The UK Growers Thread!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i have fallen to the cd decks got cdj800's and the djm600. do like my plastic though cant beat the sound. that binary stuff u's was talking about is supposed 2 be good 2, cant remember the name though lol.

anyone else know anything about airpots? thinking of ordering some but there a bit of cash, wondered if it was worth it?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
did you see the side by side in my journal fingerez?

4 weeks fro chop same nutes same coco slightly different pheno but plant structure still the same, im going to do proper thread showing at different stages and the difference in rootball in 3 weeks when i chop

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yep! thats whats drawn me in! amazing results, gonna order some but cant decide on the 7.5 or 10 lol.

as i said i've been reading this post as a silent observer for a while so read back to where i left off! good reading ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i really wouldn't bother with anything that big unless your going to veg it for a good while the plant will only grow so much root in flowering you'll probably find like i did in normal buckets that giving them loads of extra coco to play in, they just weren't using it.

now if your planning on vegging them 8 weeks or something then flippin em 12/12 you really will have monsters on your hands i reckon you'd only fit a couple in a metre square tent fella 4 tops. actually id quite like to see that

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey guys any1 had any experience with rapid rooters i put 5 g13 haze in them yesterday already had their tails out and put 3 chronic in these little round things not sure of the name just put boiling water on them and they swell up i used these for my last 5 and everything went fine i was just wondering i'm waiting on my other 3 chronic to crack whether or not to put them in the rapid rooters or just stick to the round things? i've never used the rapid rooters before and it's to early to tell if the g13's are getting on ok they've been in about 20hours so far and no sign of movement, wot u guys reckon?


Well-Known Member
i bet ya ive got the hardest bloody weekend outta everyone! its not bloody easy drinkin, sniffin, poppin pills and trying to get the knickers off the barmaids for 3 full days when ur in ur late 30s.


Active Member
Right im off to perv at the young hunnies at uni, i mean err do some coursework lol

Enjoy the rest of your day people, thanks for the entertainment this morn.

Evilsheep if ur still about, good luck with your interview.

ya, goodluck evilsheep, i've got to go drop my cv off down somewhere later on today.

there's only the odd show that i really enjoy so i download that to watch at my leisure, things like Scrubs, AD, Family Guy, Entourage, Eureka and a few others. none of the tv's are really used at all. the 32" is up in the attic, 1 42" is against my wall that get's used late at night before i get to bed, and the other 42" is in the other bedroom with the 360 and is used maybe once a month if that :P once i've got my perpetual going and i'm not spending read as wasting, bonkers on DWC failings and such, then i need to put aside a bit of money for a new 42" for the lounge. gotta get saving for car insurance first though :lol: still ent paid off any of this current years :lol:
Thanks guys :) goodluck to you too TTT. I think it went well but I won't find out til next week. They did send a very positive email to the recruitment agent after, so I'm hopeful

as i said i've been reading this post as a silent observer for a while so read back to where i left off! good reading ;)
long time lurker first time poster eh haaha man 10L will give you TREES
long time lurker is probably a good description for me too but this thread usually makes me smile :D

my tv is on all day but i cant say i really notice whats on half the time, i quite often just leave it on 'dave' and watch top gear alll day long and qi at nite. im a big movie fan more than anything else......fuck my gut is giving me jip.
I never watch anthing except Scuzz on Freesat these days, decided I was too broke to pay £21 a month to Rupert Murdoch just to watch Kerrang. There's someone else to add to the list with Simon Cowell! Thieving toerags.

I don't even watch things like QI on broadcast TV, I think it's much easier to download the shows, I can still watch them on the big TV and they're often available within minutes of the show ending. The age of normal broadcasting is coming to an end...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
totally agreeeeee. my 42" tv in the bedroom is the second moniter for the pc, so i just download the likes of QI etc and watch large whenever.

it's similar to my view on cinema's, sure the picture and sound are fantastic, but if i want to stand up, roll up a smoke, crack open a drink and take a shit, well it would take quite a sum of money to have em pause the thing for you :lol: i'll start something and often take a 45 minute break cus why not, let's cook etc.

good to hear the interview went well, i couldn't be arsed to drop a CV off, stayed in bed, still am :P the position isn't openeing up for mnths and months so it's all good.

and yes! i'm not paying £160 a year, or whatever it is, to watch a small handful of shows that i'll most likely miss anyway and have to re-watch..

i gotta get me to the shop and buy some beer, speaking of the topic, i've just unrared my dvd of avatar :P it's not 3d but who gives a fook, if it's anything a decent movie that won't make a difference, i watch 35 year old VHS conversions happily if the plots agood un


Active Member
totally agreeeeee. my 42" tv in the bedroom is the second moniter for the pc, so i just download the likes of QI etc and watch large whenever.

it's similar to my view on cinema's, sure the picture and sound are fantastic, but if i want to stand up, roll up a smoke, crack open a drink and take a shit, well it would take quite a sum of money to have em pause the thing for you :lol: i'll start something and often take a 45 minute break cus why not, let's cook etc.

good to hear the interview went well, i couldn't be arsed to drop a CV off, stayed in bed, still am :P the position isn't openeing up for mnths and months so it's all good.

and yes! i'm not paying £160 a year, or whatever it is, to watch a small handful of shows that i'll most likely miss anyway and have to re-watch..

i gotta get me to the shop and buy some beer, speaking of the topic, i've just unrared my dvd of avatar :P it's not 3d but who gives a fook, if it's anything a decent movie that won't make a difference, i watch 35 year old VHS conversions happily if the plots agood un
Thanks mate, it's much appreciated, first interview in 7 years too!! Wanted to change jobs for years but it took redundancy to force me into action, silly stoner :joint:

I used my old chipped xbox as a media player for years, recently upgraded to a Popcorn Hour MediaTank which is pretty tasty but I still haven't bothered to upgrade to an HDTV to take full advantage of it.


Active Member
I've just sparked up a nice joint of some lovely home grown Skunk #1 mmmmmm yummy, maybe I should have one before the next interview afterall :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
nah, post it hereeee, left my dealer a text but nowt yetttt, he wanted £100 for a half last time so not holding out on a well priced O

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
mehhhh, £200 for an ounce. it's only money, but does it leave me with enough in the bank :lol: either way i'd have harvested a plant before i run out of the oucne :lol: maybe just a half


Well-Known Member
mehhhh, £200 for an ounce. it's only money, but does it leave me with enough in the bank :lol: either way i'd have harvested a plant before i run out of the oucne :lol: maybe just a half
ha i know exactly what you mean, thought there was going to be nothing left of mine!! luckily he good ship dealer came in eventually, just hope his ship returns whilst i'm curing!! anyways back to annoying the neighbours :)