The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
hey guys hows evey1 doing? frankjob sorry to hear bout the old bill coming a knocking mate just sucks when there's so many real crimes and criminals they could be investing their time and money in

Hey Dragon...

They pick on easy busts, if they have to chase down the real criminals it means they gotta do summat, lil bit of herbage and they think the protectin us.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Hey Dragon...

They pick on easy busts, if they have to chase down the real criminals it means they gotta do summat, lil bit of herbage and they think the protectin us.
sad but true mate talking about the herb think it's time i got go rolling 1:bigjoint:


Active Member
hey smart how's it going mate did you get that message reply?

Hey dragon... no message replys, n roll us 1, got non in and not gonna be having any in for a while now... not till i harvest anyway lol... money is tighter than a ducks fuckin ass

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Hey dragon... no message replys, n roll us 1, got non in and not gonna be having any in for a while now... not till i harvest anyway lol... money is tighter than a ducks fuckin ass
i know the feeling mate times are definately getting harder i had some good luck i borrowed a mate some money about a year back he paid it back in a couple of months and said any free weed he gets as he's going he'll send down for me fri eve he turned up with a few ounces of grade for me for free


Active Member
i know the feeling mate times are definately getting harder i had some good luck i borrowed a mate some money about a year back he paid it back in a couple of months and said any free weed he gets as he's going he'll send down for me fri eve he turned up with a few ounces of grade for me for free
Sweet... Send him my way lol...
Had to pay £10 for copy bank statements so i can hopefully get some cash from the "access to learning" people, gotta wait a week b4 i get them though, then how ever long it takes to get accepted, then hopefully will have some spare cash, then its pay all my debts of, they are a mountin... on reflection, shouldnt of started my grow till i was flush... stoner mentality though, never works lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well just don't get into a situation where you can't pay yer bills halfway through ;)

and you better grow some truly respectable dank with my taxes ya hear!


Active Member
well just don't get into a situation where you can't pay yer bills halfway through ;)

and you better grow some truly respectable dank with my taxes ya hear!

well thats the plan... work has gone tits up since i started my grow, should of been able to pay all my debts of this months pay, but that aint gonna happen now, just have to pay lil bits off, keep em sweet lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Sweet... Send him my way lol...
Had to pay £10 for copy bank statements so i can hopefully get some cash from the "access to learning" people, gotta wait a week b4 i get them though, then how ever long it takes to get accepted, then hopefully will have some spare cash, then its pay all my debts of, they are a mountin... on reflection, shouldnt of started my grow till i was flush... stoner mentality though, never works lol
same situation yer mate with money sucks at the mo, and stoner mentallity gets the ball rolling it worked for me even though things are tight at the mo if you waited for the ideal time you could be waiting forever or that could just be me, i feel stoned already


Active Member
same situation yer mate with money sucks at the mo, and stoner mentallity gets the ball rolling it worked for me even though things are tight at the mo if you waited for the ideal time you could be waiting forever or that could just be me, i feel stoned already

True true... still gonna get my HPS and Filter in the next 3 week mind, i've started so i'll finish lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
True true... still gonna get my HPS and Filter in the next 3 week mind, i've started so i'll finish lol
don,t blame you mate got to soldier on lol i was just looking back when you asked about cheap nutes my bc from the start to 2nd wk of flower cost me £1.75 cheap miracle grow from no frills (cheap b&q store) £2 a bottle npk is 6 1.7 5 the labels says for azalea, camellia & rhododendron my plants loved it i got another 4 bottles waiting to go and just swap to the bio bizz for the flower cycle


Active Member
don,t blame you mate got to soldier on lol i was just looking back when you asked about cheap nutes my bc from the start to 2nd wk of flower cost me £1.75 cheap miracle grow from no frills (cheap b&q store) £2 a bottle npk is 6 1.7 5 the labels says for azalea, camellia & rhododendron my plants loved it i got another 4 bottles waiting to go and just swap to the bio bizz for the flower cycle

Bargain... n thats what im after at the min, might have a mosey down to BnQ tomorrow n see what they have, i'll have a look at the stuff i was gonna get, write down ingredients n all that stuff n see if they have same sort but nice n cheap.
Then i just need £180 for 400 hps fan n carbon filter, them im ready for the flowering stage... bring it on.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
watching britains secret farms (the new 2010 one). they have some "you cunt" interviews and they also put out some very valid points etc, worth a watch. the police even admit that they have no formal limit on what consitutes personal (menaing a fine and community service) and supply (upto 14 years) so if you get caught, spin your words into persoanl. i know if i'm questioned on the quantity of plants, well figure it out douche, it takes say 3-4 months a plant, i grow a few excess just in case :)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
watching britains secret farms (the new 2010 one). they have some "you cunt" interviews and they also put out some very valid points etc, worth a watch. the police even admit that they have no formal limit on what consitutes personal (menaing a fine and community service) and supply (upto 14 years) so if you get caught, spin your words into persoanl. i know if i'm questioned on the quantity of plants, well figure it out douche, it takes say 3-4 months a plant, i grow a few excess just in case :)
what channel's that on mate?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
fucking respect, i'm currently watching one of my growers other half justifying his plants on bbc television. +rep to him, he's saying ALLLLL the right stuff, sprayed, glass, gangs, dodgy street corners blah blah. repexct!

edit: haha he convinced the judge 300 plants was personal use :lol: (he was breeding)