The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
C3 that looks sore mate, hopefully they will get the op sorted soon as mate.

Just found out the mrs will be full time from monday at work! So I have 4-6 weeks of doing what the fuck I want. have a few ideas to earn some extra cash while im off tho

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
C3 that looks sore mate, hopefully they will get the op sorted soon as mate.

Just found out the mrs will be full time from monday at work! So I have 4-6 weeks of doing what the fuck I want. have a few ideas to earn some extra cash while im off tho
What, like changing the locks one day while she's out at work? That's always a sure fire way to save a few bob :D


Well-Known Member
can anyone do me a favor just to confirm something. if u search iolite and go onto the official iolite website, the British currency is in $ on my compa and round my friends house, but i emailed the compant and they dont seem to be taking it seriously. basically if you go to the products tab, the iolite says £135 but if u click 'buy the product' it then goes to $217 and if you add to cart the cart total goes to $359.69 or somethin.
Has anyone else got this problem on their computers ? the site is proper its the officical site. please let me know what happens on ur comps. Thanks


Well-Known Member
so its not in GBP ? if you look on the left hand side in the black box, its should be like $359.69. It still says $217 on the right tho. lok on the same page on the lefvt hand side ?? thanks

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It's a glitch mate. Proceed to the stages of payment and it tells you your card will be charged £135.

I may be mis-remembering, but i swear i read one hell of a lot of bad things about the iolite, and most portable vapes tbh.



Well-Known Member
It's a glitch mate. Proceed to the stages of payment and it tells you your card will be charged £135.

I may be mis-remembering, but i swear i read one hell of a lot of bad things about the iolite, and most portable vapes tbh.

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oh right, nah i never proceeded that far thanks for going boldly where no man has gone before. i jus dont like payin on sites that glitch the prices around. yeah i heard some bad things about the iolite but i think most people want to take a creamy hit ad feel it down in the depth of there lungs but i jus wanna portable gas powered means to get high without smokin it. gettin all health conscious lol plus wanna start training muay thai again. anywas cheers ill give it a go. fingers crossed :peace:


Well-Known Member
i tried that one yorkies got,vape, 60 qwid it plugs in but u can get a battery bak for it,, pretty ok for 60 qwid :)) i could do with one like but ther soooo fucking expensive,,them volcano's look cool

just downloaded like 50 epsisodes of pawnstars,,thats me for the day ohh yeh