The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
used to smoke golden vaginia all the time but its got well shite so we smoke amber leaf now lol. got a bit of a peppery taste but its alright. Need to get my passport back so I can do a baccy run abroad. we pay £7.50 if its cheap but qiute hard to get around here so normally paying £13.50 ish a pouch. like baccy beter as ya smoke last longer and get different high (bit of an acquired taste though lol)


Well-Known Member
used to smoke golden vaginia all the time but its got well shite so we smoke amber leaf now lol. got a bit of a peppery taste but its alright. Need to get my passport back so I can do a baccy run abroad. we pay £7.50 if its cheap but qiute hard to get around here so normally paying £13.50 ish a pouch. like baccy beter as ya smoke last longer and get different high (bit of an acquired taste though lol)
i get the cheapness of bacci but fuck that shit if im gonna pay to kill myself then i wana enjoy doing so lol embassay filter fucking lovely cig you smoked em? they are slighter smaller than normal cigs.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, i'm just watching Me Myself and Irene and loving it, such a good film :D

I'm busy switching between film and The Doors of Perception, that book is royally crazy, with a joint in hand i can barely keep track of any page or line i'm on, mad shit, well worth tripping out with!


Well-Known Member
Manchester City captain Tevez: I would be in jail if not for football.

Or at the top of the cathedral in Notre-Dame you ugly cunt.


Well-Known Member
Haha, i'm just watching Me Myself and Irene and loving it, such a good film :D

I'm busy switching between film and The Doors of Perception, that book is royally crazy, with a joint in hand i can barely keep track of any page or line i'm on, mad shit, well worth tripping out with!
lolol hank who? lolol

qaulity film that ttt make me lol just thinking bout it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I spent like 15 minutes trying to find a embeddable video of when he fight himself and throws himself from the car, convinced sillybilly and dura are the same person :lol: they entertain me to no end


Well-Known Member
After shagging a fat chick whilst I was drunk the next morning I said to her, "Here, if you want to see me again call this number."

"Awww, men don't usually give me their numbers," she responded.

I said, "It's not mine. It's Weight Watchers."


Active Member
I like that shit Sambo lol. I used to smoke fags but i find that after a while of smoking baccy when i was skint I couldn't go back to fags it was like smoking fresh air lol


Well-Known Member
billys younger than me but he's got a face like a blind joiners thumb....and he's a bit on the chubby side, like harvey price is a bit on the dim side

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Whoo, the age of fat slob laziness :D hooked up a spare 24" tft just to chat bollocks on RIU without having to minimize my films at all :D


Active Member
Fucking virgin, net fine on the laptop but keeps kicking me bloody xbox offline all night so turned it off few mins ago and now its trying to kick missus of net on her xbox what the fuck. every night this week we have a prob wih tv or net. Last night t.v went off at 10:30 and when I went bed at 4 it still wasn't on Gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, Not really dedication, it' just a sapre samsung computer screen i have spare for a couple of lan parties a year, it's normally just sat around but had to tidy up for the flatmate so figurered turn it on. Been having some fun with 2 screen gaming, rather rapes the computer but RTS games become confusing and fun as fuck :D


Well-Known Member
I was in the queue in Tesco and the woman in front was joined by her mum with another basket of shopping.

"Fuck's sake," I muttered under my breath, "take all day, why don't you?"

She turned on me. "If that's all you have to worry about, I feel sorry for you. I'm dying of cancer, you know!"

"In that case," I snapped, "you of all people should understand the need to get a fucking move on."


Active Member
we was on 20mb without the wireless and had no problems with xboxs just couldn't have laptop on at same time but since we upgraded to 30mb wireless we had nothing but bloody problems. Might have to set the router up for both xboxs but we are both open so its should be set up ok just keeps dropping out for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Haha, Not really dedication, it' just a sapre samsung computer screen i have spare for a couple of lan parties a year, it's normally just sat around but had to tidy up for the flatmate so figurered turn it on. Been having some fun with 2 screen gaming, rather rapes the computer but RTS games become confusing and fun as fuck :D
u got generals zero hour ?