The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'd be tempted by an oz of south african for £80 odd, but since i've started growing, like fuck i'll spend £200 odd on an ounce o weed. Absolute fucking joke. I can buy a dirt bike or a car for that money, hmm, dirt bike that will last years or ounce of weed that will last a couple of weeks. Doesn't seem like much of a decision to me.


Well-Known Member
Naw I'll not be buying any weed either, fuck that, but I'm definitely goina try a fair bit of the hash on ther, stuff u can't get normally

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Aye, the paki and charas and such certainly semed intersting, and while i've never paid for solid before so don't know what it's worth, £15 a g doesn't seem toooo bad considering that you'd need like 1/4 an ounce of weed to make up that much solid. as i say, maybe for a rainy day :)

Weed is just one of those things, however much i love it i can easily just kick it and not need it for a few months. Had a couple of joints last friday, other than that i've not smoked in a few months and it really doesn't bother me, makes me aware how little it really has to do with my life. It saved me from my suicidal depressionn, but it saved me and that is all in the past :) Won't say no if i'm offered, and if i'm offered i might a well do it right, and it suddenly get's expensive :D

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
u c i not had alot hashess i think better then class a weed. alot the so called top hash comes from 3rd world countrys where it grown wild and the plants r scraggly and not well keey. i mean its mountains off hash plants so the thc on them ent gunna match the thc on well keep ,feed and maintained plants but thats just my view? i off course talk alot off shit as we all no


Well-Known Member
well ive had an unusually productive couple of days, kinda strange for me, amazing just what i can get done when im sober. managed to complete and hand in my last uni essay on monday as well as attend the lecture, then filled in my application for my student loan, went and stayed with my bird for 2days so i got to spend sum time with the kids, screwed the mrs a couple of times, so thats all the family stuff sorted and she's in a good mood. went into town and spent about 150 notes on grow stuff so im sorted with almost everything im gonna need for the next few months( need a new carbon can though, they had just run out). Bought the mrs a new bed coz the old one was fucked, so shes even happier, got home did all the housework and then did all my work in the grow room, new acoustic ducting up and re-positioned the extractor so the noise has dropped, fed my 3 plants and scrubbed out the chamber. took 8 or 9 cuttings and set them all in my new prop....and sold a shit load of solid and brought in a few quid, so i can pay my guy about half what i owe him. is quite chuffed with ones-self. tomorrow i'll box the ducting in and then go and discuss my forth-coming grow project with the joiner who's gonna floor the loft and check out what electrics i'm gonna have to run.. happy chappy........bloody weird feeling being this organised.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
u c i not had alot hashess i think better then class a weed. alot the so called top hash comes from 3rd world countrys where it grown wild and the plants r scraggly and not well keey. i mean its mountains off hash plants so the thc on them ent gunna match the thc on well keep ,feed and maintained plants but thats just my view? i off course talk alot off shit as we all no
Nah, i agree and am the same, they're looking for £30 odd quid for 3.5g of weed, i'd rather spend my money on either fancy hashes or genuinely fancy weeds. As you say, it's all very well being able to grow A B or C, but to be able to smoke A B or C when they are supposedly from actual mou/ntains and such, that does interest me :) I don't imagine for a seond that my X grown ina cupboard would compare to X grown in it's breeding grounds :)

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
wanna laugh ? another thing puts me off the hashess is some it hand picked then they rub the thc off end day and that the special expensive stuff.
now these 3rd world countrys where disease is big. do i really wanna b smoking something that been on some1s hands who has a chance having some contagous illness??? no i will pass on that. show me it clean n i b on it. id have dutch hash but hand made hash from idia or pakistani na keep it ta

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
well ive had an unusually productive couple of days, kinda strange for me, amazing just what i can get done when im sober. managed to complete and hand in my last uni essay on monday as well as attend the lecture, then filled in my application for my student loan, went and stayed with my bird for 2days so i got to spend sum time with the kids, screwed the mrs a couple of times, so thats all the family stuff sorted and she's in a good mood. went into town and spent about 150 notes on grow stuff so im sorted with almost everything im gonna need for the next few months( need a new carbon can though, they had just run out). Bought the mrs a new bed coz the old one was fucked, so shes even happier, got home did all the housework and then did all my work in the grow room, new acoustic ducting up and re-positioned the extractor so the noise has dropped, fed my 3 plants and scrubbed out the chamber. took 8 or 9 cuttings and set them all in my new prop....and sold a shit load of solid and brought in a few quid, so i can pay my guy about half what i owe him. is quite chuffed with ones-self. tomorrow i'll box the ducting in and then go and discuss my forth-coming grow project with the joiner who's gonna floor the loft and check out what electrics i'm gonna have to run.. happy chappy........bloody weird feeling being this organised.
sounds like u been dura cell bunny today , busy busy busy


Well-Known Member
hmm, is it just me or does this whole forum literally just wake up and start sucking on subcools dick? I can't understand it, from what i've grown, his gear is average at best, and that was without any of the well known hermie issues.
What strains of his have you grown?


Well-Known Member
well ive had an unusually productive couple of days, kinda strange for me, amazing just what i can get done when im sober. managed to complete and hand in my last uni essay on monday as well as attend the lecture, then filled in my application for my student loan, went and stayed with my bird for 2days so i got to spend sum time with the kids, screwed the mrs a couple of times, so thats all the family stuff sorted and she's in a good mood. went into town and spent about 150 notes on grow stuff so im sorted with almost everything im gonna need for the next few months( need a new carbon can though, they had just run out). Bought the mrs a new bed coz the old one was fucked, so shes even happier, got home did all the housework and then did all my work in the grow room, new acoustic ducting up and re-positioned the extractor so the noise has dropped, fed my 3 plants and scrubbed out the chamber. took 8 or 9 cuttings and set them all in my new prop....and sold a shit load of solid and brought in a few quid, so i can pay my guy about half what i owe him. is quite chuffed with ones-self. tomorrow i'll box the ducting in and then go and discuss my forth-coming grow project with the joiner who's gonna floor the loft and check out what electrics i'm gonna have to run.. happy chappy........bloody weird feeling being this organised.
Care to elaborate?


Well-Known Member
1 nil chelsea come on you southern fairys lol now thats somethin you ll not c from me everyday haha wots happenin lads hooe all is sweet in the gardens not long finished feedin the beasts as mdb would say lmfao i smell like a nice jar of cheese haha
ttt the bsbxbr is producin well lad im quite surprised tbh nice and colourfull 2 how long does bsb usually run? !! You know ill be that half oz over again for the beans lad ill be popin em every run till there gone so i reckon they ll be lastin afew yrs lmfao

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
u no i nearly put a ton on munich winning start year as final in munich. how its starting to like likely now. wonder wot the odds was now?


Well-Known Member
Care to elaborate?
the fan was hanging up with bungee cord from a horizontal pole but it was close to a door so i moved it into a corner of the chamber onto a shelf and then put sum boxes around it to muffle the sound, just a small temporary job but tomorrow when i box the ducting in im gonna box the fan in as well but cram the space around it with loft insulation. it all just small changes but i'm hoping they will amount to almost silence from the grow room.


Active Member
Im surprised drogba was there to tap it in, he has spent 43 minutes rolling round on the floor the faggit! Barca will smash them at the nou camp and chelsea are lucky its not 2-1 to barca already