The Truth About Religion


Well-Known Member
The adoration of the sun was one of the earliest and most natural forms of religious expression. Complex modern theologies are merely involvements and amplifications of this simple aboriginal belief. Period!
^^^^ Well yea but God created the sun so even by worshiping the sun you're worshiping Him.
Hypatia not only proved conclusively the pagan origin of the Christian faith but also exposed the purported miracles then advanced by the Christians as tokens of divine preference by demonstrating the natural laws controlling the phenomena.
^^^^ Here we go with conspiracies... I know moses parted the red sea for the bible tells me so I know it happened.

Who's with me on creating a Wikibible... I'm sure we could come up with some crazy shit, but base it off the real bible but our stories will be better!!

Exodus 4:20 - ...And God said to Moses "Let thee 7 pointed leaf flourish in the sun for when the days are short and nights long her true beauty will shine with powers to heal, powers to calm and powers to unite".
Cyril unquestionably communicated itself to the more fanatical members of his faith, particularly to a group of monks from the Nitrian desert. Led by Peter the Reader, a savage and illiterate man, they attacked Hypatia on the open street as she was passing from the academy to her home. Dragging the defenseless woman from her chariot, they took her to the Cæsarean Church. Tearing away her garments, they pounded her to death with clubs, after which they scraped the flesh from her bones with oyster shells and carried the mutilated remains to a place called Cindron, where they burned them to ashes.

At this time Cyril--later to be renowned as the founder of the doctrine of the Christian Trinity and canonized for his zeal--was Bishop of Alexandria. Seeing in Hypatia a continual menace to the promulgation of the Christian faith, Cyril--indirectly at least--was the cause of her tragic end. Despite every later effort to exonerate him from the stigma of her murder, the incontrovertible fact remains that he made no effort to avert the foul and brutal crime.

Fact! Not a Conspiracy!
You guys probably watched this movie? No?

I first saw this move Zeitgeist in like 2008!



This movie is why I lost My faith in Jesus. I was a Christian and then I became an Agnostic because of this movie. Now I believe in Myself!

I've watched it, but that's not the source of my research. But that vid is mostly spot on.
After the destruction of the Library of Alexandra and the murders committed by Christians against Scholars, the Dark Ages soon followed. The Roman Empire became the Roman Catholic Church. Roman Empire (Imperium Romanum) renamed: Roman Catholic Church

Curia (legal body of Senators) slight name change: Curia (legal body of Cardinals)

Roman Emperor renamed: Roman Pope (head of all church and state affairs)

Civil government matters of state: Extra-Ordinary affairs (matters of civil-state governments)

Religious orders matters: Church "ecclesiastical" matters

Roman College of Senators renamed: College of Cardinals

Magistrate of College of Senators renamed: Dean of College of Cardinals

Departments of the Roman Senatorial Curia renamed: Congregations

Political Ambassador renamed: Pro-Nuncio (highest civil ambassador sent to other governements, ie Wash.DC, London etc)
The adoration of the sun was one of the earliest and most natural forms of religious expression. Complex modern theologies are merely involvements and amplifications of this simple aboriginal belief. Period!

...who was Aberamentho?
I had no idea, but I just found this.

The sacred name of the great Being who sent his Human Soul to the Earth two thousand years ago and came to be known as Jesus.

"Jesus, -- that is Aberamentho, -- said..." - The Pistis Sophia

All Mythology to me though. Or Astro-Theology.
"We are told at Matthew chapter 14 versus 17 and 19 that God's Sun tends to His people's needs with 'Two Fishes'. The two fishes being the astrological sign all astrologers know as Pisces.

"Thus, we have had for almost 2000 years God's Sun ruling in His 'kingdom' or sign of Pisces/Two Fishes. These signs are called houses. Therefore, Pisces is the 'Lord's House' at this time. Truly, the Greatest 'Fish' Story Ever Told!

In the bible if you follow such things, Jesus says I will be with you till the end of the Age. His followers ask who to look to next. He tells them to follow the man with the bucket of water and go into his house. The House of Aquarius.
in relation, another interesting point: Factually speaking, when a person is bitten by a deadly scorpion the wound appears to be, or looks like, two human lips. The ancients called this 'The Kiss of Death!' This is why we read that Judas or (October) gives God's Sun 'the kiss' -- leading to His death in winter!"

Fascinating stuff , at least to me. This is just a drop in the bucket.