The UK Growers Thread!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
thats the one, but whats the benifit of the bending of the plant stalks?
canopy management and helps stop plants gettin close to light.
the sqeezing is to weaken the middle plant branch so it bends without breaking. as the side still holding stem together. few days later it grows again n grows a thick knuckle join which plants does natural like, repair work so the bend isnt as week. takes while get it tho

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
this could help me bigtime...

growing with big cfl`s issame as small ones there still right on the plants, trouble is within a couple of hours if the tops haven`t grow into a bulb some fan leaves will so i might give it a go on one plant to practice...

can you do it in flower? just i`m flipping in a few days so don`t want to put them under too much stress?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i do believe so but i woodnt on 1st few times. i wood myself practise on vegging plants till its easy n no damage.
mabe do lst (tieing them down or out way) a lil if unsure n break branchs supercropping


Well-Known Member
Lst them m8 tie all the tops level n u should b fine. A wouldnt recommend SC without a bit of practice thats jst me though lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i spoke some 1 other day who supercropped there gals think was cheds in his thread. he b a good un ask wen he on here
yeh n wot scotia said in his couple posts spot on
how u doing scotia? livers smoking r we?


Well-Known Member
A supercropped ma psychosis mother its the last oic in ma thread uploaded today not sure if u'l c it.

A will say tho as long as u dnt completely break the branch you should b fine ;-)

Am smokin some chronic ma m8 grew lol,psycho finished :-( al tell u though it dnt taste like any chronic av grew or.smoked lol. How's u matey? U got puff?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeh no name to it haha but it is nice smoke.
i do like me chronic its a nice one.
hasnt that pic got lst on it also? think me eyes ent seeing straight at present
just looked yeah she looks nice man.


Well-Known Member
Tied the main stem dwn after first week of veg,then supercropped the tallest branches back to canopy level...

Aye the chronics nice if it is chronic lol.. Cant wait till av got ma own stuff 6wks+ to go :-( its miles better than the crap around here

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
defo need add chronic seed to the collection i feel. at some point.
6 weeks will fly by matey. i prob got 10 - 14 weeks depends how long i veg n how many fems i will have.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so i just had a go on one girl, and by jove i think i got it....

just bent the fan leaf stem until it bent over and hey pesto it worked so tried another and so on until i had one girl done, will do another tomorrow and give them another few days in veg to make up for it...

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
if not bent proper by the morning will b back to where it was. just a heads up haha.
check in morning n see if held postion n if so u on a winner fella haha


Well-Known Member
defo need add chronic seed to the collection i feel. at some point.
6 weeks will fly by matey. i prob got 10 - 14 weeks depends how long i veg n how many fems i will have.
A hope it does mate. Got to go in for an op on ma foot now gettin referred to consultant bone man cant remember his title lol. Had a look on internet at rhe procedures that were mentioned n looks like al b 12 wks in cast then a yrs worth of swelling n physio n shit :-(

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah but if u put it off and have later on in life it will take longer to recover. best get it done eh.
get plenty smoke in for the recovery. start storing it haha.


Well-Known Member
Fuck knows mate dnt think a fancy gettin bones fused together n shit. What if goes wrong? The usual u can find more horror stories than anythin on goole lol. Will need to get dne though. Mrs to go in for op as well cos of her scan results :-(

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah i saw u saying that in ya thread. hope mrs b ok fella.
on your op u saying wot if something goes wrong but wot better place then a hospital? i mean if u got weak heart or bad lungs then best u find out wen u in op then asleep one day stoned or had few beers at home n miles away hospital? they pros they no wot they doing.
i wouldnt fancy it at all fella but if it helps n stops the pains u get n helps the artritis then can only b good n benifit u also wen u older.


Well-Known Member
Should google foot bone fusion n read some of the stuff it defo puts you off m8 wish a hadnt bothered lol.. Fuck it al b gettin ma cupboards full befre it anyway lol

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
story chedz...

i gave supercropping a go, i think its right, i`ll check them in the morning to see if there still bent, you have done a bit, any tips?

what exactly happens to make it yeild more?