The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
one of you guys on hear i think it was don G n T or maybe tip-top was planning on using shooting powder on there crop a few wks ago.

how has it gone? am thinking bout trying it myself.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i believe that would be dura. i know that don was loooking into it.

did you get around to using it or did you jus say feck it and clip the lot?
i am not a grower, but the prices of weed is 20 an 8th and just crap weed until every so often some berries will appear, but its not all that, could someone give some advice on how to get some good seeds please?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey guys here haven't had a burn in over a month now got 5 ladies on the go about 3ft tall nearly 6 weeks old and nearly 2 weeks into flowering the good stuff goes for £10 a gram and it's rare at the mo most of the boys are paying £20 an 1/8 and it's shit to say the least under weight crap i will never buy weed again and will only grow my own from now on, i miss the good old days of decent weed and weight i think growing your own is the only way to go now just sucks waiting lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
in regard to the whole spraying crap etc (also that metal shaving video i saw recently on here) i'd have thought considering half the illegality of the thing in the UK is because of "health issues" the least they could do is let us grow "healthy dope" as opposed to the government making you shop for shit!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
in regard to the whole spraying crap etc (also that metal shaving video i saw recently on here) i'd have thought considering half the illegality of the thing in the UK is because of "health issues" the least they could do is let us grow "healthy dope" as opposed to the government making you shop for shit!

unfortunately our government is a joke with all the shit going on here in the uk over crowded prisons etc there still wasting time and money not only hunting but prosecuting the home growers, like you said they say it's a health issue they know were never going to stop and that good people are going to have to risk dealing with some bad peeps that are covering their bad bud with all sorts of shit whats more dangerous growing your own clean bud or funding god knows who letting you smoke whatever harmfull shit adds the most weight and makes their crap look that little bit better


Well-Known Member
unfortunately our government is a joke with all the shit going on here in the uk over crowded prisons etc there still wasting time and money not only hunting but prosecuting the home growers, like you said they say it's a health issue they know were never going to stop and that good people are going to have to risk dealing with some bad peeps that are covering their bad bud with all sorts of shit whats more dangerous growing your own clean bud or funding god knows who letting you smoke whatever harmfull shit adds the most weight and makes their crap look that little bit better
my only disagrement is that our gov.t is not a joke......jokes are funny.....these cunts aren't. its not gaunna change for at least the next decade. all politicians are scared of 'middle england'( as a scotsman this REALLY pisses me off). middle class, middle age , middle brow fuckers that have never understood anything that hasn't been spoon fed to them, its harry potters 'dursleys'.fuckin daily mail readin retards that assume because their newspaper doesn't flash tits that its superior to the 'Star, which at least doesn't have delusions of grandure or pretentsions of intellectualism, ahhhhhhhhhhhh fuck it i'm drunk and pissed off, ( coulda got laid at a hot bird inna pub but was too burnt out to actually put the effort in) now inna house and scunnered with myself, think ahl shag my misses and think about her mate:shock:

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
my only disagrement is that our gov.t is not a joke......jokes are funny.....these cunts aren't. its not gaunna change for at least the next decade. all politicians are scared of 'middle england'( as a scotsman this REALLY pisses me off). middle class, middle age , middle brow fuckers that have never understood anything that hasn't been spoon fed to them, its harry potters 'dursleys'.fuckin daily mail readin retards that assume because their newspaper doesn't flash tits that its superior to the 'Star, which at least doesn't have delusions of grandure or pretentsions of intellectualism, ahhhhhhhhhhhh fuck it i'm drunk and pissed off, ( coulda got laid at a hot bird inna pub but was too burnt out to actually put the effort in) now inna house and scunnered with myself, think ahl shag my misses and think about her mate:shock:
the sad part about that mate is that it's true and at least you got your misses could of been a hand shandy otherwise lol


Well-Known Member
oh the start of another weedless day! fucking great!

even harder when you got a room half full of the bastard things and not a joint to smoke, still a friend started flushing some blueberry on friday and im hearing of some tutti around soon must just play the waiting game lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
one of you guys on hear i think it was don G n T or maybe tip-top was planning on using shooting powder on there crop a few wks ago.

how has it gone? am thinking bout trying it myself.
ive literally just finished the pk 13/14 im doing a weak feed run as a kind of flush then ill be cracking on with the shooting powder 3 weeks till chop chop

im down to me last couple of joints worth :( ive got a bag of trim that im thinking i might run through me bubble bags later this after


Active Member
Morning all :-)

Another Sunday and I'm bored out of my skull down here in fucking retirementsville, moved down here from London 5 years ago, born and bred in London I was...... time for a spliff I think :-)

Subject of redheads... you cant beat them ! Been married to one for 26 years, met her on a drunken camel ride along a Moroccan beach on an 18/30's holiday, Morocco was great back then, so much hash about you were falling over the dealers trying to sell it to you :-)

How old are you guys? I'm pushing it a bit now at 52, been smoking the herb for 30 years+ and still love it.

Anyway, the suns shining so cant be all bad, got some lovely old school Mazar to smoke so I'm happy, bored but happy!

Have a good Sunday all.


Active Member
very unexperienced opiion but i'd say a little longer, but not much. find some backuup for my statement though before believing it :P
Ive had friends grow monsters the UK :p
A friend of mine plants them in the middle of nowhere....a massive open bit of land :o but he always manages to get some good plants.
Another friend of mine grows them in the garden if we have a good summer....once again these end up huge!!! lol

Whilst im here.....heres some pics of my first grow....shes been in flower for just over 4 weeks ( started BioBizz bloom a week and a half a go....i recon i have another 3 weeks flowering yet?????


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i did think it was you that was gonna use it, please keep us posted if ya wouldnt mind.

yeah man no probs im in two minds whether to do a side by side comparison but suspecting that it will massively improve my overall yeild im reluctant. ive already dropped some yield doing 1 plant in normal pots instead of airpot. we'll see how it goes...


Well-Known Member
Ive had friends grow monsters the UK :p
A friend of mine plants them in the middle of nowhere....a massive open bit of land :o but he always manages to get some good plants.
Another friend of mine grows them in the garden if we have a good summer....once again these end up huge!!! lol

Whilst im here.....heres some pics of my first grow....shes been in flower for just over 4 weeks ( started BioBizz bloom a week and a half a go....i recon i have another 3 weeks flowering yet?????
i also have seen great plants grown in the uk outdoor didnt think it was even possible until i see it with me own eyes n smoked it.

your buds are looking real nice for a first grow m8, plants seem a little stretched tho???


Well-Known Member
yeah man no probs im in two minds whether to do a side by side comparison but suspecting that it will massively improve my overall yeild im reluctant. ive already dropped some yield doing 1 plant in normal pots instead of airpot. we'll see how it goes...
you grow in coco dont ya Don? ive looked n looked and carnt find no1 else who has used or is using the shooting powder/gel

im really hoping it works out good for ya m8.


Well-Known Member
Morning all :-)

Another Sunday and I'm bored out of my skull down here in fucking retirementsville, moved down here from London 5 years ago, born and bred in London I was...... time for a spliff I think :-)

Subject of redheads... you cant beat them ! Been married to one for 26 years, met her on a drunken camel ride along a Moroccan beach on an 18/30's holiday, Morocco was great back then, so much hash about you were falling over the dealers trying to sell it to you :-)

How old are you guys? I'm pushing it a bit now at 52, been smoking the herb for 30 years+ and still love it.

Anyway, the suns shining so cant be all bad, got some lovely old school Mazar to smoke so I'm happy, bored but happy!

Have a good Sunday all.
im 27 m8 been smoking since i was 12 lol and still loving it too.

ava nice sunday.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey guys looking for some opinions on bloom nutes that can be picked up in the uk i'm 2 weeks in and still using my mg i'm going to my local hydro shop 2mo hydro dragon any ideas? i was thinking bio bizz (bio bloom) the ratio on this is 1-3-2.5 also some kind of booster i'm on first grow so not sure what to get and don't want to end up with shit cheers guys and rep for any help