the tips of my leafs are bending down?????

"let it burn"

Well-Known Member
the top leafs on my plant are beding down. what is this from??? is it from not watering as much as i should??? i water every 4days. please help....

north strong & free

Active Member
how old are they? Do u have pics? Probably too much water, had the same problem from when we repotted them. The were drooping down, even some brown spots. just water when they get dry (not too dry) instead of going every 4 days. Mine are three 3 weeks since repotting and we added nutrients 5 days ago. They are perking up nicely now. Do u have a soil moisture checker?

"let it burn"

Well-Known Member
thanks alot guys. yea i think it may be under watering because she perked back up when i watered her. shes not dry when i water eather. when i was in veg she would dry up in 3 days but not now. i am on my 3rd day of flower. i will be putting a new post up in a day or two with some updated pictures. thanks guys.