The Terrence McKenna Effect


Well-Known Member
any way Terrence McKenna is just another guy that did way to much acid and burnt some weird shit into his brain now them voices in his head is telling him to share it with every1


Well-Known Member
Personally think people take what Terrence McKenna says too far, there's a lot more extremism among psychedelic users than most will admit merely because they're 'enlightened' and 'see the truth.' I think a lot of what McKenna says is interesting and I love reading a lot of his work and listening to talks he's given on psychedelics, however, the vast majority of what he talks about are just personal experiences, beliefs and ideas mainly to invoke thought and discussion not to act as a pseudoscience or some kind of ultimate truth


Well-Known Member
any way Terrence McKenna is just another guy that did way to much acid and burnt some weird shit into his brain now them voices in his head is telling him to share it with every1
mwahahaha. You never know. :P

Terence McKenna is dead. XD

Personally think people take what Terrence McKenna says too far, there's a lot more extremism among psychedelic users than most will admit merely because they're 'enlightened' and 'see the truth.' I think a lot of what McKenna says is interesting and I love reading a lot of his work and listening to talks he's given on psychedelics, however, the vast majority of what he talks about are just personal experiences, beliefs and ideas mainly to invoke thought and discussion not to act as a pseudoscience or some kind of ultimate truth
well said. I resonate with this.


Well-Known Member
Hey , at least He died with respect and honor.
No matter how big that tumor is. OR even
No matter how much thc, psilocybin, lsd, and dmt anyone could ever consume.

Much respect Terence.
they say it was from to much cannabis use the turmor was from i would beleave that as i have just got out of hospitol due to the same reason turmors from to much cannabis use


Well-Known Member
they say it was from to much cannabis use the turmor was from i would beleave that as i have just got out of hospitol due to the same reason turmors from to much cannabis use
LoL yeah... Im sure cannabis is the only culprit . . .

Do You realize how much shit is in n,n-dmt compared to ayahuasca ?
I'm sure it was the chemicals that did Him in, bro.



@Drowning-Man , I believe in the dove that sent Us into creation.
I believe Jesus is My Lord and Savior.
Eve was deceived by Satan and this is where We are now.

It is not Eve's fault; She was lied to. I believe We were put here to correct the error and ignorance from elite corruption.
God works through the purest souls to spread His message of salvation AND enlightenment.
My theory is that the "tree of knowledge" was a metaphor for some psychedelics. Ties into the stoned ape theory from McKenna


Well-Known Member
Terence McKenna is half a shaman. He knows how to get people high but for what purpose?
He used to be My idol than I realized what I was worshipping was getting Me no where.
Sure, He knows how to persuade ANYONE into a psychedelic trip with His hypnotic, linguistic skills.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~But for real...
What is His focus ?
It's for you to draw whatever it is YOU draw from the experience...he dosent tell you what you should feel or think about it


Well-Known Member
He was cool because when I was researching drugs at first as a teen there was basically only erowid, a couple forums, and Terence McKenna audio. Unless you wanted to read books. He got a lot of topics out in the open that most people wouldnt want to ruin their reputation over. He was good at talking so everyone could relate and learn from.

I think I remember a bit from one of his last interviews where he mentioned his brain tumors caused the most psychedelic experience of his life.
thinkin terence mckenna was not a good kat in the long run.

he gives great advice on how to git high but dats it. he doesn't focus on God.


New Member
I actually knew Terence McKenna and I interviewed him several times. I can honestly say that mushrooms changed my life, and Terence Mckenna's information and approach to psychedelics helped me make sense of my experiences. I am a Christian now and no longer use psychedelics, but I look back on my mushroom trips as positive in many ways and setting me on the path to Christ. As someone once told me, "You can be the smartest person in the world, but it doesn't necessarily make you a nice guy." I thought Terence had great wisdom and a sly sense of humor, but he didn't seem to be friendliest person, (unlike his brother Dennis, by the way, who is brilliant too, but also warm and compassionate.) That being said, I think Terence was one of the great philosophers of modern times, an original and insightful thinker. Terence had many layers; he dissected contemporary culture with wit and deep understanding and I am still profiting from his perspicacity, but to me his greatest contribution to the current scene was his practical advice on how to best use and benefit from psychedelics. It is tragic that so many take psychedelics for entertainment and fail to take advantage of the many ways psychedelics can improve your life. I highly recommend Terence's books, especially Food of the Gods and The Archaic Revival. Even if you disagree with Terence Mckenna's worldview, he can still be an inspiration as an individual who used his intellect to shed light in the darkness in a society that discourages critical thought. Thanks for this discussion and God bless you all!


New Member
I need to say something to posters that are claiming (or implying) that Terence's brain cancer was caused by his psychedelic use. It wasn't. Glioblastoma isn't the commonest cancer, but almost everybody that gets it has never used psychedelics. According to the article in Wired ("Terence McKenna's Last Trip"), Terence's doctors denied that there was a causal link between his psychedelic use and his cancer. The naturally occurring psychedelics that Terence favored are remarkably non-toxic and only cause deleterious effects on the body in massive overdoses. Terence's favorite chemical, DMT, is a tryptamine that occurs naturally in the brain as a neurotransmitter. When you take psychedelics the number of psychedelic molecules that pass the the brain/blood barrier is truly miniscule (in the case of LSD, no more than a few dozen molecules)! It is past far fetched to think that non-carcinogenic chemicals in such tiny amounts could trigger cancer.
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