The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

suppose u lot see yourselfs as like unwanted kids,yano like game of thrones wer all the unwanted babies get left in the woods for the whitewalkers?


ur just all butthrt coz
1.u aint getting in our thread-crack on trolling tho its entertaining.
2. u aint getting our genetics

4. ahh just canna be arsed nomore



and ofc he needs to be english to post a uk grwers thread, fool would defeat the object and not know wtf ther on about

u was hazed anfd failed, live,learn,move on

What makes you think you and your internet friends are so special everyone wants to be in your group hahaha you are a sad confused little virgin
One lad on their asking advice how to sort out his junkie brother the other night i discovered the bunch of tossers. Haha whats your life become when your turning to peeps on a weed forum for personal advice.

And that lad who asked for the advice is not a regular member of the thread, which you would know if you stuck around longer than 5 mins before running over here to pass your narrow minded, judgmental scoffing onto others who'll stroke your ego with agreement.

Did you ever stop to think what has actually become of a random guys life that he has to ask for drug abuse advise on a drug forum?

We have a word for people like you, it's called a bigot!
he thinks hes part of some sort of gang the little mushroom haha what a fucking helmit. Needs to get off that thread and get more involved in the real world the poor cunt. A bunch of them on their just sit off all day talking shit and then talk down to anyone who actually wants to talk about growing. One lad on their asking advice how to sort out his junkie brother the other night i discovered the bunch of tossers. Haha whats your life become when your turning to peeps on a weed forum for personal advice. They all fighting for pecking order on that thread i reckon haha its a shame
Lol must have no actual friends. 'U can't get in our gang' that's the sort of shit I used to say at school when I was 7. Bet he's still a virgin. 'U can't get out genetics'? Nobody wants his genetics it not hard to buy a pack of seeds is It. What a wolly!
so your all a bunch of cunts and how much you payin for the oz, cos u r buyers lmfao, yeh we look after our own, that young lad with a problem bro is nothing to laugh at u fukin rejects
It's a weed growing forum not Jeremy Kyle u rodent
Im not looking for anyone to agree with me. Stopped by for 5 mins? I come on this site for my personal gain and no other reason im a busy man with a real life I dont have time to sit talking to internet friends all day every day. Sorry i dont live on this forum haha a bigot fucking hell just saying if your discussing personal problems on here you need to sort your shit out. I couldnt give a shit about anyone on this site you idiot If it involves growing then thats great i might learn something but as for chatting shit and making "friends" il leave that to you lot thanks
Lol must have no actual friends. 'U can't get in our gang' that's the sort of shit I used to say at school when I was 7. Bet he's still a virgin. 'U can't get out genetics'? Nobody wants his genetics it not hard to buy a pack of seeds is It. What a wolly!
so your all a bunch of cunts and how much you payin for the oz, cos u r buyers lmfao, yeh we look after our own, that young lad with a problem bro is nothing to laugh at u fukin rejects

another member of the gang haha what the fuck are you talking about look after your own? get out and socialise you weird twat
Let me in your gang lads pleeeease! i grown great weed and will talk shit to anyone who dares to come on the thread to talk about growing. I am also a virgin and will spend 20 out of 24 hours a day on the site i must qualify lads? come on let me in haha
is that all your puny little brain can come up with 'your mum jokes'. How old r u. Think we have another virgin on our hands
'a virgin on our hand's 'what the fuck are you a priest?..if being a virgin is such a big thing to you then you my jolly cock jockey are a fucking child! I'm irish bitches be cray cray for me! "how old r u" fucking mug
'a virgin on our hand's 'what the fuck are you a priest?..if being a virgin is such a big thing to you then you my jolly cock jockey are a fucking child! I'm irish bitches be cray cray for me! "how old r u" fucking mug
I did not understand a word of that. Schools must not be up to scratch were u live. U sound a bit simple
im a busy man with a real life I dont have time to sit talking to internet friends all day every day. Sorry i dont live on this forum haha a bigot fucking hell just saying if your discussing personal problems on here you need to sort your shit out.

But you're here talking shit to randomers about some other random guy from over 600.000 others, who just happened to ask for some drug abuse advice because he was concerned for a family member and didn't know where else to ask and remain anonymous. In a vain attempt at Ad Hominem towards the thread in order to gain yourself recognition here.

:roll:............Yeah sure, read you like a book.
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