The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
hey sambo how's it going mate? how are your plants looking mate has the magic started to happen yet?
nar dragon they only been on 12/12 for 3 days am getting another 600hps on monday, then im gonna use my 250hps just for sidelighting so there will be 1450watts of hps for 9 plants, am hoping for a good yield.

a friend chopped 4 down last week will be dry monday, looks like about 20+ oz there and they were from the same mother but grown with half the amount of light i got and they werent vegged aslong as mine, so fingers crossed ill get a better yeild than that n ill be well happy.

what nutes are ya using on the Blue cheese dragon?


Well-Known Member
anyone else get the munchies really bad??? i no most people get the munchies when stoned but i take it to the extreme i just carnt stop eating if im really stoned i will eat until i feel fucking sick lol and if i go bed really stroned alot of the time ill wake up in the night for a munch!

Im pretty fat as it is but these munchies are so bad ive seriously thought bout stopping smoking more than once b4 i need a gastric bypass or somethin lol im writing this as i munch into a cheese roll n a bag of doritos what a loser lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
wish i could stay in me duvet i tell ya haha.

the crooks that spray weed with silica and sand etchant n whatever want kicked square in the nuts. imo money hungry b@stards. that crack with iron filings was just bonkers. i mean how much weight can you possibly add!?
Havent got a clue where tower hamlets is so cant answer lol? :S

Don Gin, the idea is not to buy that and avoid if you know whats in it just turn it down id rather go cold turkey than smoke that shit!


Well-Known Member
wish i could stay in me duvet i tell ya haha.

the crooks that spray weed with silica and sand etchant n whatever want kicked square in the nuts. imo money hungry b@stards. that crack with iron filings was just bonkers. i mean how much weight can you possibly add!?
i would like to no who sprays it? is it done in the uk? seems to me that the spray came around the same time as the vietmanese gangs setting up factorys everywhere?

but its like the soapbar if people continue to buy it people will sell it!

and ive seen alot of spray don going back threw the last 6-7yrs and it adds ALOT of weight same size small buds were weighing like a 1gram more when sprayed.

Ive also seen really nice looking smellin weed thats been sprayed that pisses me off even more when they spray decent weed.


Well-Known Member
Havent got a clue where tower hamlets is so cant answer lol? :S

Don Gin, the idea is not to buy that and avoid if you know whats in it just turn it down id rather go cold turkey than smoke that shit!
its just an area of east london m8 that they should rename Dhaka!

infact some parts of east london have been renamed like brick lane is now nown as Banglatown and thats no joke!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Don Gin, the idea is not to buy that and avoid if you know whats in it just turn it down id rather go cold turkey than smoke that shit!
believe me i know, ive sent back 9's of it before. folks are wise now you cant shift sprayed weed anywhere near as fast as shit unsprayed wet chink weed. but when the wells dry folks will buy whatever there is
i would like to no who sprays it? is it done in the uk? seems to me that the spray came around the same time as the vietmanese gangs setting up factorys everywhere?
id heard it was a gang a couple years back that had links from wales to liverpool and then up to glasgow, hence it popping up country wide. wasnt even the vietnamese
but its like the soapbar if people continue to buy it people will sell it!

and ive seen alot of spray don going back threw the last 6-7yrs and it adds ALOT of weight same size small buds were weighing like a 1gram more when sprayed.
it must add a good amount or they wouldnt bother well maybe the shady bastards would actually.
Ive also seen really nice looking smellin weed thats been sprayed that pisses me off even more when they spray decent weed.
aye high grade commands a high price but spraying good gear is just fucking criminal.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
anyone else get the munchies really bad??? i no most people get the munchies when stoned but i take it to the extreme i just carnt stop eating if im really stoned i will eat until i feel fucking sick lol and if i go bed really stroned alot of the time ill wake up in the night for a munch!

Im pretty fat as it is but these munchies are so bad ive seriously thought bout stopping smoking more than once b4 i need a gastric bypass or somethin lol im writing this as i munch into a cheese roll n a bag of doritos what a loser lol
i sometimes get the munchies, but when i'm smoking i normally have to SERIOUSLY persuade myself to eat some food. i try and maintain a high intake, but i fail, typically my day will comprise of a sausage roll/pasty at 3pm at work and then maybe a packet of crisps before bed :S

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
nar dragon they only been on 12/12 for 3 days am getting another 600hps on monday, then im gonna use my 250hps just for sidelighting so there will be 1450watts of hps for 9 plants, am hoping for a good yield.

a friend chopped 4 down last week will be dry monday, looks like about 20+ oz there and they were from the same mother but grown with half the amount of light i got and they werent vegged aslong as mine, so fingers crossed ill get a better yeild than that n ill be well happy.

what nutes are ya using on the Blue cheese dragon?
the bio-bizz nutes mate grow,bloom and topmax i started them off on a cheap mg and swapped over when they went in to flower

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
sambo fingers crossed for you mate it would be nice to finish your trees off with a bumper crop and the extra light can only help

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
oh yeah did i mention all my chronic come good i'm chuffed to bits i,ve had a shitty wk i needed a bit of cheering up

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i sometimes get the munchies, but when i'm smoking i normally have to SERIOUSLY persuade myself to eat some food. i try and maintain a high intake, but i fail, typically my day will comprise of a sausage roll/pasty at 3pm at work and then maybe a packet of crisps before bed :S
bloody hell mate that's not much my stomach would think my throat had been cut if that's all i had for breakfast lol but i am a chuuuunky fella

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
oh, i don't have breakfast :P i get up around 10am, work till 3, grab a snack, work on till 7 odd, drink lots of beer until about 1am and grab another snack when i'm just heading to bed, i can't eat when working, i get blaoted, and i can't eat while smoking, i get bloated and burpy and have thrown up a good meal on a large unexpected toke far too often :lol: