The Stealth Project


Well-Known Member
Waiting always produces better results, within limits, but it depends on your specific conditions. The plant is likely to grow 3x it's current hight through flowering, meaning that if the plant is 1' now, it will be 3-4' by the time you are ready to harvest. If you can wait longer, do so, but if you don't have the space then it really doesn't matter what would be best, flowering now is what you have to do.


Active Member
Well im guna get a new bulb for when i'm flowering,the one i have now is a full spectrum cfl. if i buy a red spectrum bulb would it be ok to keep the full spectrum one in there with there with the red spectrum during flowering?:confused:


Active Member
I was lookin at my plants today and noticed that the root has grown out through the holes at the bottom of the pots. Would it be ok to leave them as they are,cos i only repotted them about a week ago. or do i need to repot them? Would it be a good idea to put them into pots with no holes at the bottom? cos i was thinkin they need the holes for drainage......

all tips or advice welcome


Active Member
looks like its just you and me keepin this thread alive specialkay.
or maybe its cos im doing everything so well that noone has to say


Active Member
just lookin over the plants their and i noticed what i think are pre flowers on one of them! its like a little ball with 2 long white hairs coming out from it. Theyr a couple of weeks into veggin,is it too early too tell if theyr female? Can anyone know if this means it female? :-P


Active Member
hello people. i know we haven't posted anything in a while, quite a while actually but we had a run in with some lights that fried our plant.:cry: we thought she was a goner but we gave her lots of water and she perked up a bit and started budding to our surprise. she smells savage!!!:joint:
so since it was getting too crowded in the drawer for two we removed the smaller one and planted her outside and she seems to be flyin along. something has been nibbling on her, cuz im sure she tastes nice.. but shes gettin big and i have all faith in her.
well heres some pictures.:mrgreen: i got a new camera so theres some nice close up pics. enjoy


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Active Member
heres some new pics! they're lookin mighty!
how much longer do you think she needs budding?
she looks a bit droopy over the last few days....? any one know why?



Active Member
hehe not bad for growing bud in a box in the corner of the room...oh and for being your first grow, nice for a small scale; not a big yield or anything, but worth it so you can say you've gotten a plant into flowering without it bursting into flames :P


Well-Known Member
yea man nice grow paddy mate spot on lookin fine mate!!
The buds could be bigger but better than nothing man right..


Active Member
yeah thers a reason its so small. the plant was a lot bigger,but then i put in a new ore powerful light......which of course means a lot more heat.when i went to check on it the next day the thing was fried to bits.i thought it was dead but i decided to just water it and leave it for a few my suprise it hand started to grow new leaves and so i kept givin it a bitta tlc and i ended up with this beauty :)
oh upinchronic i water it bout every 3 or 4 days but i was away for a few days so i couldnt water it.that picture was taken right after i watered check on it tnight and see how shes doin.

cheers lads


Well-Known Member
Nice plants Paddy19.. what strain were you growing?
also, did you have a sample of it yet, and if yes, how was the smoke? :peace:


Active Member
they'r northern havnt sampled er yet.shes only small so im guna keep it all til the end.not too long left tho i wouldnt let ye kno as soon as shes ready ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey cool man, I just finished drying mine and everything today.
How much are you guessing your gonna get out of them?


Well-Known Member
heres some new pics! they're lookin mighty!
how much longer do you think she needs budding?
she looks a bit droopy over the last few days....? any one know why?

How long have you been flowering? Usually Northern Lights is done after 8 to 10 weeks of flowering. Instead of using that as a definite answer, I would buy a 15X eye loupe to watch the trichomes (the "crystals"). With an indica you want to let them get to be milky to amber in color. Maybe about 60% of them should be amber tinted to get the most from your bud. Once they start to get too dark in color the THC starts to decrease, so make sure you're watching. You can get the eye loupe on ebay, I promise you won't regret it. Good luck and I'll continue to watch. If I can help out at all I'll try.