The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
ignore the fuckin idiot hes a snitch plaina nd simple hes now resorted to threatening private messages thinking hes summet hes NOT fuking fag he is wont even meet anyone but talks a big game wat a muppett
Thats what I do lol, keyboard warriors are nothing but fucking annoying. Hows that leg of yours today any better?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
threats ? really? y ? cos he called out for wot he was threatening?
Fuck him and his rambleing u better then that i hope ae grower, stop being his bitch and tell him man up.
so let me get this straight hes so upset by being labeled a grass that hes gunna grass newuser up to police???? so in all fairness he is a grass then???? his own message proves that

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
sambo and me both it seems mdb....

as for manning up, well its all sorted now so i was just letting sambo know that i got my proof, and to apoligise for asking, as i didn`t know him as well as you lot ....

job done, now on with the growing.. girls have put on some weight on the flowers only week 3 but looking good, i`ll stick up pics later....


Active Member
Im just looking through that deepnet network and there is so fucking much on there its unreal. Where has all this been all my life!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i for one bored the cat thing... banned or not y not just move on and use the whole experience to learn from????
trust no1 if u wann b safe. just cos ur paranoid doesnt mean they aint coming for u haha.
where u get that post from ae86?


Well-Known Member


caps lock soz

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
agencys will cover that matey if ya boss is clued up. i wood keep job while get in the cash. get a pro sounding letter from lawyer. that get them thinking
Any good agent will do a credit check on their client, and by the sounds of this women that won't come up very good. No credit, no service.
Even with the credit check she won't have a chance (i will be the 4th member of staff including two managers to leave due to issues with being paid among other things)

She has run the shop into the ground to such an extent that the only way they can afford to employ people for more than 15 hours a week (they can't afford to pay PAYE costs, NI, tax etc, my position is 25 hours, any less and i wouldn't be able to do what would be needed)so in order to hire me i was "made" to become self employed, as such they save money at my expense. I do not get time off, i do not get sick pay, i do not get holliday pay. I do not get ANY of the entitlements that come with being self employed such as control over your job, when you work, where you do the work, whether you get someone else to do the work for you etc etc. She's gonna have a hell of a time finding an agency who will think that it's worth their time, nor will she find someone willing to work for a boss who is screwing them out of pocket.

It is pretty much a foregone conclusion that she is fucked. And if i do feel like it i have two very high end lawyers waiting in the wings and all of the documentation including that of former employees to land them with a minimum of a £50,000 fine from the tax man for tax evasion :D

Did u lose ur licence dura?
I lost mine a good few year ago, disqualified for 18 mnths for dangerous driving.
When it was up I applied for my provisional again to do lessons then go for test, there must have been a mix up or somethin cos they sent me out a full licence and I been drivin on it ever since, had someone check it out and apparently it's ok
I got done for drink driving, when the ban was up i didn't have to do anything at all, just sent them a letter and they sent me my full license. One would think you'd be asked to re-prove that you're a safe and responsible driver :D They really shoulda, nearly crashed into the airport statue/spire thingy racing a random bloke first day back in the car lol.


Well-Known Member
Even with the credit check she won't have a chance (i will be the 4th member of staff including two managers to leave due to issues with being paid among other things)

She has run the shop into the ground to such an extent that the only way they can afford to employ people for more than 15 hours a week (they can't afford to pay PAYE costs, NI, tax etc, my position is 25 hours, any less and i wouldn't be able to do what would be needed)so in order to hire me i was "made" to become self employed, as such they save money at my expense. I do not get time off, i do not get sick pay, i do not get holliday pay. I do not get ANY of the entitlements that come with being self employed such as control over your job, when you work, where you do the work, whether you get someone else to do the work for you etc etc. She's gonna have a hell of a time finding an agency who will think that it's worth their time, nor will she find someone willing to work for a boss who is screwing them out of pocket.

It is pretty much a foregone conclusion that she is fucked. And if i do feel like it i have two very high end lawyers waiting in the wings and all of the documentation including that of former employees to land them with a minimum of a £50,000 fine from the tax man for tax evasion :D

I got done for drink driving, when the ban was up i didn't have to do anything at all, just sent them a letter and they sent me my full license. One would think you'd be asked to re-prove that you're a safe and responsible driver :D They really shoulda, nearly crashed into the airport statue/spire thingy racing a random bloke first day back in the car lol.
shit TTT u need to kick her in the cunt mate


Well-Known Member
if your banned for 18 months does it mean 18 x 4weeks or 18 full months? and how can you find out when your ban date is due? can you just phone them?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Driving bans are calendar months so far as i am aware else you'd be banned for a number of weeks. Months are based on dates not days.


Well-Known Member
if your banned for 18 months does it mean 18 x 4weeks or 18 full months? and how can you find out when your ban date is due? can you just phone them?
u can appeal after half the time to get it bak but u may have to do a test type thing to proove ur drivings improved NOT a propper test just a court appointed one,,,ive never done one i just heard of this in jail sumtime mate so chek up on it with ur solicitior

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
So far as i'm aware the reason behind appealing a driving ban is that the banned driver deems the ban too severe, such as their income depends on being able to drive, or that they had pleaded guilty in hope of a lighter sentence etc. something tells me that the details of Dura's crash and arrest will not really qualify him to get a lighter sentence :D

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
and i asked you for proof sambo, tut tut tut, sorry mate..... following is from the cat..

Your Irish mates told me you have given them my phone number. Thats a really bad move as i know your address and i will make sure you have a visit from the police.

Very bad mistake buddy.

posted it earlier too sambo, i wasn`t makeing threats either, but was threatened like you were, hence the mail i sent you, that also has an apoligy on it.