bro at the end of the day she did the drugs now her family has to live with the consequences she was a selfish diva that had the world at her feet and she needed drugs??? i mean come on can u all believe the shit that she put her family through. not tryin to sound as tho im 1 betta than u bro but i was runnin crack wen i was 15 for yardies that saw i was weak and was up for anythin to make money and i mean alot of money and i turned to them myself but i soon realized that there is more to life than being a little rich crackhead and dragging ur familys name through mud any1 can brake free of addiction but only if u want 2 urself !! did she? answer that and you ll not feel sorry for her for long but her family is another thing all togetherwell i actually feel pretty sad bout it addiction is a fucked up fing which many you smokers i hope never have to go through stick with just the smoke boys trust, and i dunno if she topped herself maybe? but booze n the wrong presciption drugs is enough to kill ya dunno if any1 even nos what oxycontin is but i ordered a load from brazil bout 6-7yrs ago cause i was a junkie at the time n wanted something different lol
only cause my friend came back to his flat early from a fishing trip and found me with green shit spewing out me gob n ina cold bath lol i musta need a wash i carnt remeber lol anyway paramedics said i was minits away from death spent a fair time in hospital on that 1 lol it aint hard to od intentional or not.
looking nice mate really nice indeed!!kept that near OD in the dark for a while sambo, glad you posted it though, shows how easy it is on that shit. im not into opiates at all, dont cut the mustard for what i like. stimulant pyschosis is always on the cards though
heres a pic of my tent at week 6 for all you cats who dont follow my thread
??? did you even read my origanal post??? what the fuck has oxycontin overdoses got to do with running crack for yardies at 15 lmao i give up.bro at the end of the day she did the drugs now her family has to live with the consequences she was a selfish diva that had the world at her feet and she needed drugs??? i mean come on can u all believe the shit that she put her family through. not tryin to sound as tho im 1 betta than u bro but i was runnin crack wen i was 15 for yardies that saw i was weak and was up for anythin to make money and i mean alot of money and i turned to them myself but i soon realized that there is more to life than being a little rich crackhead and dragging ur familys name through mud any1 can brake free of addiction but only if u want 2 urself !! did she? answer that and you ll not feel sorry for her for long but her family is another thing all together
did i miss something off for good.............bloody ell??? did you even read my origanal post??? what the fuck has oxycontin overdoses got to do with running crack for yardies at 15 lmao i give up.
my riu time is at a end the friends ive made no me email n number but im done, see no more point talking drunken shite on here learnt all i need and dont need to bait it up any more than i have been. its been emotional lol
take care all stay safe.
yep really bad stuff mate..poor kids.cheers fellas.
for those who havent heard, there was a shooting and a bombing in norway, pretty horrible.
Take care sambo, thanks for advice and laughs, shame you off mate??? did you even read my origanal post??? what the fuck has oxycontin overdoses got to do with running crack for yardies at 15 lmao i give up.
my riu time is at a end the friends ive made no me email n number but im done, see no more point talking drunken shite on here learnt all i need and dont need to bait it up any more than i have been. its been emotional lol
take care all stay safe.
It is a shame that so many lives are ruined by the actions of so fewcheers fellas.
for those who havent heard, there was a shooting and a bombing in norway, pretty horrible.