The truth about CBD ?


Well-Known Member
Everyone has heard about RSO ( Rick Simpson Oil ) , and now we have a MI company selling RSHO , they are calling it an alternative to RSO ( its CBD from Hemp plants )

I know there are people that post on this site that know Rick Simpson and are making RSO , what do you think about this RSHO ?
I forgot to mention that they are charging 2,999.99 for this( ------6 Pack Real Scientific Real Scientific Hemp OilTM (RSHOTM), contain the highest quality CBD in the industry.Hemp Oil RSHO (blue) 18—22.5% Per Tube – Decarboxylated
Here we go again...
Hi Huel , You know a lot about THC and CBD , maybe you could help me understand .
In Colorado I heard a lot of talk about the possibility of hemp pollen affecting their grow rooms , I understood this to mean that they were worried that it would reduce the THC level because the hemp plant produces almost no THC instead it produces a lot of CBD . In MI there seems to be a push to develop a plant with very high CBD and almost no THC . I’m wondering why ? Sounds like the end results will be a high yield Hemp plant ? Here is test results from a Colorado lab --- ---- Question is the CBD extracted from Hemp exactly the same as CBD extracted from the MMJ plant ?
Anyone ever look at a bottle of tincture from some of these collectives. The ingredients list is close to a can of redbull. I agree with the snake oil post and the price is absurd. Thats not helping sick people who ever is charging that much should be drug into the street and shot.
Anyone ever look at a bottle of tincture from some of these collectives. The ingredients list is close to a can of redbull. I agree with the snake oil post and the price is absurd. Thats not helping sick people who ever is charging that much should be drug into the street and shot.
I agree with that 100% When I checked on CBD in Canada I found this ---
Buy It Now, It’s Legal – Medical Marijuana Cannabidiol (CBD from Industrial Hemp)

I’m in Florida , the land of sunshine , and I think all the sunshine has cooked the brains of the people here , it appears that medical marijuana has been legal here since 1991 , but no one even knows it , here is a news clip ---
They just passed a law ( not sure if the Governor signed it yet but he said he would ) it will allow only Charlotte’s Web and it can only be grown by nurseries that have been in business for 30 years in Florida , I guess that only 4 qualified and they can grow 440,000 plants each . No private growing allowed . In Nov. we vote on making medical marijuana legal and even if it passes it will not allow private growing . America the land of the free is bullshit , The lawyer that started the movement advertises that he is “ For The People “ when in fact he is for the rich and famous .
wtf! Them boys in colorado knitched the market in florida. Cbd is good sure but its not for everyone. They would be making a big mistake if that's all they grow is the web.