that they have treated us like shit on their's a shame because I think a lot of the people who are putting things through BB have added a lot to this site. Ah well, C'est la vié.
DST there jumping on that shameless namedrop opportunity! ;)



Well-Known Member
might go and check that out, lol...
At least it's not raining, well not yet anyway.........there's some strange folk about lol
some green for the uk

Upskirt DOG hedge shot.

showing the cleavage.

Soon to be nuggets of golden DOG.

Keepin it green and mean.


UK EXODUS Cheese clone only.

Regular DOG bx1. She's a beautiful lanky super model, lol.

UK cheese x URK....sat dom architecture, but the leaves are holding indica secrets me thinks.

Outdoor Headband, had to bring it into the greenhouse as it was getting crapped on with the rain last couple of days. LST'ed for multi headed monster activity.

The other outdoor Headband.

UK Cheese x OG Kush2 male.

Male Regular DOG bx1, offensive smelling stud to the left


Well-Known Member
now then guys, well going to hospital at 3pm gotta be in for a few days all being well be out on wednesday, got sum weed to take with me,painkillers too,fucking hospitals never give u enough pain meds,waankers hahaha
anyways just thought id pop on and let u know,missus is well pissey coz im taking the iphone with me lmao,well shes got the pc and another mobile to use on wifi for her fucking facebook cable television and verything,fukin wqomen



Well-Known Member
now then guys, well going to hospital at 3pm gotta be in for a few days all being well be out on wednesday, got sum weed to take with me,painkillers too,fucking hospitals never give u enough pain meds,waankers hahaha
anyways just thought id pop on and let u know,missus is well pissey coz im taking the iphone with me lmao,well shes got the pc and another mobile to use on wifi for her fucking facebook cable television and verything,fukin wqomen


Good luck man !!