The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Lol. how're the nutes going? I need to buy some new aqua flores so if coco works for hydro zing :D hydro certainly seems to work for coco. Busy filling up my 100l res with aqua flores and thought sod it, they're in there now. All good :D

haha well if you got your arse in my thread every now and again you would know how the nutes are working :P lmao
they seem to work fine mate , i had half a bottle left and the guy in the growshop told me to save my money and continue using the coco nutes , he said the only problem i might get is a N def (recirculating nutes have higher N values apparently for some strange reason) but if i topped up the res every 3 days he said it wouldnt be a problem ... well it hasnt caused a prob , as soon as it runs out ill be buying some canna aqua :)


Active Member
google aint gonna find ya what ya looking for lol its there tho................
ah that would make sense. I went with a different type of Mom. My mate in London is putting some white berry kush in the post to me.
Told the fucker to wrap that shit up tightly!


Well-Known Member
im alrite m8 running low on booze n drugs so could be better but such is life lol

why u so busy?
80 litres throught 30x cheese plants hand waterin after a full dayz grafz bro is no easy task wen i only use 1x6 litre waterin can lol no drink or drugs shit bro some cunts gonna b a grumpy fuck!!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
easy fellas. popped few seeds other week. 3wk i think but anyways they look nice but one a male i think. defo early signs balls growing infact two or more each internode. now wen i noticed this i popped one and am worried as i have four girls at 4wk flower i think in same space. male gone now but will i b getting seeds now as only popped one sack and it was very early growth and very small sac. was in same room as bigger ladies wen i accidently popped it

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Anytime i go into someones thread or most threads all i tend t do is scroll for pictures :p

This has been making my evening, over and over, the laugh alone makes it :D


Well-Known Member
All water has trace elements in, so when you EC your water it will have a certain PPM (Parts per million in it)

Water conducts current and EC is the measure of this, and the particles in the water (be they added with nutes, or present in the tap water) will provide an indication of PPM through the EC reading.

Personally I have never EC'd anything, or PH'd anything in years so I can't really go into too much detail other than that. lol..

still dont get why its useful to use an ec it just for peeps who cant be bothered to measure out their nutes? or really just for hydro? i being dense


Active Member
ah that would make sense. I went with a different type of Mom. My mate in London is putting some white berry kush in the post to me.
Told the fucker to wrap that shit up tightly!
Is he looking for new mates? :D Shit man, I have a freakin sister in London and she never mails me anything :(


Active Member
I've just realized that if I look out the window from where I'm sitting now, there is not one single sign of post-medieval-times human existence. Seriously. There's an ancient crumbling wall at the bottom of the garden and then just... hills and stuff. I think that in a different frame of mind, this would be a totally cool place to sit and smoke. The night I moved in, I sat in the same place with night-vision goggles (I'm serious), smoked some really nice stuff etc., and then freaked out at my own reflection in the window (I looked like some seriously scary green pervert-slash-alien). Ah, happy days....


Active Member
Yeah well at least the neighbours have kept away since the Neighbourhood Matriarch came by a couple of weeks ago to welcome me to the neighbourhood. I was lurking in the garden with my NVG, wearing a black hoodie incidentally.


Well-Known Member
ok so im high and it already sounds stupid to me but im gonna ask anyways lol anyone ever tried feeding a plant coca cola ? , i know people use like sugar or syrup n strange shit sometimes and was just thinking coke is just syrup n soda. :/


Well-Known Member
ok so im high and it already sounds stupid to me but im gonna ask anyways lol anyone ever tried feeding a plant coca cola ? , i know people use like sugar or syrup n strange shit sometimes and was just thinking coke is just syrup n soda. :/
that aint stupid every1 does it, i even take me best looking plant for a curry on friday nights.............


Well-Known Member
hahah be cheaper than taking a women out aye :P
ya aint wrong specially with the amount my missus eats lol

coke aint gonna be good for ya plants otb, put the bong down and give yaself a verbal slap lol

i have seen on riu tho people snipping a bud with a good length of stem and then putting that in jar with coloured water, the bud does absorb it and change to whatever colour ya water was but spose to riun the taste totally, still looked pretty cool tho.