The super bowl is gay

Ah who of us really cares?! Its a good excuse for a piss up and party. I'm British so don't need one, more so being northern.

We don't get your brand of hand egg anyway. We play rugby but much like every other sport we invented we'd only get our arses kicked if we tried American football.

I still think the ozzies version the better of the three.
The reason i have sex with prostitutes is because females of the human species are incapable of seeing the value of me. Humans are not far enough evolved yet and the female brain isnt wired to pick up how superior i am to every living being. We live in a way to feminist society, it was a common practice 1000 years ago to fuck prostitutes and visit brothels frequently. The best part about it? It was all free. Society needs to be male dominated.
In other words. You cant pull the bitches

So you fuck other species

Your only able to get a supermarket job, prolly already are on night shift so your around less customers.
And with this low of pay you wish you could upgrade from cheap hoes to high dollar girls
for frees

Hmmmmm what a conundrum indeed
The reason i have sex with prostitutes is because females of the human species are incapable of seeing the value of me. Humans are not far enough evolved yet and the female brain isnt wired to pick up how superior i am to every living being. We live in a way to feminist society, it was a common practice 1000 years ago to fuck prostitutes and visit brothels frequently. The best part about it? It was all free. Society needs to be male dominated.
Try a different species. With your attitude it's a wonder the humans aren't all over you. Douche.