the truth about tap water and microbes

Dude knock it off....a culture....i can call what i do whatever i want....i eat sleep and breath this "culture" and now trying to help others with things ive learned and others on this thread are doing the same..this isnt about proveing sh*t....this is why ive always just read these forums and not posted....this is my first thread and people seem to have been enjoying it so i dont know where you get off thinking you know the "guidelines" for what we do....we come from all walks of life and we are all welcome....go start a thread with some substance and mabey people will come talk to everyone else thanks for kickin it with me , it was nice while it lasted.....


Well-Known Member
who cares about those micro, I feed mine so much steroids chemicals im surprised the plant lives lol. all those chemical fertilizers has to kill those microbes, but really who gives a shit. I just want the plant to live and grow insanely fast for 4 months,


Well-Known Member
who cares about those micro, I feed mine so much steroids chemicals im surprised the plant lives lol. all those chemical fertilizers has to kill those microbes, but really who gives a shit. I just want the plant to live and grow insanely fast for 4 months,
I agree. Look at hydroponics.
The most important aspect of your water is it's Ph.


Well-Known Member
Wecome to RIU


[video=youtube;h0JvF9vpqx8][/video] :D

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Baxter, yea i was just reading on the dif kinds of chloramines , and i too have had good results with tap water but its always in the back or my mind for some lastnite i got a real lab microscope and when i get out of work im gonna start doing dif test with microbes and thats funny....did you say .5 g or was that a type o.....if it wasnt then i wish you luck and im here if you need any help.....baxter thank you for the new info ......
Oh yeah shit ahaha, that looks funny. I forgot to mention 0.5g per watt. Was using a 250 HPS and got around 5 ounces I think..


Well-Known Member
One would have to know that the Chem heads and hard core hippies would have their opinions. :hug: And to the others it's just to hard to understand. :clap:
True tws, the online world is just a tad bit annoying to me because you have these people that talk cash sh/+ and lurk arond the fourms to find a thread that has movement so they can flap their gums....they dont read any of the post and just start yappin..ive been readin these pages for years and seen it on almost every thread....i hope one day the make computerss where you can reach thru and smack a b/+ch with a matrix hand...jeff has a 32 gb card with argument comeback videos on tapb...alice "dont come around here no more,",all the willy wonka songs, and destinys child "i dont want no scrub" that he plays when he cleans his have way too much time on your hands if your searching for videos like that...


New Member
In DWC, my 110ppm tap water kills Aquashield and I get slimed. If I treat it with tap water conditioner for aquariums, the Aquashield does not die and I don't get slimed.

Tea brewed 48 hours with mycogrow soluble, ancient forest, and molasses doesn't seem too bothered by my tap water... but I just prefer to dechlorinate and use Aquashield.

Also synthetic nutes don't kill bennies.


Well-Known Member
I used tap water in my DWC but dechlored as well, all so used the Bennies to prevent slime.