The Theory of Relative Motion and Natural Purpose

Another thing you might want to look for in the near future is, it will be a forum for philosophy, education and enlightenment. I will try to put more effort into getting it started, money's kinda tight right now. I will try to message you all and let you know. It would be nice to find the same format as RIU.
I will make sure to include a section for philosophy, psychology and different sciences, most certainly physics, I can not think of a more practical subject for revealing the genius within. Any suggestions for the site would be greatly appreciated.

I will make sure to keep spirituality and philosophy separate.
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Yes all measurement, all science, is a matter of subjective perception, but it is grounded in logic, I believe that some aspects of objective reality are beyond the scope of our finite minds but the finite is observable and understandable.

I do get your point, even though we have logic to base our understanding, and as practical as it may be, it is still subjective, to attain a realization of ultimate reality we must snap out of logic all together, we must stop thinking and become directly aware of Space, the Space in the Present Moment, we must be directly aware of the universe as it truly exists, and not as our minds perceive it.

This is just so wrong; really nothing but "mumbo - jumbo".

Let's say I stick you in a box. Your only ability to determine anything about that environment is dependent upon two things:

1) your sensors/acquisition system
2) your ability to process that data correctly

There's nothing mystical about the process, only in your head. People spend life times developing these systems.

Logic is nothing more than a tool; just like math.

You can think of your body, your bedroom, your house, the planet and even the universe as a box.

Get it?
This is just so wrong; really nothing but "mumbo - jumbo".

Let's say I stick you in a box. Your only ability to determine anything about that environment is dependent upon two things:

1) your sensors/acquisition system
2) your ability to process that data correctly

There's nothing mystical about the process, only in your head. People spend life times developing these systems.

Logic is nothing more than a tool; just like math.

You can think of your body, your bedroom, your house, the planet and even the universe as a box.

Get it?
Yes I get it, it is all in your head lol!!!. Think outside the box, it has you trapped.
Ok, let's say you have a measurement of three feet, does that measurement actually exist or is it a subjective perception of human consciousness? This should be a good test of intelligence.
The one thing that I am grateful for is being an autodidact, formal education trains you to think inside the box imo.

Consider a formal education as nothing more than a "ticket" to see a show. It's not a guarantee that you'll be successful at your chosen career or even remotely happy.

There's nothing wrong with self education; after all, we all do it one way or another.

Btw, you appear to possess a couple of admirable qualities that can't be taught, "curiosity" and "passion".
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'The box' contains the best knowledge we have today, accumulated over centuries of painstaking observation and effort. The great minds that thought 'outside' of it were very well versed in what it contained. You are not there yet, not even close. You have much to learn before you can teach or lead, if you don't, what would be the point? The world is already full of delusional hacks full of ignorance and half-baked ideas with little or no correlation to reality. Why not become a student and accumulate valid knowledge and train your mind to think critically? Maybe then you could come up with something valuable to offer. You may want to drop a lot of your pet ideas regarding enlightenment, ego, etc.. They don't seem to correspond to reality and seem to be getting in the way...
Be the teacher and the taught.

The top of one field (etc.) is the bottom of another.

Or better yet, be a Taut Teacher! Happy to be at the bottom or top of this other...

'The box' contains the best knowledge we have today, accumulated over centuries of painstaking observation and effort. The great minds that thought 'outside' of it were very well versed in what it contained. You are not there yet, not even close. You have much to learn before you can teach or lead, if you don't, what would be the point? The world is already full of delusional hacks full of ignorance and half-baked ideas with little or no correlation to reality. Why not become a student and accumulate valid knowledge and train your mind to think critically? Maybe then you could come up with something valuable to offer. You may want to drop a lot of your pet ideas regarding enlightenment, ego, etc.. They don't seem to correspond to reality and seem to be getting in the way...
Yes I am considering going back to school and taking philosophy, I already have my career set and would never consider anything else, but I do understand the value of a formal education.
Yes I am considering going back to school and taking philosophy, I already have my career set and would never consider anything else, but I do understand the value of a formal education.

Cool. Maybe squeeze in a couple of physics and cosmology books, as well ;) If you don't mind me asking, what is your profession?
And how about you Mr Durden, what do you do for a living, did you major in Philosophy?

Mr. Durden is a marijuana grower, and he once claimed to be a musician too.

Tylers mother worked in the field of science, so I assume his mother taught him some things.

Tyler doesn't have a real job, because he makes enough money from growing herb, so he has plenty of time to study his favorite passion- science.

This is all assuming that Mr. Durden is telling the truth in his posts, and this is what I have gathered from his rhetoric.

Is this correct, Tyler?

EDIT- But Ceepea claims that he majored philosophy in college, and I believe him, because he knows his stuff.

Mr. Durden is a marijuana grower, and he once claimed to be a musician too.

Tylers mother worked in the field of science, so I assume his mother taught him some things.

Tyler doesn't have a real job, because he makes enough money from growing herb, so he has plenty of time to study his favorite passion- science.

This is all assuming that Mr. Durden is telling the truth in his posts, and this is what I have gathered from his rhetoric.

Is this correct, Tyler?

EDIT- But Ceepea claims that he majored philosophy in college, and I believe him, because he knows his stuff.

That's cool, I have no problem with Marijuana and music, I'm a pothead ledhead, and aspiring horticulturist myself. "If a law is unjust it is our duty not to obey it". I forget who said that, some one around 1790's Philadelphia. "If it is not an openness to all beings then it is not enlightenment " Tolle
And how about you Mr Durden, what do you do for a living, did you major in Philosophy?

I make the majority of my income from growing uber-dank shit for a small, discerning clientele. I am also a professional classical violinist which provides legit income. I have taken some classes in philosophy, biology, physics, and psychology, but I am very much an autodidact, like yourself. I am an avid reader, but I have not read fiction for more than 15 years. The reality of the cosmos is MUCH more interesting than any sci-fi or other genre of fiction imo. The lion's share of my day is spent practicing my music, studying science and philosophy, and tending my perpetually harvesting garden. A couple times a week I get out of the house to play tennis, or to attend chamber music jams with my friends/colleagues. Weekends are mostly for gigs and raising my son. Life is good...
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