The Trade war between the US and Communist China


Well-Known Member
This is a bipartisan issue. Don't you just love how the Communist Party of China has brought a little unity to the US political sphere? In the title, I stipulated "Communist China" because we really ought not to be racist against the Chinese people. Let's recognize that they have one of the world's largest diasporas with ethnic enclaves in almost every major city in the world and many of the smaller cities as well. It seems that people just can't wait to get away from the authoritarian iron fist of Xi Jinping the Pooh. Not even a festival to eat so many thousands of dogs is sufficient to make people want to stay there. Anyway I'm just ranting against the world's most terrifying political regime. I'll leave the details of the trade war to the thread. It is long past the time we let them benefit from corporate greed.

I think it is forgivable to buy Chinese products if your budget doesn't allow you to buy products from innovative companies. By that I mean companies that do their own r&d instead of stealing tech and undercutting the companies who invented tech. This goes far beyond computing. For example, Kawasaki can't win a contract to build High Speed Rail because their pricing must reflect massive R&D investments, so Chinese firms are the only ones selling this Japanese technology. Does that mean that every city that wants high speed rail should choose to pay more, even if the Chinese knock-offs are of much lower quality? It doesn't make sense - in my opinion - to blame consumers for going for the lower cost option. So I guess that makes me a proponent of tariffs but let's not mistake that for support of Trump. Almost any functional human could probably do a better job convincing the public of the need to abandon a Laissez Faire approach to global trade. Furthermore, he has indiscriminately and recklessly waged his tariff war on many other countries, including strategic allies.

Where do you stand? Did you support the TransPacific Partnership? Are you aware that the US military has engaged the PLA twice militarily in the 20th century? Korea and Vietnam were both proxy wars in which the PLA kicked our asses. Let's not fool ourselves, we played right into their hands invading those two countries and lost tens of thousands of lives and countless treasure. This rise coincided with their rise to becoming the second wealthiest nation and the most populous in the world despite their revolution having cost tens of millions of Chinese lives. In fact, they exported their revolutionary ideology (along with armaments) to Cambodia where it killed a third of the Khmer people. Now, it is essentially illegal for Tibetans to speak their own language. Uighur organs are for sale to medical tourists.

Do you think we should let this regime build the world's next telecommunications infrastructure so that they can plug their massive Orwellian apparatus of AI and facial recognition into it and observe everyone who criticizes them? Should we continue to do nothing about the fentanyl killing more than 60k Americans per year just because the UK waged an opium war over a hundred years ago?

Militarily dominating another country for the purpose of neocolonial economic exploitation has at times been Uncle Sam's forte. This has stoked anti-war sentiments and protests. We were sending kids to war in poor countries in order to bring profit to our corporate overlords (the same who love Chinese labor) but a military campaign against China is starting to seem like a moral obligation akin to the great war that our fathers and grandfathers fought three quarters of a century ago. I'm not suggesting we go to war, but as someone who has actively protested against war in the last couple of decades, I wouldn't protest if we destroyed the PLA's military assets outside of China or even destroyed the PLA altogether.

I bet millions of ethnic Han would like to see China free of them too.

Its all the same thing that's been going on since mankind picked up a stick.

War is great, unless you get killed or your kid/s get killed or everyone gets killed or you lose and/or that you live on food stamps for years and years after the war and/or a depression that often comes after a war....
America didn't have to experience most of the economic problems after WW2. Vast majority of countries went through hell- even as "victors".
America became the powerhouse it is today due to the economic and monetary collapse of the worlds superpowers at that time..
Militarily dominating another country for the purpose of neocolonial economic exploitation has at times been Uncle Sam's forte. This has stoked anti-war sentiments and protests.

I bet millions of ethnic Han would like to see China free of them too.

China just launched it's first built from scratch aircraft carrier. It rivals the current American Enterprise in nearly every way. It's not going to be very long before we'll not be able to push China around at all. Quite the contrary: we'll be lucky to hold our own.
China just launched it's first built from scratch aircraft carrier. It rivals the current American Enterprise in nearly every way. It's not going to be very long before we'll not be able to push China around at all. Quite the contrary: we'll be lucky to hold our own.

More importantly, people in 2057 will say, "I lived in a 2023 Dong Feng Automobile and worked two jobs during high school" .
China's single home grown carrier can certainly not beat the Nimitz class carrier, not even on paper, much less in blue water. Anyway, the Ford class carrier is in service already and so is the F35. Before you point out that the F35 doesn't inspire confidence, I should point out that no weapons program has been without hiccups in development. In any case, the early stories about it's shortcomings were part of a US psyop. It is always better to be underestimated by one's enemy. The F35 is stealth, can land vertically, and is versatile enough to serve as a bomber or air superiority fighter and its pilots control UAV's while bombing the Spratly Islands. The F22 Raptor is peerless as an air superiority fighter, it's next rival isn't even close.

The type 001A (Chinese piece of shit collection of stolen and borrowed technologies) is powered by steam turbines and has a ski jump to launch its 38 light fighters, the J-15 (based on stolen, dated, inferior Russian tech) but they can not launch weighed down by full weapons arrays or full fuel tanks. China has one of them, manned by inexperienced sailors and no fixed-wing aircraft capable of vertical landing.

The Nimitz class (10 in service) outclasses this ship in every single way with its CATOBAR design and 85-90 aircraft capable of launching completely loaded down with weapons and fuel.

In any case, the real might of the US Navy lies in the silent service. The PLA navy is decades behind the US in this regard. If a war broke out between China and the world's only super-power, the PLA would have no choice but to rely on it's hypersonic ballistic missile regiments. Trying to hit surface ships with such weaponry would be like trying to hit cats with rocks but the cats are running around in a stadium field and you're throwing the rocks from the parking lot. It's fun to talk about how they could launch enough missiles that there would be hundreds launched against each US vessel but there are too many links in the chain in the guidance system that are susceptible to interference such as hacking, kinetic weapons shooting down satellites and THAAD. Some ships would sink but the silos for those ballistic missiles would be among the first targets pounded by US forces. Not even one submarine would be damaged by Chinese ballistic missiles. Japan also has some of the quietest DE attack subs and they're already in the vicinity.

In a real fight, the PLA navy would be removed from existence in hours. As long as we don't try to invade Asia with ground forces, it is very likely that the US can destroy the PLA navy with minimal losses. Such a war is far more likely to turn nuclear. If Russia sends its rusty ass navy we'd sink their asses too. We wouldn't even need any European "allies". Do you think the US spends more treasure on its military than the rest of the world even has, just to create jobs?

This trade war is going to stay a trade war because it is the only war that both sides think they can win. China absolutely cannot win that war on the high seas. America absolutely cannot win that ground war. Nobody wins a nuclear war. If China keeps developing, maybe it can rival the US militarily in a couple of decades but only if it can keep that GDP growth as high as it has in the last few years. So let's focus on trade war or peace.

China has made some political gains internationally as well. They captured the Philippines. This has allowed them to keep military control of the SCS. They've built a base in Djibouti, from which they have brought the Gulf of Aden under control, to the benefit of most of the world (detriment to Somali pirates) and they are the primary trading partner of most of resource rich Africa. However, they have lost control of Australia (which they almost had consolidated) and New Zealand.

They can't even invade Taiwan.
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Spoken by a man who has NO CLUE what he's talking about.

The carrier you're talking about was bought from Russia and finished in China. Their new one that just launched doesn't have a ski jump. It's the exact same layout as the Nimitz Class nuclear carriers and is outfitted in similar fashion.

It looks very similar to this:

Someone get me some of what this dipshit is smoking.

The type 002 isn't in service yet, the 001A is still in sea trials. Read something that isn't Russian propaganda, dumb ass.
China's single carrier can certainly not beat the Nimitz class carrier, not even on paper, much less in blue water. Anyway, the Ford class carrier is in service already and so is the F35. Before you point out that the F35 doesn't inspire confidence, I should point out that no weapons program has been without hiccups in development. In any case, the early stories about it's shortcomings were part of a US psyop. It is always better to be underestimated by one's enemy. The F35 is stealth, can land vertically, and is versatile enough to serve as a bomber or air superiority fighter and its pilots control UAV's while bombing the Spratly Islands. The F22 Raptor is peerless as an air superiority fighter, it's next rival isn't even close.

The type 001A (Chinese piece of shit collection of stolen and borrowed technologies) is powered by steam turbines and has a ski jump to launch its 38 light fighters, the J-15 (based on stolen, dated, inferior Russian tech) but they can not launch weighed down by full weapons arrays or full fuel tanks. China has one of them, manned by inexperienced sailors and no fixed-wing aircraft capable of vertical landing.

The Nimitz class (10 in service) outclasses this ship in every single way with its CATOBAR design and 85-90 aircraft capable of launching completely loaded down with weapons and fuel.

In any case, the real might of the US Navy lies in the silent service. The PLA navy is decades behind the US in this regard. If a war broke out between China and the world's only super-power, the PLA would have no choice but to rely on it's hypersonic ballistic missile regiments. Trying to hit surface ships with such weaponry would be like trying to hit cats with rocks but the cats are running around in a stadium field and you're throwing the rocks from the parking lot. It's fun to talk about how they could launch enough missiles that there would be hundreds launched against each US vessel but there are too many links in the chain in the guidance system that are susceptible to interference such as hacking, kinetic weapons shooting down satellites and THAAD. Some ships would sink but the silos for those ballistic missiles would be among the first targets pounded by US forces. Not even one submarine would be damaged by Chinese ballistic missiles. Japan also has some of the quietest DE attack subs and they're already in the vicinity.

In a real fight, the PLA navy would be removed from existence in hours. As long as we don't try to invade Asia with ground forces, it is very likely that the US can destroy the PLA navy with minimal losses. Such a war is far more likely to turn nuclear. If Russia sends its rusty ass navy we'd sink their asses too. We wouldn't even need any European "allies". Do you think the US spends more treasure on its military than the rest of the world even has, just to create jobs?

This trade war is going to stay a trade war because it is the only war that both sides think they can win. China absolutely cannot win that war on the high seas. America absolutely cannot win that ground war. Nobody wins a nuclear war. If China keeps developing, maybe it can rival the US militarily in a couple of decades but only if it can keep that GDP growth as high as it has in the last few years. So let's focus on trade war or peace.

China has made some political gains internationally as well. They captured the Philippines. This has allowed them to keep military control of the SCS. They've built a base in Djibouti, from which they have brought the Gulf of Aden under control, to the benefit of most of the world (detriment to Somali pirates) and they are the primary trading partner of most of resource rich Africa. However, they have lost control of Australia (which they almost had consolidated) and New Zealand.

They can't even invade Taiwan.
I just figured he meant CVN-65 in it's current state.
I gave you a sympathy like, since you always start calling names when you want attention.

I don't need sympathy from a blowhard like you.

The very first Chinese carrier was bought from Russia and completed in China.

The one you're talking about is actually the 2nd Chinese carrier. It's very much like, but an improvement on the 1st carrier and it just finished sea trials. It was completed back in 2017. The one I'm talking about just launched. It's not yet completed. It is being finish fitted in the water as we speak. It is the new generation carrier. It is nothing at all like the first two carriers.
This is a bipartisan issue. Don't you just love how the Communist Party of China has brought a little unity to the US political sphere? In the title, I stipulated "Communist China" because we really ought not to be racist against the Chinese people. Let's recognize that they have one of the world's largest diasporas with ethnic enclaves in almost every major city in the world and many of the smaller cities as well. It seems that people just can't wait to get away from the authoritarian iron fist of Xi Jinping the Pooh. Not even a festival to eat so many thousands of dogs is sufficient to make people want to stay there. Anyway I'm just ranting against the world's most terrifying political regime. I'll leave the details of the trade war to the thread. It is long past the time we let them benefit from corporate greed.

I think it is forgivable to buy Chinese products if your budget doesn't allow you to buy products from innovative companies. By that I mean companies that do their own r&d instead of stealing tech and undercutting the companies who invented tech. This goes far beyond computing. For example, Kawasaki can't win a contract to build High Speed Rail because their pricing must reflect massive R&D investments, so Chinese firms are the only ones selling this Japanese technology. Does that mean that every city that wants high speed rail should choose to pay more, even if the Chinese knock-offs are of much lower quality? It doesn't make sense - in my opinion - to blame consumers for going for the lower cost option. So I guess that makes me a proponent of tariffs but let's not mistake that for support of Trump. Almost any functional human could probably do a better job convincing the public of the need to abandon a Laissez Faire approach to global trade. Furthermore, he has indiscriminately and recklessly waged his tariff war on many other countries, including strategic allies.

Where do you stand? Did you support the TransPacific Partnership? Are you aware that the US military has engaged the PLA twice militarily in the 20th century? Korea and Vietnam were both proxy wars in which the PLA kicked our asses. Let's not fool ourselves, we played right into their hands invading those two countries and lost tens of thousands of lives and countless treasure. This rise coincided with their rise to becoming the second wealthiest nation and the most populous in the world despite their revolution having cost tens of millions of Chinese lives. In fact, they exported their revolutionary ideology (along with armaments) to Cambodia where it killed a third of the Khmer people. Now, it is essentially illegal for Tibetans to speak their own language. Uighur organs are for sale to medical tourists.

Do you think we should let this regime build the world's next telecommunications infrastructure so that they can plug their massive Orwellian apparatus of AI and facial recognition into it and observe everyone who criticizes them? Should we continue to do nothing about the fentanyl killing more than 60k Americans per year just because the UK waged an opium war over a hundred years ago?

Militarily dominating another country for the purpose of neocolonial economic exploitation has at times been Uncle Sam's forte. This has stoked anti-war sentiments and protests. We were sending kids to war in poor countries in order to bring profit to our corporate overlords (the same who love Chinese labor) but a military campaign against China is starting to seem like a moral obligation akin to the great war that our fathers and grandfathers fought three quarters of a century ago. I'm not suggesting we go to war, but as someone who has actively protested against war in the last couple of decades, I wouldn't protest if we destroyed the PLA's military assets outside of China or even destroyed the PLA altogether.

I bet millions of ethnic Han would like to see China free of them too.
It never made sense to me why the US would open up our country to trade with China with the same people in power who committed the atrocity in Tienanmen Square. The children of the children of the leaders of the Communist regime aren't really Communist, though. They are a mercantile economy ruled by an oligarchy. .There is validity in the idea of pulling back or even out of trade with China.

The idea of direct military confrontation with China is so yesterday. Nuclear powers aren't going to fight a conventional war. So, no. Let's not put our dukes up and have at it. Rather than fight, the US should look inward and expand its own ability to compete. Everything we need to compete is at home.
I'm talking about the 001A. It is a piece of shit and was very recently launched. It is China's only homegrown carrier. The Liaoning is more of a training and research facility for China to develop a modern navy than it is an effective weapon. Nobody is talking about that piece of shit. The 001A is what I mentioned, very specifically when you said they have only just launched it recently. Go stare at some more photoshopped satellite images.
I have seen the satellite images of it launching.

But whatever you say.
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