The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i just use a real big tablespoonful per ten litre bucket,(i fill a ten litre bucket with water and then add my nutes and feed the plants with a 1 litre kitchen jug, i dont get particularly exact about it and ive never had any probs) just make sure you make sure its totally dissolved in boiling water, btw that was for soil grows, i'd do the same for dwc but i'd be cautious with any other hydro set up as its like fuckin glue and it'd likely clog up sprayers/pumps etc.
its with coco so it should be ok :)


Well-Known Member
the deadliest fuckin addicted to the bloody thing. like u said ttt 'top gear' is always watchable, and the simpsons, ive also got ' the borgias' and ' boradwalk empire' on my sky plannner but i aint got round to watchin them yet. @ billy, i started watching 'game of thrones. but my fuckin sky got cut and i lost fuckin tons of shit from my programmer.


Well-Known Member
the deadliest fuckin addicted to the bloody thing. like u said ttt 'top gear' is always watchable, and the simpsons, ive also got ' the borgias' and ' boradwalk empire' on my sky plannner but i aint got round to watchin them yet. @ billy, i started watching 'game of thrones. but my fuckin sky got cut and i lost fuckin tons of shit from my programmer.
Boardwalk Empire was pretty good. Having so long between seasons is a pain in the arse.


RIU Bulldog
sat in garden shilling with a 3 sheater to blatantly a spliff
this god dude cpomes out of the house HE IS VISTING saying u enjoying that im like yeh man u want sum??(sharing is caring rite?)
he sed..............wait for it...................
im like wtf u dont even live there dud im in my gardne now FUK OFF!

u know wat i mean guys slowley but sureley they gunna take over ite like gremlins wen it rains they mukltiply
sorry 2 comment rant over

so how is everyone saturday!LMAO
Only in UK thread........

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
the deadliest fuckin addicted to the bloody thing. like u said ttt 'top gear' is always watchable, and the simpsons, ive also got ' the borgias' and ' boradwalk empire' on my sky plannner but i aint got round to watchin them yet. @ billy, i started watching 'game of thrones. but my fuckin sky got cut and i lost fuckin tons of shit from my programmer.
Deadliest catch is addictive for what it is :lol: not watched any of the new stuff since the captain harris(?) died though, apparently it's just not the same whih isn't too surprising.


Well-Known Member
the season when phil died was a gripper lol they edited it badly tho or maybe thats how it did happen but 1 minit he finds out his son jake has been stealing his pain meds basically smack in a pill loads of people in the states hooked on them then he admits to his dad hes hook next up phils found collasped doubt it happened like that tho but was a sad watch.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Breakout kings? Breakout vodka i say. Couple of drinks then i think i'll have a bath. Really liven up this dreary saturday :D Although i should really clean the voen, every time io open the door i engulf the flat in smoke. Yaaboosucks to cleaning though.


Well-Known Member
yeh coal is good series too!

lol my co2 bottle leaked into res i dint notice wen i fed em last nite now me plants are drooping like a fucker!!!LOL i dont make hings easy do i
cleaned everything res included flushed em thru into another bucket so not to infect rest of res.
stil nice grean and moist so im hoping i cought em in time damn blast and bugger!!!LOL

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Woop, another couple of hours and i can take of my afternoon drinking shoes and put on my evening drinking boots. Alcohol. Who's with me?

Sod c02, always seemed to me more hassle than it's worth having to turn off extractor fans and all that lot and having perfect conditions. Then making the c02 in itself is hassle or very expensive. Maybe if my grow was huge, but not for just a couple of plants..


RIU Bulldog
And don't give me no shit about NFL v. Rugby, pads v. no pads. NFL is just as dangerous as Rugby any day of the week.


Active Member
hi guys....

first grow guys, chop time soon and just wanted make sure i do it right!!!

so, would it be wise to dry in the same room i grew?? obv no light on but keep the fans going guys?? is that right??? and how do i keep it right humidity without humidity tester thingy..( i havent had one all way through)

Thganks for any feedack in advance guys!!
