The True Cycle of a Cannabis Plant and Yellowing Leaves

"gene responsible for atp/rdna function / terp~grandular secretions"
Big no to that
"atp/no / terp~grandular secretions... perform better with higher N in the feed input?"
I'm not a botanist (medical chemist more like it) so I can't say with certainty just reciting studies..higher n may indeed do something through an indirect action..but thc and terpenes are produced from phosphates. Studies show higher n increases plant nitrates and alkaloids and higher p increases phosphates. While that seems like it should be intuitive, terpene synthesis has been called more complicated than any aspect of the sciences. I can think of how n could improve aspects of the plant and lead to higher production but it would be unsubstantiated. Potassium though is very important in atp(mentioned cause you said increase atp)..
Last page talks about importance of potassium a little in tobacco yield....sorry...
"gene responsible for atp/rdna function / terp~grandular secretions"
Big no to that
"atp/no / terp~grandular secretions... perform better with higher N in the feed input?"
I'm not a botanist (medical chemist more like it) so I can't say with certainty just reciting studies..higher n may indeed do something through an indirect action..but thc and terpenes are produced from phosphates. Studies show higher n increases plant nitrates and alkaloids and higher p increases phosphates. While that seems like it should be intuitive, terpene synthesis has been called more complicated than any aspect of the sciences. I can think of how n could improve aspects of the plant and lead to higher production but it would be unsubstantiated. Potassium though is very important in atp(mentioned cause you said increase atp)..
Last page talks about importance of potassium a little in tobacco yield....sorry...

~sweet got my morning coffee going, and about to read into the P studies, thnx for the info Qk :)
I grow landrace sat's..
And its impossible to keep the leaves green past about 16 weeks..they lose their first set about that time and leaves at the base of the buds will extend and become the next a shark losing teeth....even if n toxed this will happen..has nothing to do with nutes
Not all my Sativas go through this extra set of leaves..but all will yellow again even if n toxed
Yes go read about senscence and the formation of abscission layers in leaves

Years ago I decided to experiment with defoliation to see if there was any merit to it. I had the exact same results. Where ever I cut off leaves, one of the leaves above it would pop out and take it's place. In some cases I would get multiple leaves replacing the single leaf I would take off. It seemed counterproductive to say the least.
been dealing with this problem on and off for a few opinion....let it run its course,if you've mixed soil,DON'T try to compensate for the lack of nutes (mag/pot)....or you may load up ur soil and it may affect taste, soil batch you do ...up ur mag and potassium....when a plant lacks vital nutrients,the leaves will tell you with cooridinated yellowing all over the leaf...when it dies in stages or spots...looks different than yellowing...ALSO....the bigger the plant the faster he drain..yellowing in veg stage=magnesium...yellowing in flower=potassium
Now I've got an Albino going on! Wow! Anyone else here deal with one of these? The colors are a vibrant Yellow and Green, but seem to be isolated to just one cola for now. Only 25 days into veg and the plant looks epic! I thought I had somehow burnt the shit out of my seedling, but not so!! I'll try to take some pictures; can't wait to see what color the buds are!
What lighting are you using, and what is the bulbs distance from your tops?

Lighting and distance is not the issue. I saw this problem when she first came out of the ground under a 250 Watt Florescent bulb. I didn't switch to HPS lights for almost 2 weeks. Here is a Thread on RIU about the subject of Albino MJ. I think the yellow in these leaves is starting to turn white, with no burnt or drying present.
I think im at that stage now but am interested in other growers opinions


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In attempting to understand the nature and cycle of a Cannabis plant, many conclude that knowing when a plant is finished is easily seen by watching all of the plants changes, which include; buds are no longer are swelling. Pistils have receded and have turned orange. Trichomes are cloudy/amber via a certain percentage. The strain's approximate flowering cycle in weeks. Leaves have/are turning yellow.

I believe a grower can see when a plant is ready by watching all of these "Signals", without even using a special scope to see when the Trics are a certain color, as Tric color can be seen with the naked eye. But the key is, making sure the plant is "Done".

Now, my real purpose of starting this Thread is to discuss the yellowing of leaves. I have talked to growers who feel that keeping fan leaves green all the way up to harvest is good and that yellowing of leaves at this stage is not the best for a maturing Cannabis plant.

I have done research on this subject, and the Cannabis plant in the wild can tell us something about how she will finish out her life during the final stages of maturity. In the wild, Cannabis will die at the end of Flowering, so the seeded buds can drop into the ground for the next natural grow. This seems logical as we all know that Cannabis didn't come from our Grow Room/Closet.

We also should consider that Cannabis in the wild does die, and the leaves will turn yellow during maturity. I've watched many growers, including myself, become nervous when leaves begin yellowing during the last 2-3 weeks of Flowering, wondering if we over/under-nuted. I'm not so sure that this "Stress" is warranted, as we are simply watching what Cannabis does in the wild, and, this is a firm signal that our plant is entering the final phase of Flowering.

Trying to maintain green leaves all the way and into the final stage of Flowering seems to not only be unnatural, but also confuses a grower to when the plant is actually finished, as this is an important signal to know when to cut our plant(s) down. We also see some comparison to this when we watch Fall colors change our plants/trees during a certain time of year, letting us know the firm signal of a season via a plants color change.

It appears that a Cannabis plant will begin to digest the sugars/proteins/nutrients left over in the green leaves and this is what helps the buds develop fully in potency, size, and readiness. This also gives the grower confidence in the plants development and the time when she is really ready for Harvest.

Just some thoughts of mine...peace GM
The is no mention of one of the main factor's in flowering and that is crowning a plant can.
hairs turn color
tricones turn color for many reasons,so i would never go on these factors alone
In attempting to understand the nature and cycle of a Cannabis plant, many conclude that knowing when a plant is finished is easily seen by watching all of the plants changes, which include; buds are no longer are swelling. Pistils have receded and have turned orange. Trichomes are cloudy/amber via a certain percentage. The strain's approximate flowering cycle in weeks. Leaves have/are turning yellow.

I believe a grower can see when a plant is ready by watching all of these "Signals", without even using a special scope to see when the Trics are a certain color, as Tric color can be seen with the naked eye. But the key is, making sure the plant is "Done".

Now, my real purpose of starting this Thread is to discuss the yellowing of leaves. I have talked to growers who feel that keeping fan leaves green all the way up to harvest is good and that yellowing of leaves at this stage is not the best for a maturing Cannabis plant.

I have done research on this subject, and the Cannabis plant in the wild can tell us something about how she will finish out her life during the final stages of maturity. In the wild, Cannabis will die at the end of Flowering, so the seeded buds can drop into the ground for the next natural grow. This seems logical as we all know that Cannabis didn't come from our Grow Room/Closet.

We also should consider that Cannabis in the wild does die, and the leaves will turn yellow during maturity. I've watched many growers, including myself, become nervous when leaves begin yellowing during the last 2-3 weeks of Flowering, wondering if we over/under-nuted. I'm not so sure that this "Stress" is warranted, as we are simply watching what Cannabis does in the wild, and, this is a firm signal that our plant is entering the final phase of Flowering.

Trying to maintain green leaves all the way and into the final stage of Flowering seems to not only be unnatural, but also confuses a grower to when the plant is actually finished, as this is an important signal to know when to cut our plant(s) down. We also see some comparison to this when we watch Fall colors change our plants/trees during a certain time of year, letting us know the firm signal of a season via a plants color change.

It appears that a Cannabis plant will begin to digest the sugars/proteins/nutrients left over in the green leaves and this is what helps the buds develop fully in potency, size, and readiness. This also gives the grower confidence in the plants development and the time when she is really ready for Harvest.

Just some thoughts of mine...peace GM
All natural let the creator take care of the creation.
Great to have someone like this chime in. Nevyn, your experience with Cannabis is important, as you see the yellowing leaves while this plant is growing in a natural environment. That is my main reason for starting this Thread. Like AimAim said in his previous post, Cannabis stores important nutrients within in its own pantry for the day the plant is in need of "Food" for flowering. I've have watched so many growers get nervous about this, including me, but I don't stress about it anymore. It's in the "Plan", so I'll go with the plan.

I also use this "Signal" to know when my plants are ready. If I'm forcing my plants to stay green, the finishing stage will be botched with a color not meant to be, possibly causing a grower to harvest at the wrong time. I shouldn't have a problem with my plant dying because when I'm done harvesting the buds, she's gone anyway.

As long as my finished product is quality, with some quantity, my goal of growing weed is a good one. Now, if a grower wants to keep his/her plant green all the way to the end with acceptable results, that's cool too.
My hubby grows this way.
I'll chime in with my opinion and take it at that. Most every agricultural product I have experience with turns yellow as it matures: soybeans, corn, wheat, etc. It's just part of the plant's life cycle as it "shuts down". It's has made it's seed (which is the goal of every species of plant), and has no further need to photosynthesize. Game over.

We prevent MJ from pollinating so it tries to keep growing female flowers and makes those big buds we shoot for. If allowed to pollinate and form seeds it shuts down on it's own, no amount of N fert will keep it green.

So I like to keep my plants green and growing to the extent possible, as long as possible, but don't lose any sleep as they yellow late in life.

Also I don't believe fertilizing late in the cycle makes bud harsh, and I certainly don't believe flushing does anything positive to improve a grow in soil.

Just my opinions.
Thanks man you answered a lot of questions for me! This is my plant ready for harvest tomorrow!


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Thanks man you answered a lot of questions for me! This is my plant ready for harvest tomorrow!

Ah, Aim's post was 3 years ago......This is an old "dug up" thread.

I LIKE this thread though! Aim makes great points.

Your plant looks very nice Akita! Wish I could look closer at that bud.....From what I can see, That's damn close....I might be on daily watch for a bit yet. Still, like I said - I can't see the bud close enough to make for an accurate call.

Feel ok with your choice if that's what you choose! It appears that close!
Ah, Aim's post was 3 years ago......This is an old "dug up" thread.

I LIKE this thread though! Aim makes great points.

Your plant looks very nice Akita! Wish I could look closer at that bud.....From what I can see, That's damn close....I might be on daily watch for a bit yet. Still, like I said - I can't see the bud close enough to make for an accurate call.

Feel ok with your choice if that's what you choose! It appears that close!
Thanks man I took the pic with my HTC very hard to get a close up. I keep looking and thinking another few days
I am new on here and had just been going through different posts and thought this was interesting!
Well those are not very impressive either

Those pics are more than 4 years ago. I was experimenting with top feed drip system, which i replaced with F & D

I stopped posting here as there were way to many a'holes who cannot read past the pictures
plants 1.JPG Plants 2.jpg
Can a plant be ready to harvest at the end of it's 7th week of flower?

I have 3 strains grow in a tent and 2 of them now have yellow leaves and the Ti-combs are clouding over. Everything is pointing to the fact that they are very close to being ready but it is very early time wise.

The stains are : Tangine and Kosher Kosh
Lights : 2- 300 w LEDs about 18" from tops
Temp: 79* with 46% humidity
In Soil with regular feeds on Nuts
Flowering for 46 days

Should I let them go another week or are they ready now?