The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Sounds like some fun days :D Mine was ok, couple of quiches, few tins of chilli and corriander fish cakes.

MW3 looks utter shite imo, they've not even tried, it's pretty much the same game with some tweaks. It' just another generic game released for christmas to pull in some cash. Seems that companies tend to do this a lot these days, roll out many average games instead of putting some time into a handful of killer games. Who did MW3, unless it was infinity ward then i have zero hope for it being worth buying :p

New veg cabinet of sort. Bigger, more!

As o today all branches are just growing upwards, so they can be scrogged into the next screen. All depends on timing.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Oh god, i am NOT fan of tryarcs efforts to date. I'll give it a pass.

I've not bought bf3 yet, i'm playing a pirate copy of single player just to see if my computer will handle it, hell yes, computer that costs less than a ps3 and it's kit, and runs bf3 at high settings :) score! The single player can be pretty intense and you can die real quick, but well, it's a load of wank really, one of those games where you run to a checkpoint and cut scenes and pre-programed AI interaction takes over, seems way too linear as a result.

BF2 is probably one of my fav games of all time but they really cocked up all the audio and weapon animations, that near ruined it for me. I'm generally more a single player gamer than a multiplayer one, unless co-op is available :D


RIU Bulldog
i dont get this ... cannabis is illegal in UK so how can we have UK medical patients !!??!
Idk why tell you the truth. I pushed for it's own room cause I think there's enough members from the UK to justify it. He probably didn't want to have to make a new room for every country represented her (ie Canada, Ireland, Scotland, Australia etc...) but idk for sure. The girls are made he didn't make a women's forum too :lol:


New Member
What is the name of that strain that grows on top on the hill somewhere in New Zealand and produces alot of buds and is an indica????


Well-Known Member

i said highly doubt not never :P lol
dont feel it justified its own thread though .. but then again im a nobody and my opinion is meaning less :D lol ... i might have to lurk over there and see who i can wind up ...
wonder how long that "uk" thread takes before it gets invaded by plonkers and foreigners !! pmsl ;)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Oh, i was just playing devils advocate. I'm the same as you, really isn't a need for it really. And especially as you say in the medical section, no UK folk are gonna be wandering on here and think to look to the medical section for a UK forum :D

They'll do as they do :D