The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I've been a good lad since new year. only one slip up on the marching pooda. but not the full blown wreck i usually get. missus is happier at least. i on the other hand could murder a Szechuan. at least i've packed the tabs in. week an a half today. not been the easiest to get along with as you can imagine.


Well-Known Member
Aye it was a good game. I was pretty rubbered last night. Someone is coming to see me. They have got a load of macbooks for £150, apparently retail at 700 bar.


Well-Known Member
I've been a good lad since new year. only one slip up on the marching pooda. but not the full blown wreck i usually get. missus is happier at least. i on the other hand could murder a Szechuan. at least i've packed the tabs in. week an a half today. not been the easiest to get along with as you can imagine.
I love smoking. Fuck quitting. I love sniffing. Fuck quitting. I love eating. Fuck quitting. I love drinking. Fuck quitting...........the list is endless. Your a long time dead


Well-Known Member
Wits happening Dura. U getting on it tonight. I am
nah, not the nite. the bird wants tae go tae the big smoke the morra so ahve gotta watch the pennies also it'll mean ahm no draggin a hangover round Glasgow wae me. jist for a quiet yin ah think.....famous last words fae me.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
im a fat fucker with a borderline drink problem. i was just trying to feel good bout giving up the tabs. got me thinking bout a cheeky g now though.


Well-Known Member
morning ukers!!!! just had a chuckle watching kevin and perry LOL awsome movie, nurse just been round and a big fuk off chunk of flesh fell of me fooot? eww naystey

sent them 20 to my pals to get em in prop last nite this morning the all stood up,,,well i was told ther sum cushty gentics ther

texted that moron who's been messin g me with the clones telling him to forget about em im going in a diffrent direction fromnow reply wat a fag ffs lol

how is everyone this GLORIOUS morning

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you are funny Donald!!!;)

edit, they flyers arrived btw. looks dandy!
sweeet as me nuts fella, cant wait to see one in the flesh. i printed one at graft but it wasn't much cop on normal paper. think i'll sneak a stack of the gaffers photo paper n have a gan.

TFI FRIDAY pubward bound


Well-Known Member
yer just a bunch of pissheds innit!!! hahaha makes me think why dont i drink? thr muct be summet good about it iwth you lot raving on about it all the time,,u lot single men or what? i know my missus wouldnt let me go out alone pubbing it


Well-Known Member
I'm still up for it just got to find possible dates and locations UK or Dam i'm there
haha i camnt even get out the house.......all round mine then yeh! haha,,wait til summer tho il gtthe pool built in the agrden we can have a big gay riu partaaay


Well-Known Member
I woke up with a boner this morning and since the missus, is out of town I wasn't quite sure what to do with the damn thing. I could tell it was going to hang around for awhile so I figured I'd put it to use. Here's a few ideas I came up with...

First, I took an old wooden tv tray, the kind you use for breakfast in bed, and placed a checker board on it. Then I positioned the board between myself and the erect penis. See where I'm going with this? Me and the penis are playing checkers! I wanted to make him look more like an opponent so I painted some eyes on him and fashioned a crude sombrero out of cardboard and placed it on his head. He almost passed as a swarthy little Mexican dude, staring across the board at me, waiting for me to make my move. We played for awhile and I beat him three games out of four.

Next was our deep sea adventure. I took an old fish aquarium I had and painted some fish on the side. I also threw in a few octopi, just for flair. Then I dressed the erect penis as a deep-sea diver, and by turning the tank upside down and moving it back and forth, I created the illusion of a deep sea diver investigating the mysteries of the oceans floor.

Eventually the excitement became too much for the poor erect penis, and it curled down to take a nap.

I'm already formulating plans for the next erect penis adventures.


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