The Time Has Come, You Got Balls,Or are you a pussy, cuz Im callin you out!


Well-Known Member
damn... people a discrimating on weed.....cannabis racism...??? You just took this thread to whole...whole nutta...level.


Well-Known Member
The status quo is in effect because the average citizen has been deceived through propaganda. Grungy, unemployed, protesters conducting hunger strikes will not change anyone's opinion. Education will. When the average rational person is presented with the facts, they usually admit the War on Drugs is a failure and should be eliminated.

Facts include:
The racist origins of cannabis prohibition.
The industrial concerns (Dow Chemicals & William Randolph Hearst) using cannabis prohibition as a means of eliminating industrial hemp.
The amount of money wasted on the failed War on Drugs.
The amount of tax revenue promised by way of re-legalization of cannabis.
The economic, environmental, and agricultural potential of industrial hemp.
Mankind has used cannabis for at least 6,000 years, well into prehistory. It's only been prohibited in the last century.
The simple fact that so many people use it now, regardless of prohibition. Should not public policy reflect this reality rather than deny it?
Cartels, very bad men, are getting rich off prohibition. That existing black market activity should be legitimized; regulated and taxed.

These facts presented respectfully, can open the minds of those closed through government lies.
Obviously, if you had read the thread thoroughly, you would have seen that it would be professionals like doctors, law enforcement, Nurses, Utility workers, Federal Employees!, nutritionists, scientists etc. etc. ..... alongside anyone else that would be willing to contribute that small part of their lives to do an Huge amount of good! This is about the 1,000,000 arrests per year for marijuana!! and the millions of people that are going through hard times simply because of the prejudice against pot that is held in places like work, school, etc. etc. .... and again to those of you that posted that you don't care if its legal or not.... I'd rather it be you that get locked up for it, because you would deserve it more than I, I at least am trying to stop that from happening... Decriminalization would only stop jail time from occurring, it would not stop the other negative ramifications of it not being completely legal... like fines, classes, etc. that are Forced upon you.


Well-Known Member
and the thread is not taken to a whole new level... as any one that is farther than there Sofmore year in High School should know the history of pot. I do agree with most of what Jonnyorganic was saying though...
It Will Work... but only if WE MAKE it work.... lots of hard work to do...


Well-Known Member
Obviously, if you had read the thread thoroughly, you would have seen that it would be professionals like doctors, law enforcement, Nurses, Utility workers, Federal Employees!, nutritionists, scientists etc. etc. ..... alongside anyone else that would be willing to contribute that small part of their lives to do an Huge amount of good! This is about the 1,000,000 arrests per year for marijuana!! and the millions of people that are going through hard times simply because of the prejudice against pot that is held in places like work, school, etc. etc. .... and again to those of you that posted that you don't care if its legal or not.... I'd rather it be you that get locked up for it, because you would deserve it more than I, I at least am trying to stop that from happening... Decriminalization would only stop jail time from occurring, it would not stop the other negative ramifications of it not being completely legal... like fines, classes, etc. that are Forced upon you.
Patronizing tone aside, I did read the thread thoroughly. :finger:

As such, I can categorically state that your psuedo-anarchic proposal is a pothead's pipe dream. It will never happen. In the real world, change will be accomplished, but only through an intelligent, measured, presentation of the facts not offered by the government propaganda.


Well-Known Member
idk how believe-able this is but i trust the source. a friends dad once worked for the cia and said that this election is rigged and mccain is gunna win. we'll stain in iraq and with this "war" and the WWIII will beggin. usa will go through a depression and then come out of it as the world power again.... hope not. obama 08


Well-Known Member
That, is where we disagree. and thanks for doing your part to try and make it not work. And if you had read the thread thoroughly than you would have noticed the part about professional people being involved, and wouldn't have posted what you did... And Trying to get people to Organize this is definitely Anarchy... I'm sorry you took offense to my inference, but it happens a lot that I will post things and make sure to put certain things into the posts, and people will read it, and then go on posting like they didn't...
That is what separates California from a lot of other States, we Stood up for what we believed in, banned together, and made Something happen. It fell far short of nationwide legalization... but we used the method you described to do it... and I am not going to wait 20 years (and maybe spend 5-10 in prison) for it to be legalized, while millions of people have their lives tainted or ruined by the current legislature, especially when the numbers are there, the Facts support the cause, and the only thing that is lacking is for a few million "stoners/professionals" to grow some freakin balls and do something for the greater good! There are tons and tons of activists that will jump on board enthusiastically when they hear about this, put in a lot of hard work, and rally people together to get it done... and when we hit the streets, feel free to sit in your house and hope that some one is out there educating people properly about pot, when the current educational system and government doesn't, won't, and instead demonize it to the best of their ability.

And, the King of England thought that the idea of America was a pipe dream as well... smoked up by those hippy stoner founding fathers of ours...


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, and who is it you were planning on presenting the facts to exactly? And who is going to be presenting the facts? And when will they have time for that? And how will they support themselves while they dedicate themselves to do the arduous task? And how is this entities propaganda going to compete with the might and media in the corner of the GOV? Especially when we Allow people to go to jail and prison for mere possession every day... the same people that would be well informed voters.... that lose their jobs and families and friends and houses and whole lives to the stupid legislature that is enforced....


Well-Known Member
That, is where we disagree. and thanks for doing your part to try and make it not work. And if you had read the thread thoroughly than you would have noticed the part about professional people being involved, and wouldn't have posted what you did... And Trying to get people to Organize this is definitely Anarchy... I'm sorry you took offense to my inference, but it happens a lot that I will post things and make sure to put certain things into the posts, and people will read it, and then go on posting like they didn't...
That is what separates California from a lot of other States, we Stood up for what we believed in, banned together, and made Something happen. It fell far short of nationwide legalization... but we used the method you described to do it... and I am not going to wait 20 years (and maybe spend 5-10 in prison) for it to be legalized, while millions of people have their lives tainted or ruined by the current legislature, especially when the numbers are there, the Facts support the cause, and the only thing that is lacking is for a few million "stoners/professionals" to grow some freakin balls and do something for the greater good! There are tons and tons of activists that will jump on board enthusiastically when they hear about this, put in a lot of hard work, and rally people together to get it done... and when we hit the streets, feel free to sit in your house and hope that some one is out there educating people properly about pot, when the current educational system and government doesn't, won't, and instead demonize it to the best of their ability.

And, the King of England thought that the idea of America was a pipe dream as well... smoked up by those hippy stoner founding fathers of ours...
It won't work because it is a ludicrous concept. My method has already changed more minds than yours ever will. Organized anarchy is a contradiction in terms.

Political change, even revolution, takes time. Political movements do not spring up overnight. They originate organically over time as a result of one person explaining to another person why change makes sense, and why it is so vital to change.

And people don't care enough about cannabis re-legalization to revolt over it.
When I was a kid my mom would always use patronizing tones with me when I had said something absurdly stupid...
Which is ironic because you wrote something absurdly stupid using a patronizing tone.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, and who is it you were planning on presenting the facts to exactly? And who is going to be presenting the facts? And when will they have time for that? And how will they support themselves while they dedicate themselves to do the arduous task? And how is this entities propaganda going to compete with the might and media in the corner of the GOV? Especially when we Allow people to go to jail and prison for mere possession every day... the same people that would be well informed voters.... that lose their jobs and families and friends and houses and whole lives to the stupid legislature that is enforced....
Simple. By educating our friends and neighbors in a non-combative and respectful way. The opposite of your puerile method of persuasion.

Presenting a factual rebuttal to the government propaganda. It works. I do it on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
It won't work because it is a ludicrous concept. My method has already changed more minds than yours ever will. Organized anarchy is a contradiction in terms.

Political change, even revolution, takes time. Political movements do not spring up overnight. They originate organically over time as a result of one person explaining to another person why change makes sense, and why it is so vital to change.

And people don't care enough about cannabis re-legalization to revolt over it.
Ludicrous... lol... your method changed more minds... lol... the sixties used methods such as mine, and is also the most famous decade for Open Cannabis use, and has influenced every generation to come to have softer feelings for it, and associate it with peace. I am not trying to organize anarchy whatsoever. I am trying to get people together to organize a well planned out form of public education and protest that will demand the immediate legalization in 2010! I will repeat that 2010! So where the hell did you get that overnight crap? I would appreciate it if you would stop trying to put down things like they came from me, when they came from you (anarchy, overnight, etc. etc.) Apparently, enough people do care about relegalization... or things wouldn't be happening as they are in almost 30 States! People are already sick and tired of being persecuted, and as they saw Prop 215 work in California, they discovered the medicinal use was the easiest fastest foot in the door to legal protection from prosecution, and decided to go that route... only now a decade later, California's medical marijuana laws are a mess of confusion, sucking up tax payers dollars, being trumped in some federal courts, causing problems between states and the White House, causing more and more of a negative image for Cannabis users... I would say that for as much good as Prop 215 does, there certainly a lot of complex problems that have arisen from it, and Proposition 215 did come about through methods you suggested, but not without the bulk of my ideas coming into play as well... What I am suggesting includes your methods as well... it just also goes a lot farther than that...


Well-Known Member
so posting:
That it is obvious that if you had read something thoroughly and in its entirety, than you would have understood it well, and would not have replied to it claiming that it was supposed to be taken to mean something completely different then what was plainly written.

Is absurdly stupid? Please do explain that one?


Well-Known Member
the only thing that I am combative of is a negative pessimistic response to something you obviously didn't/don't understand when it was specifically requested that people don't do it in a nice respectful manner...


Well-Known Member
so posting:
That it is obvious that if you had read something thoroughly and in its entirety, than you would have understood it well, and would not have replied to it claiming that it was supposed to be taken to mean something completely different then what was plainly written.

Is absurdly stupid? Please do explain that one?
I will not repeat myself for your benefit. You are such an expert in reading comprehension skill as to cast aspersions on mine. Re-read my responses.


Well-Known Member
the only thing that was written with any patronizing tone was the "Obviously" statement... and I have read and reread all of your posts on this thread... I stated above where my animosity is coming from.... its nothing personal... but I am sure you would really not appreciate it if some one was downplaying something you were trying to do, and making it (even if unintentionally) more difficult to accomplish due to what they wrote, when what they wrote is not even fact.


Well-Known Member
Ludicrous... lol... your method changed more minds... lol... the sixties used methods such as mine, and is also the most famous decade for Open Cannabis use, and has influenced every generation to come to have softer feelings for it, and associate it with peace. I am not trying to organize anarchy whatsoever.
I'll quote you. :-P
And Trying to get people to Organize this is definitely Anarchy...
I am trying to get people together to organize a well planned out form of public education and protest that will demand the immediate legalization in 2010! I will repeat that 2010! So where the hell did you get that overnight crap?
It is September 2008. Your proposal is for 2010. Barely a year away. In public policy terms, that is overnight, Junior.

I would appreciate it if you would stop trying to put down things like they came from me, when they came from you (anarchy, overnight, etc. etc.)
They did come from you. :dunce:
Apparently, enough people do care about relegalization... or things wouldn't be happening as they are in almost 30 States! People are already sick and tired of being persecuted, and as they saw Prop 215 work in California, they discovered the medicinal use was the easiest fastest foot in the door to legal protection from prosecution, and decided to go that route... only now a decade later, California's medical marijuana laws are a mess of confusion, sucking up tax payers dollars, being trumped in some federal courts, causing problems between states and the White House, causing more and more of a negative image for Cannabis users... I would say that for as much good as Prop 215 does, there certainly a lot of complex problems that have arisen from it, and Proposition 215 did come about through methods you suggested, but not without the bulk of my ideas coming into play as well... What I am suggesting includes your methods as well... it just also goes a lot farther than that...
The sixties happened. It's true, but it's equally true the 70's followed close behind. The War on Drugs was a product of the Nixon Administration. Then the 80's and "Just Say 'No'." The situation worsened after the popular uprising of the sixties because normal folks just saw a bunch of smelly hippies smoking grass.

Only now are evident the fruits of years of effort, gains being made in California and elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
i think when it comes right down to it there arent enough Americans in the US that are willing to put there lives as well as the lives of there family, credit, house, cars, etc. on the line for the sake of making marijuana legal.

dont get me wrong if i saw a charter in my town that was calling the masses to meet and march towards something great i would be all for it. if i saw something that said "come together and meet in the largest city in your area and bring fellow advocates", i would be all for it.

dont forget that after the 60s penalties for narcotics was well as marijuana continued to get worse and worse. we have come all this way and now in a dozen or so states medical marijuana is legal or tolerated(depending on how you look at it) to the point that dispensaries are open. do you really want to possibly put those in jeopardy?

i just wanna say that im all for what your doing and i support it but im not the kind of man to walk alone.

what you are suggesting we do would, imo, only be possible in an Obama headed presidency. so if you are really into doing this vote hope for him:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i think when it comes right down to it there arent enough Americans in the US that are willing to put there lives as well as the lives of there family, credit, house, cars, etc. on the line for the sake of making marijuana legal.

dont get me wrong if i saw a charter in my town that was calling the masses to meet and march towards something great i would be all for it. if i saw something that said "come together and meet in the largest city in your area and bring fellow advocates", i would be all for it.

dont forget that after the 60s penalties for narcotics was well as marijuana continued to get worse and worse. we have come all this way and now in a dozen or so states medical marijuana is legal or tolerated(depending on how you look at it) to the point that dispensaries are open. do you really want to possibly put those in jeopardy?

i just wanna say that im all for what your doing and i support it but im not the kind of man to walk alone.

what you are suggesting we do would, imo, only be possible in an Obama headed presidency. so if you are really into doing this vote hope for him:bigjoint:
I think the majority of those Americans that wouldn't run that risk are just like you in what you said about hopping on the train as it goes by and showing support when you see it actually happening, because risking it all alone is a very scary thought... otherwise I would be trying to do all those things on my own and would fail horribly at it...

I'm sorry, but a year and a half is a year and a half certainly isn't overnight in political terms (as there will be a different president etc. etc.)... no matter how you look at it, especially when your talking about a movement (look at what happened with ron paul for example).
I'll quote you. :razz:
Originally Posted by theloadeddragon
And Trying to get people to Organize this is definitely Anarchy...

Uhh, ever heard of Sarcasm?


Well-Known Member
the biggest parts of this is will power confidence and Organization... that and cooperation... Im not talking about hippies in the streets... that was 40 years ago... to clarify- I am more imagining people of every class coming together as was done during the Revolutionary War.... This is about a lot more than pot, this is about peace, freedom, our economy, personal rights and safety, justice, and reality.
How about we make peace between ourselves (since I have respect for you and wouldn't want to lose your valuable input), and talk about progressive solutions that we can be understanding about even if we don't agree?