The Theory of Relative Motion and Natural Purpose

Yes thank you Mr Durden, I am learning from you, you are very well educated. I never said that I was well versed in physics I said I like to study physics, now many of my perspectives about the subject are astray from the norm, and yes I am well aware that I could be wrong. I'm not touting my intellect I am actually coming to you and admitting my own limitations and uncertainty.

Richard Feynman said " Anyone that tells you they understand quantum physics, doesn't understand quantum physics".

You are not alone in admitting your uncertainty. peace.
This is also a fun site, I like to generate random Chopra quotes sometimes when things are slow. Try it and post your favorites! -

"Imagination meditates on subjective balance"
"Intuition reflects the flow of destiny"
"Interdependence transcends precious sensations"

I recently read a book by Rachel Carson 'The Sea around us' (1951) ... The book is an attempt to understand the oceans and sea's on our planet from a geological perspective. From the first page I was captured by the eloquence and clarity of her writing and finished the book in 2 days.

She was quoted as saying .. 'If there is poetry in my book about the sea, it is not because I deliberately put it there, but because no one could write truthfully about the sea and leave out the poetry.'
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Ten minute clip -

@4.08 one of the speakers criticizes Chopra by saying .... "He (Chopra) claims that everything in the Universe is interconnected, and it just isn't".

A quote from Wikipedia -
All matter can exhibit wave-like behaviour. For example a beam of electrons can be diffracted just like a beam of light or a water wave. Matter waves are a central part of the theory of quantum mechanics, an example of wave–particle duality. The concept that matter behaves like a wave is also referred to as the de Broglie hypothesis

Now if all matter behaves like waves, how is it 'woo woo' to state they are interconnected. .. In our great oceans are the waves that break on the shore of one beach unconnected to the waves that break on the beach further down the coast? Although the relationship may be immeasurably small, none-the-less the inter-connectivity is undeniable. I think.
i don't feel they explain the innerconnectivity in the context of this does a wave hitting a beach detail how an atom in a grain of sand is connected to the energy in the wave? ergo they stand behind the statement 'the universe is not interconnected. to back such a statement that it is interconnected you'd have to come up with an axiom or something like Schrödinger's cat.

@god1 that's not fair could you calculate capillary pressure without looking something up? for the record i hate chopra
Everything is happening because of 'entropy' ... maybe that's the ''reason' you're looking for. Out of disorder comes what appears to be order. In the end, things fall apart.
i wouldn't say that's a valid example. Waves are energy moving through a medium.
Yes it is my belief that the medium is space, which actually is a fabric and is not actually separate from energy, the bending of this fabric on a quantum scale creates the wave, the accumulated bending is what creates gravity on the astro- scale, the strong nuclear force could be considered a minute quantum gravity which causes just the slightest bend in space - time and thus matter is created, the infinite vastness of space becomes a singularity, Space becoming Time in a continuous seemingly perpetual function, the space - time continuum.
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When space bends time bends with it, because ultimately they are inseparable, the relative motion of energy in space is time, so if space bends, dilates, then the the relative motion of energy has not choice but to be effected, it dilates as well.
It'd be interesting to know Kashyap Vasavada take on Chopra?

Any published material or known links?

As a practicing eng, heavily planted in Newtonian physics, I'll bet this nut (Chopra), couldn't calculate the thermal cycle on closed loop grow room to save his life. Albeit, he's probably a big proponent of "fuzzy" logic.

That's a good question. At any rate, Chopra is blending the terms of his heritage in most cases, which increases probability that he'd be misunderstood in some instances (o% - 100% - or 70%). I'm not making a case for him, I don't know him personally.
Yes it is my belief that the medium is space, which actually is a fabric and is not actually separate from energy, the bending of this fabric on a quantum scale creates the wave, the accumulated bending is what creates gravity on the astro- scale, the strong nuclear force could be considered a minute quantum gravity which causes just the slightest bend in space - time and thus matter is created, the infinite vastness of space becomes a singularity, Space becoming Time in a continuous seemingly perpetual function, the space - time continuum.
what you talk about here is already studied in The Casimir Effect. They claim to have found the Higgs Boson, the particle believed to give all things mass so that right there defuncts the claim 'fabric and is not actually separate from energy'
Honestly I'm having a hard time following your train of thought. I was enticed by your metaphysical wording but we're pretty far from that now.
Let's take a photon of light for example, it may not be the strong nuclear force that binds the photon but it is still the minute quantum gravity at work, Space bending to a lesser degree. It is as if this bending is calculated to perfection and all comes together as a synchronistic orchestra, with everything physical fulfilling it's natural purpose.
what you talk about here is already studied in The Casimir Effect. They claim to have found the Higgs Boson, the particle believed to give all things mass so that right there defuncts the claim 'fabric and is not actually separate from energy'
Honestly I'm having a hard time following your train of thought. I was enticed by your metaphysical wording but we're pretty far from that now.
Yes I am aware that it is not an original idea of mine, but none the less I have a strong intuit that it is true.
Here, let me try to clarify. If space bends, it dilates from one frame of reference to another, thus the distance that an object has to travel is shortened, so if the object maintains the same velocity it will actually be moving faster because the space between the two frames is dilated, thus time is effected. Of course the speed of light can not be broken, it has it natural purpose as the governor of space - time, and when two frames of reference travel towards each other at nearly the speed of light we experience time dilation, because the relative motion between any two frames can not exceed the speed of light.
i don't feel they explain the innerconnectivity in the context of this does a wave hitting a beach detail how an atom in a grain of sand is connected to the energy in the wave? ergo they stand behind the statement 'the universe is not interconnected. to back such a statement that it is interconnected you'd have to come up with an axiom or something like Schrödinger's cat.

I don't see how the thought experiment of Shroedinger's cat can be thought of as axiomatic in any way. but ill attempt to explain the 'inter-connectivity' paradigm as I understand it

Firstly the waves at different parts of the ocean are connected through the 2ndt law of thermodynamics, which states that in an isolated system, concentrated energy disperses over time. This energy passes through the system as a whole.

On a more fundamental level, matter is considered both a wave and a particle and behaves like so. The solidity we perceive is very much down to our subjective perception and is an emergent property of our conscious 'living' minds. We exist in a big quantum soup of atoms and sub-atomic particles. at a deeper level matter it is all made up of quarks and fields called gluons etc.

so in this sense we can imagine it (the universe) like an ocean. It's all made up of the same stuff.. A disturbance on the shore at one end will have an effect on the waves at another end. .. this is beyond our current ability to measure.but none the less they are linked.
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I don't see how the thought experiment of Shroedinger's cat can be thought of as axiomatic in any way. but ill attempt to explain the 'inter-connectivity' paradigm as I understand it

Firstly the waves at different parts of the ocean are connected through the 2ndt law of thermodynamics, which states that in an isolated system, concentrated energy disperses over time. This energy passes through the system as a whole.

On a more fundamental level, matter is considered both a wave and a particle and behaves like so. The solidity we perceive is very much down to our subjective perception and is an emergent property of our conscious 'living' minds. We exist in a big quantum soup of atoms and sub-atomic particles. at a deeper level matter it is all made up of quarks and fields called gluons etc.

so in this sense we can imagine it (the universe) like an ocean. It's all made up of the same stuff.. A disturbance on the shore at one end will have an effect on the waves at another end. .. this is beyond our current ability to measure.but none the less they are linked.
And perhaps by the unity of Space (Eternity), it can defeat the speed of light and simultaneously occurring events can take place relative to each other across such great distances.
Here, let me try to clarify. If space bends, it dilates from one frame of reference to another, thus the distance that an object has to travel is shortened, so if the object maintains the same velocity it will actually be moving faster because the space between the two frames is dilated, thus time is effected. Of course the speed of light can not be broken, it has it natural purpose as the governor of space - time, and when two frames of reference travel towards each other at nearly the speed of light we experience time dilation, because the relative motion between any two frames can not exceed the speed of light.
i believe things can travel faster than light. Something i use but can't further develop is black holes. They say that anything that enters can not escape, not even light. That right there tells me that light has now been accelerated beyond the speed of light, it's going away faster than it can come towards us.Then there is the whole infinity thing in black holes. If something gets infinite gravity then that extrapolates to infinite speed by proxy. On top of that is one infinity can be larger than another.
I don't see how the thought experiment of Shroedinger's cat can be thought of as axiomatic in any way. but ill attempt to explain the 'inter-connectivity' paradigm as I understand it

Firstly the waves at different parts of the ocean are connected through the 2ndt law of thermodynamics, which states that in an isolated system, concentrated energy disperses over time. This energy passes through the system as a whole.

On a more fundamental level, matter is considered both a wave and a particle and behaves like so. The solidity we perceive is very much down to our subjective perception and is an emergent property of our conscious 'living' minds. We exist in a big quantum soup of atoms and sub-atomic particles. at a deeper level matter it is all made up of quarks and fields called gluons etc.

so in this sense we can imagine it (the universe) like an ocean. It's all made up of the same stuff.. A disturbance on the shore at one end will have an effect on the waves at another end. .. this is beyond our current ability to measure.but none the less they are linked.
well that is just interacting particles.they don't know the wave is coming.i use Schroedinger as a thought experiment where we need to come up with a similar conjecture or thought experiment detailing the relationship. it can be called an axiom but i wasn't using it in that context. it's an axiom because it can not be disproved, it can be said to be an understood truth in reality. the cat is either alive or dead upon observation but can be both until observed. just like the photon through paper slits experiment. yes all the world can be waves and particles, read 'Holographic Universe'. but i think we're going down our own tracks here. to determine inter connectivity beyond regular Newtonian 'for every action there is an equal...' we touch quantum entanglement. ok that's proven but EVERY atom entangled with EVERY OTHER atom? now that's a big statement.
i believe things can travel faster than light. Something i use but can't further develop is black holes. They say that anything that enters can not escape, not even light. That right there tells me that light has now been accelerated beyond the speed of light, it's going away faster than it can come towards us.Then there is the whole infinity thing in black holes. If something gets infinite gravity then that extrapolates to infinite speed by proxy. On top of that is one infinity can be larger than another.

Steven Hawking postulates something called 'Hawking radiation' that is emitted from the event horizon of a black-hole. I really don't know much more about it.