The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
and don have disagree i seen many a cases where peeps have got rich through police not understanding laws and rights off peeps. and polise harrassments.
y u think rich n famous get away with stuff? cos they have best lawyers who no law inside and out. oj simpson for example. murder weapon prove but got away with killing wife? y? cos they searched house before had warrent.
anyways on a lighter note told u start year ya team moving up n wood make euro don, never expected champs league tho. i said ashley was wise and running the club way it needed to or u go bust. manager and chairmen got u debt 3 great group players and euros. i bet u been proper happy with them. pisses all over keegans time there if u ask me
life would be boring if we all thought the same eh. all i'm saying is being nicve to plod is much easier than calling them a cunt. i don't exactly look like a hardened crim but i deffo look dodgy on some days. i've actually stunned several coppers by giving them the queens english instead of the usual here ya fuckin numpty bacon cunt get to fuck. i actually like proving prejudices wrong.

grats on the job front for your lass!

end of the day, your house gets burgled, your car nicked who do you call, it aint fuckin ghost busters is it.

as for les toon and alaine de pardeux, couldn't be happier mate. papisse cisse is going to be a goal machine next season. if we can get him and ba on form together we'll be seeded for champs next year. ...... famous last words...


Well-Known Member
haha i bet u been having some right fun with hate pms i bet that avi gets u hahah.
i bet u go all uni on them dont ya , unexpected educated responses haha blur of info and re-ajust the arguement.
whey mrs got full time job again.
wot the strongest weed known to man chaps? is it a kush? if so which one? guessing it b a yank strain or canadian as they seem leading way last few years
yeah ive had few reactions to the avi....ive been doin this for years, ive been into politics since school and ive always made sure i knew what i was talkin about , as a result none of my mates or anybody in the pub will take me on in an argument, although every now and then sum clown will start spoutin off and i usually just lead them in a certain direction and give them enuff rope, then i slowly tear them to peices....its fuckin amazing tearing a carefully built up belief into shreds and explaining each and every point whilst your doing it....personally i know that all political viewpoints are just bullshit and totally subjective but most people just dont get it just an argumentative cunt.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha im polite as hell police also but i still keep all my rights intact. woodnt ever swear or act the cunt to them but i still stand ground and still stand by if everybody new there rights b alot less peeps in jail or fined out there arse.
alot criminals in this country have restraining orders or harressment cases against police now and that y they get away with shit. i wood love to get raided between grows wen house had no weed in it, trust me i woodnt get raided again no way.
haha i like the toon and i really rate that ben arfa and cabaye, he is the unspoken hero i want him in the red shirt off lfc next year b alonso replacement hahaha


Well-Known Member
Yeah the less i have to do with plod the better, keep a low profile and always have a story if your carrying. I swear the longer i do this the more para i become lol. Mines gotta go about 40 odd miles away and the area is rough as arse holes, i wouldnt wanna live there. Lots more coppers than my way. But like i said to the fella, "last time i do it, you want it you get it". Its not like he aint getting it at a good price.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha im polite as hell police also but i still keep all my rights intact. woodnt ever swear or act the cunt to them but i still stand ground and still stand by if everybody new there rights b alot less peeps in jail or fined out there arse.
alot criminals in this country have restraining orders or harressment cases against police now and that y they get away with shit. i wood love to get raided between grows wen house had no weed in it, trust me i woodnt get raided again no way.
haha i like the toon and i really rate that ben arfa and cabaye, he is the unspoken hero i want him in the red shirt off lfc next year b alonso replacement hahaha
man there's a load of unsung hero's at the toon this season. i slated perch all season didnt think he was good enough then all of a sudden he's making goal line clearances left right an centre, 7 in total this season if memory serves. cabaye and young ryan taylor are going to be hard for a lot of defences to handle next season.


Well-Known Member
no net at mine i changed from bt to sky get tv and net 15quid cheaper a month!

hope all is good i aint gonna be on much over the next month or 2 stay safe people.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
1 more annoying qu before i sod off and do my worshipping to the exo gods, any yous big on the chronic? i loved the original one and had some off a chap who grew it and it was potant as u like, now any yous grown the newer chronics like the supa nove, fruity chron etc etc? any as good or better then the original?


Well-Known Member
will do then cheers.
yeah the bubblegum i got on the go seems really nice. i was thinking of trying the chronic or white russian next time but i got those plants coming. ive asked the boy what the chances are of getting all chronic off him but he didnt label them, he said he'll have a look when thier vegged up a bit to see if he can tell


Well-Known Member
i done chronic a few times think its great and real fast to
ive smoked it a few times and thought it was really nice. i got 5 plants coming in 3 weeks ready to flower but i wont know exactly what they are. thier either chronic ak47 or ak pot of gold. ive been told that pot of gold is shit but ive never tried it myself


Well-Known Member
Just go 12/12 from seed m8. Better yield, better genetics. Bigbomb is a huge yielder and loves 12/12. Im doing BB's DOG 12/12 from seed and I also say its a good idea coz they sure do love their stretch. If u dont mind picking the odd nanner or 2 off them I would defo recommend


Well-Known Member
Just go 12/12 from seed m8. Better yield, better genetics. Bigbomb is a huge yielder and loves 12/12. Im doing BB's DOG 12/12 from seed and I also say its a good idea coz they sure do love their stretch. If u dont mind picking the odd nanner or 2 off them I would defo recommend
its not for me mate its a mate that just wants 1 or 2 plants that he don't have to look after to much because he works away and his girlfriend will be watering them lol


Well-Known Member
12/12 is are getting better but still shitty yields. Cheaper leccy aswel. Honest 12/12 all the way. Bigbomb, AK48, Lemon Haze(not super) all respond well and finish about the same time as autos. The AK48 I done was finshed in 10.5 weeks 12/12