The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
ah hope ye get raped up an alley ya hacket cunt. least its keepin me aff the swally, problem is ah canny get out tae pick ma tic up and ahm supposed tae be scorin later. ah well jist have tae be the morra.


I've got this plant I think may be hemp, I've posted about this before, seed came from the apparently dodgy, it took 5 weeks of 12/12 to show sex, and now another ten days later its still only got just a few pistils, the flowers are not showing any signs of developing at all. So is this just bird seed hemp? I am about ready to call time on this slacker and give it the chop, it's taking up valuable space in the grow room (big plant!) blocking the light, raising the humidity and costing me for nutes, anybody got any advice?



Well-Known Member
So the SAS have been in Libya in traditional arab dress.

Shows the length they have to go to to stop being shot by the fucking yanks.


Well-Known Member
Heya all, how are we all this weekend? Its my first day off in 5 weeks so gonna chill have a bit of a smoke n later do some ,much needed work in the tent methinks


Well-Known Member
morning all, 3 fuckin times ah was woken last nite by sum fuckin spastics in my block of flats. if i hadnt had my wee lad with me i'd probably be in jail for assault.


Well-Known Member
My wife said she's leaving me because she can't cope with my God complex.

So I smote her an almighty blow. And great was her suffering.


Well-Known Member
this threads moving slow these days ey, im off pike fishin tomorrow down at loch lommond, weathers pretty gash at the min so wish me luck


Well-Known Member
i forgot to add ACID TEST, you should probably just chuck that mutant plant. If it took 5 weeks to show sex its probably not gonna be worth your time tbh mate.


Well-Known Member
Hey WoW , u up in Scotland????? Had a great weekend up in Glasgow. Must have been shagging. Can't remember but Im pissing all over the place


Well-Known Member
Rangers played total shite. Scottish football is finished. You will never see Rangers or Celtic in the Champions league ever again. That u a mod now Kev. Im a firm believer that "anyone who has the desire to be in power, should never be allowed any power" lol