The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Wow! You guys really don't like Americans at all do you? I knew we weren't liked very much by most of the planet but the UK too???? Well, I would like to apologize to you for whatever "wrongs" you feel we're responsible for.
i kinda would ve like the germans to win, they make better cars and have legal brothels..
the germans did win, the winners always write the history books and siemens is a company that was helping the nazi's probably why it has an s at the beginning and end, nothing like a joke at the people...


Well-Known Member
its a fucking joke get sum mod powers on a website and goes mad lol i heard u was ok?

eithereway just relised im out of baki and just made me last spliff so gunna takke sum zimmers and GOODNIGHT!



mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
na just bit banter matey. thick skin needed here haha. but the history part all true tho.
plus you have meg fox ,cam diaz,jes alba b hard hate the whole race haha


Well-Known Member
Wow! You guys really don't like Americans at all do you? I knew we weren't liked very much by most of the planet but the UK too???? Well, I would like to apologize to you for whatever "wrongs" you feel we're responsible for.
YOU see thats why our thread dont get modded u dont undertsand its all love really
ohhhh yank you might be called hank, either way your a fucking plank go have a wank or get hit by a tank cause being rank is what your known for skank
oh yank oh yank oh yank maybe thats why it rhymes with wank


Well-Known Member
Wow! You guys really don't like Americans at all do you? I knew we weren't liked very much by most of the planet but the UK too???? Well, I would like to apologize to you for whatever "wrongs" you feel we're responsible for.
its not all yanks , there are sum good and funny guys, ive met a few in here. but theres a massive difference between the way we communicate and the attitude that seems to come out the US where they just bull doze every one outta the way coz they dont agree with the american ideal is terrible, its just plain arrogance, and very badly educated arrogance at that. the world does NOT need america to act as its daddy, we all manged quite well for centuries without it. thats whta annoys everybody else in the world...and your sports are totally shit.


Well-Known Member
YOU see thats why our thread dont get modded u dont undertsand its all love really
I'm just fucking with you guys! lol! I worked with plenty of Brits and the like when I was in the military. My liver now functions at 1/3 capacity as a result! Hahahaha!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
its not all yanks , there are sum good and funny guys, ive met a few in here. but theres a massive difference between the way we communicate and the attitude that seems to come out the US where they just bull doze every one outta the way coz they dont agree with the american ideal is terrible, its just plain arrogance, and very badly educated arrogance at that. the world does NOT need america to act as its daddy, we all manged quite well for centuries without it. thats whta annoys everybody else in the world...and your sports are totally shit.
I agree with you on the arrogance thing. It drives me nuts too! I SINCERELY wish we would stop acting like the world's "daddy"........and I totally agree with you on the sports thing (with the exception of American football! lol!).