the summer solstice has passed its all down hill from here


Well-Known Member
well like the title says it was yesterday. i have a 5 ft and 3 ft bagseed i have growing outside. i topped them both. considering they are same strain they are acting different. anyways its all down hill from here whos getting excited besides me?


Active Member
I am! I just hope I didn't start too late and I end up with something! Today is day 10 for me from 5-6 inch clones. They are looking pretty good except 1 of them. 5 out of 6 ain't bad.


Well-Known Member
well you still have 2 weeks to a month depending on where you are in the world. im in south florida so since im closer to the equator im looking at around august 1st or so till i see them go into flowering


Well-Known Member
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I am with ya on being excited heathaa
yeah u have a hell of a lot more to look forward to than i do lol. im really curious to know how tall mines going to get considering its so big now already. it comes up to my chin and i topped it im really curious to see how much it blows up knowing it can double or even triple in height during flowering


Well-Known Member
I love the last weeks of veg when that mo-fo has got the root systems kickin, and then pre-flower begins = growth.

Do you have your big plant in a pot or the ground? Plants that are rootbound in a pot will begin flowering anytime in MI because we are kinda north. If ya stick em in the ground they begin flowering normally as you stated 2 - 4 weeks or so after solstice.


Well-Known Member
each plant has a 5 gallon bucket and they are full mine are showing preflowers but not at every node. the smaller plant seems to be stunted or something cuz its not catching up nearly as quickly. someone said they gave me like three seeds a few months ago so it might be what they gave me and theres a small chance im wrong about them being same strain. i personally dont remember him giving me the seeds but it is possible but i was assuming they are the same but time will tell


im growinq bcn diesel auto from kannibia nd its startinq its second set of real leaves im growing outdoors i dont measure shit i jus water nd go its doing fine but i do let my tap water sit for 3 or 4 days or i boil it how long will it take to harvest


Well-Known Member
65 gal geo 707 roots soil n fox farms yeeee yeee yeee lary og just over 3 feet wide all directions and still only 28 inches tall should never pass 6 feet tall but should for sure be 6 feet when its done i got til august at least to start flowering playa, and its only been in that 65 for a week barely so it hasnt even took off yet sooon its gonna be jumpin fences like a jacka runnin from the pigs



Well-Known Member
where ya from heathaa? if you lived in MI and did not transplant into something you will begin flowering now.


Well-Known Member
im in florida. last few years flowering started around aug 1st for me. ive always had the plants in the ground though. or in a bucket buried in the ground


Well-Known Member
I got a late start this year and only one of myfour plants have survive.... I have 5 different strains which were freebis that are seedlings about a week old. Still very small. I plan on giving them another week or two to get a decent stem before throwing them outside...

Does this mean they will not veg at all, Sho0uld I just veg them indoors and keep them for next i9ndoor round?

I was really hoping to atleast get my Super bud out but it's only a seedling.


Well-Known Member
yeah there is about a month left. the further north you go the less time you have. so here in florida i have about about a month to a month and two weeks depending on strain. by the time you get to canada you might be looking at 2 to 4 weeks depending on strain it varies a little bit. but yeah you basically have a month left of veggie as it changes into flowering stage


Active Member
I dont know what part of canada your talking, but here (west coast) things didnt start flowering until 3rd weed of august last year. A lot of guys had crops that just didnt finish.


Well-Known Member
I dont know what part of canada your talking, but here (west coast) things didnt start flowering until 3rd weed of august last year. A lot of guys had crops that just didnt finish.

Sounds like newbies gave it a shot. Serious growers would have got it done.

E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
Yeah do you really think it is necessary to use a 65 gallon geo? I have rocked 20 gallons and i started all my plants in 5 gallon geos and they got like 3 feet tall and i just transplanted them into the 20. they have 3/4 the size they were in thewn they were 3 feet tall. I work at a nursery and we grow 15 foot trees in 20 gallons. But i know this isn't the same. i just want to know if it is necessary.

E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
Yeah idk about callign them noobs. That is not cool but mine were blooming august 1-15 and done by october 10th-15th but i run 55 day bloomers.

E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
Dank, depending on where you live. you could rock 18/6 indoor throw them outside like august 1 and they should bloom jumbo. idk how well adapted they will be to the weather though. i would have started them in may mabey?