The SuperCloset is Super!! Super Review - Deluxe 2.0.

Dan Grow

Justin00, I think you fell way short of being clever here. What exactly are you talking about?....nobody knows.

irieie, your post makes absolutely no sense. first of all, $300 - $500 (the cost savings of doing it yourself) will not buy a bigger apartment.....second of all, your point about giving away profits or savings only makes sense if my cabinet spontaneously combusted after a single harvest.....i get to keep using it for the rest of my life. the price difference between DIY and Turnkey is about one harvest. you are a troll, son.

hyp·o·crite   /ˈhɪp
krɪt/ Show Spelled[hip-uh-krit] Show IPA

–noun 1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.


Well-Known Member
if there was no truth in what we are saying then you would not be so offended. as long as you are happy with your purchase that is all that matters and you should not pay us any mind. i am sorry if i offended you by pointing out your wasteful spending.

Dan Grow

I have the Deluxe....I wish I had the Trinity though...twice as much in half the time.....I yielded 3/4 of a lbs. I think that I am going to do much better than that this time around. I am growing all one strain and have alternated plant locations giving them more room to grow.


hey dan thats super sick!!! i really want to get the super closet 2.0 its it not worth it? should i just upgrade to the one u have?

Nic B.

Dan, so I just put my order in for the deluxe 2.0... Because I live in a basement below my landlord, and because he receives the electricity bill, I was wondering if you could offer some insight with regard to how much your electricity use went up. Was it terribly noticeable?

Thanks, much appreciated.
Hey Dan, great post.

This is just the sort of post I was looking for... and there are more. I am a cautious man when it comes to buying some things on the web, I needed to know more; was this unit really as easy to use and as fruitful to grow in as they say? After all, I was going to lay out a lot of money for something that I could not return. This post really helped me and I will be interested in reading all the others before making my purchasing decision.


1. Did you get the base system, or did you upgrade anything?
2. Now that you've had some time with the system, what can you tell us now of your experience?

Dan Grow

1. I got the base upgrades.
2. Super easy if you merely know growing basics...light cycles....balancing pH....verifying ppm.....
3. I would say that it would be difficult NOT to have a good harvest with this unit.....
4. Now that I have one harvest under my belt, I got it down and my cabinet is going nuts!!


Active Member
I have the same one, and used a particular strain, changing the nutes every week and mine are really hearty after 4 weeks or something now. I may have to induce flowering within 2 weeks because they are almost at the ceiling of the closet.


Active Member
I have never had to drill any holes in my tent bro. If you priced everything out and still spent $2600 on a little grow box then you are even dumber than I thought. Where is the $2600 if you priced it all out? I am not hating on you bro!! If you are happy paying $2600 for a 6 square foot box with a light a filter and a hydro setup and I know all that other stuf that totals about $200 then good for you. If I was gonna spend $2600 on a setup it would be a 2x3 office cabinet with a 400 watt light. Matter of fact I would spend about $600 on a tent ready to grow and spend about $200 on beans and pocket the other $1800. I stand firm in my statement that Super Closet got you good man. On Sale for $2600 LMAO!!!!

They are actually bigger than mentioned, they just look like an office cabinet. We have the same looking cebinat at work, this one is much deeper than that.


Active Member
Buy a super closet, or similar, dont pay for their upgrades, like a light, a nute meter, or co2 , you can buy it cheaper seperately.

vic smush

SICKKK THREAD. Im glad that im not the only one who loves my supercloset. But make sure to shop around. I got a free with my purchase and 5% off :))))


I have the Deluxe 2.0 and I'm 3 weeks into my first grow. All in all everything comes as advertised. The nutes they give you only last for 2 water changes though. I put this closet in my bedroom closet. Well now that the growing bug has hit me (watching your own stuff grow is awesome!) I have planned to actually sell my supercloset and just retrofit the entire closet for a larger grow area. Anyone interested in a month old box or just general honest opinions about the hardware message me. I'm in Orange County.
Damn why does everyone care how the guy spends his money. Is everyone going to tell him how to smoke it to? Nice grow bro. I'm looking into the same box. I would do it myself if I knew how to. I dont mind spending the extra money.

Soo hazee

Active Member
Great grow Dan!!! Even tho I'm months lata wit this reply, I feel its a must ( reason being) that's f*&%$ up ha pple hate on ur tecniq, it (supose to be a community of open class growers ) but seems like all we got her is Sho open class ass holes wit a lil no how... Lol but truth b told not all but a gud bit if them if had tha $$$ wud've went tha same path. Dan u keep up tha great wurk bro and smoke on...... Peace