The TRUMP! Effect on personal relationships.

I have a BIL that's a retired petroleum geologist for Amoco who I'm pretty sure voted for Trump, but I haven't been up to visit in several months. We don't talk politics, we smoke pot and talk about fishing and clamming- he gets some nice razor clams out of Nehalem bay.
Brother, sister-in-law and at least one of their daughters are rabid right wingers and survivalist types. I love them all. My brother and I manage to discuss politics without it getting personal. Basically, he wants the same for this country and the people in it that I do. He just thinks different leadership will deliver it. Why he thinks that is a mystery to me but he probably thinks the same of me.

My favorite take-away from one of our discussions a few years ago was his telling me that Obama was planning to overthrow the US government in 2016. He told me all about a documentary that describes the entire criminal plan. I even tried to watch it but it wasn't available on Netflix streaming service.

It it is still the highest grossing documentary ever. Fake news pays. Really, really well.

I wouldn't have heard of this madness if my brother hadn't told me about it.

So, OK, I see my brother as a nut case. But he's my brother. Nothing is going to change that.

The nutjobs who believe Trump is the greatest president we'll ever have are fellow US citizens. I can dislike their politics without disliking them. There are limits. No violence or glorifying it. Don't talk racist shit or object if I object to it and I can get along with them. Their support for a racist leader is pushing my patience but I don't believe that this makes all of them racists.

@spandy on the other hand, is a hateful racist cop snitch who doesn't deserve to be tolerated. If he were in my circle of friends, I'd question who I was associating with. I'd spill gasoline on his truck if I had the chance, just like every gas station attendant in Oregon did the last and only time he visited my fair state. He must be a real asshole in real life too.
Being so fucking repugnant and bigoted like an outspoken, bitter old Trump supporter is divisive. This doesn't extend to all people who voted for him believing he was a lesser evil, just the outspoken xenophobes who actually find his neofascist views appealing, like you.

LOL! You sad bro? This will cheer you up. Young Turks melting down on election night. Engaging in insults and stupidity as they start to cry then attack the DNC and Hilary. Classic. . Enjoy.

when obama won, i remember how emboldened we were. we could finally speak up about our secret liberal desires to be inclusive, welcoming, and big-hearted. don't recall losing any friends, except a few facebook "friends" (mostly former co-workers and whatnot) who said openly racist things about him.

when trump won, you guys got emboldened too. you finally felt like you could speak up about how you love fascism and ethnic cleansing. that umbrella only protects trump though, hence why i enjoy getting you guys fired for your social media posts.

Sadly for you - Obama was just another war mongering NeoCon like the Bushes and Clintons, Owned by the bankers, elites and CIA.

America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama's reign
Sadly for you - Obama was just another war mongering NeoCon like the Bushes and Clintons, Owned by the bankers, elites and CIA.

America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama's reign

what happened to your milliardo account, queece?

get tired of being known as a holocaust denier so thought you would switch again?

how's the tent grow in your parent's basement going?