The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
you must download superuser from android market the one i linked you too then when installed set to superuser permissions and then il show you how rto install aptoid wer u get the free apps
ive installed it opened it, how do i set to superuser permissions?


Well-Known Member

download it to your phone and install it from the files folder or werever it installs OR download to pc andput on sd card and install from t her

and what does it say when u have opened it and in options?

its much easier wen i got the phone in me hand lol iphones are much easier
Once ive opened it it just says no apps like i said then when i press the option button

you get,

go elite
clear log

click on preferences you get

Automatic response which is set to prompt......or you can have deny or allow
then you got some other stuff then,
enable loggin(permission creation an access will be logged) which is ticked
then further down it says
Nortifications(show nortification when app is granted Su permiss) which is ticked
then some other bollox that int important

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Fucks sake. Just got roped into a roast chicken dinner with my flatmate and his girlfriend tonight. can't complain about free roast chicken, but i had group meals, i like to ram my food in my mouth and then sit down and stick some music on, i'm not a talker, so i generally hate being forced to sit around for an hour odd with nothing to do but be polite and chat.


Well-Known Member
yes do that ther all repositories wer free apps are stored
look for a add button when its finsihed doing whatever its doin
done that mate now what nothins seems to have happended lol

sorry for this lads blockin up the uker with this shit will just be fuckin glad when its done think im gunna have to have a kip after my heads gunna explode lol


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Dont no what you mean mate lol an there in foriegn?,
when i go to that aptiode on my phone now its installed, it come up but where its says,


theres none available, an what the fuck just happened to that other thing that bazaarandriod?


Well-Known Member
How do you get that bazaar on ya phone the website on me comp works theres all the apps, i just wanna be able to go on my phone see a app an get it for free