The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
would hazard a guess at a old member/ current member with a second account on the windup n bored, still gave me something to read this morning so carnt complain.


Well-Known Member
yes sunny but cold ;-)
wheres all this sun comin from and how come i dont get any --------> ( because your 2 miles under a big city in the uk, in a top secret testing facility trying to create radioactive super bud men ) <------- now back to work!


Well-Known Member
That's because i'm not Grif you been taking the wrong pills again?
same avvy mate
nope been keeping them pills regimented went of me nuts a bit bak

and yeh sambo most definately a EX/CURRANT member fucking around


Well-Known Member
il get the flab out when u get the pics of 8x600watts or whatever bullshit was being spoke last night, ladies i give you rollajoint an old member from wales, maybe u and 3eyes could make some little valley people together lol
I've made 4 not sure if i could cope with any more lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
how do uk. we playing nice today? haha
2nd day no smoking for me so bin gym all morning am fecked.
massive fry up on the go now so i dont feel to healthy.