The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

There is no need to flush for 2 week in soil,not if you have a shower or bath in the house,just tek them to the shower room and keep putting water through them till it runs clear,same can be done with a jug in a bath.Once you are at this stage then put em back under the lights after you have left the plant to drain and just keep feeding water 7 days flush this way that extra week the plants could utilise the nutes and fatten the buds,to me that is just a wasted week if you don't have means to a bath or shower then.Horse pipe outside

Once the water runs clear then the only nutes left in the plant's are those left in the plants stems root system ,they will soon use them up so then they will just be up takeing water rather than rich nute laced water.I would rather leave them a few days longer than flush for say two week,so if its a 8 wk strain i would do the shower thing let them drain then back under lights till dry then water again let dry because you have wet them through in the shower it might take 5/6 days for it to dry out don't take em down at this stage just add bit more water.Don't take em down till the crowning has stopped

But if ya aint got a shower in your house or bath shit get one before ya start ta smell stronger than the bud
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lemon skunk that come in a auto m8 ..
Any picture's of the lemon,skunk dude i did this strain years ago when greenhouse first brought it out
smell is prob the only cannabis strain that smells like it says on the packet pungent lemon,if you leave the lemon skunk full term from seed she will give you a nice big yeild.that and train wreck the only prob with greenhouse seeds is they do not do reg seeds but love there strains,

I hate the fools ya get a the cannabis - cup that say i get fresh pine, with orange and grapefruit i get none of that it just either pukka or its not pukka means it hangs on you for hours after smokeing it like the jack/cheese/blues i have.

Kids around this neck of the woods would rather have a thc of 3% has long has it stinks,rather than a thc of 26% with a little smell this speaks volumes not a clue,i had one say he could smoke more than me other day,till we started rolling,and he made a major error he added tabbaco i do not use tabbaco at all he went away red eyed and a little parah after a few bongs of cheese full melt water hash.He had never even seen it before don't know what there missing But saying that i went to watch football i was stoned cunt tell ya even the score

But at the minute can't get enuf of the subcool seed strains if ya aint tried them i would advice any one to try great gene pool he has subcool.

dr who
jilly bean
but the best has full melt,all his strains are,chanoble sorry about spelling
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its sunny as fuck here was going to put my girls outside ...
The ones i have outside at min are doing really well prob best i have had start wise 5 auto's all uniform in growth,
Bought some of the copper tape because i normaly have problems with slugs in the test i have done today there body's defo get some kind of static shock from it so just put a piece around the tops of the pots.

Then i just do my normal thing dig a hole big enuf for a black bag,fill it with b and q's compost the large ones 3 for 20 quid but have the pot in the top with the bottom cut of the pot,that way i have the copper section around the top of the pot.

Just got to make the cage's tomorow to go around the pot's to stop any rabbits,rabbits and slugs i have a war every year with them both
There is no need to flush for 2 week in soil,not if you have a shower or bath in the house,just tek them to the shower room and keep putting water through them till it runs clear,same can be done with a jug in a bath.Once you are at this stage then put em back under the lights after you have left the plant to drain and just keep feeding water 7 days flush this way that extra week the plants could utilise the nutes and fatten the buds,to me that is just a wasted week if you don't have means to a bath or shower then.Horse pipe outside

Once the water runs clear then the only nutes left in the plant's are those left in the plants stems root system ,they will soon use them up so then they will just be up takeing water rather than rich nute laced water.I would rather leave them a few days longer than flush for say two week,so if its a 8 wk strain i would do the shower thing let them drain then back under lights till dry then water again let dry because you have wet them through in the shower it might take 5/6 days for it to dry out don't take em down at this stage just add bit more water.Don't take em down till the crowning has stopped

But if ya aint got a shower in your house or bath shit get one before ya start ta smell stronger than the bud

This is exactly what I do before I harvest. No need in starving the plants for weeks.
Whats going on guys? Been crazy busy recently so havn't had time to be on here.
About to begin flushing my girls tomorrow, they are 58days old and come down in 12 days. I got a bath with a shower but I flush differently, use a flushing agent for a week (mon, wed, fri) then straight ph'd water for a week (sun, tue, thurs) then chop between 10pm-12am on the friday.
The shower flush thing never works for me and never taste as smooth as the way I currently do it.

Anywhoo, hope erryones been good ;)
a flushing agent? holy shit u couldnt possibly mean "FLUSH" would u>?

just fucking sayso rather than tryina sound all homeboy and smart

we all know u good ole boys tiz thick innit blad.
The ones i have outside at min are doing really well prob best i have had start wise 5 auto's all uniform in growth,
Bought some of the copper tape because i normaly have problems with slugs in the test i have done today there body's defo get some kind of static shock from it so just put a piece around the tops of the pots.

Then i just do my normal thing dig a hole big enuf for a black bag,fill it with b and q's compost the large ones 3 for 20 quid but have the pot in the top with the bottom cut of the pot,that way i have the copper section around the top of the pot.

Just got to make the cage's tomorow to go around the pot's to stop any rabbits,rabbits and slugs i have a war every year with them both
ive left them in tent but i had 3 aks in the woods by mine two got ate i think one was fine that was 4 or 5 weeks ago havnt been back to see it its still there lol .be funny if it is ill go back in a month by then it will be 10 weeks or so old if its there ...
ive left them in tent but i had 3 aks in the woods by mine two got ate i think one was fine that was 4 or 5 weeks ago havnt been back to see it its still there lol .be funny if it is ill go back in a month by then it will be 10 weeks or so old if its there ...
ps good luck with your grow
all theses plants av had is water no feed .just soil an fish blood an bone meal ....cant wait cut the yellow one down ill put pic up in a min tell us if you think its ready most off the hairs are dark ..i dont want to chop to early but its been in the soil since 19th march so how long that cant work it out lol
a flushing agent? holy shit u couldnt possibly mean "FLUSH" would u>?

just fucking sayso rather than tryina sound all homeboy and smart

we all know u good ole boys tiz thick innit blad.
No dipstick, a flushing "AGENT".
A flush could simply just be water. When something is added that is not water that can speed up the process, it is called an agent.
Holy shit, this guy is a bit of a NOB and sure iz thick innit blad..
ps good luck with your grow
All ways check your out door crop in this weather o -b they might be massive but more important needing food,if they are there tek all the bottom growth off them,this weather is just perfect.

There is not a indoor room any where in the world that will compete with good sun,if i lived in the states i would not even bothe with indoors..
All ways check your out door crop in this weather o -b they might be massive but more important needing food,if they are there tek all the bottom growth off them,this weather is just perfect.

There is not a indoor room any where in the world that will compete with good sun,if i lived in the states i would not even bothe with indoors..

its prooven our indoor weed is WAY WAY better than any outdoor grow.
Yeild wise but for thc production i think indoor beats it hands down but i have never done a out door in a warm climate,the north of the uk is never that hot.

But i agree its why i close my indoor down come summer time and just do fast auto's,i talking 20/30 in diff plots i do that amount because some will get ripped i also do at least two plots with regular seed grows but just 4 plant per plot,i use polli a lot in the uk because of the rain.

It is hard work because has soon has they flower you need to cover them,that is why i do more work than all the mates i have that do out door grows i do out door grows in cold frames just cammo the side's .
If i am planting out door late say end of june i will often use auto pots that way i only have to visit the tub and check the plants once a week,it's easy to hide a tub and cammo the pots,so have a think about it for future use I can see the plants from the tub and there doing just fine.

Even a drip system will work the same,saves you a lot of work in the long run,but hard graft setting it all up.

I am lucky because,i have a tap near by so i hook up a pipe and have speggetti tubeing running to each plant if i am doing a organic grow,that is my two reg plots are organic ones.Just make sure that you un hook the pipe from a tap if you have one near when done.

Allotments are great places to hook this kind of grow up just on the other side of the boundry to the allotments but make sure the plants have plenty of greenage behind them
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Does anyone have any idea where to buy a 'Recycle Timer'? I need to for my pumps, e.g., 4 mins Off, 1 min On. It's like impossible to find on the net. Only American sites have it. We are still in the stone age in Europe.