my 2 cents
Here ia a little info about me as I'm looking to become a RI Caregiver of a different sort:
My job as a Rhode Island Volunteer Caregiver is to assist patients to become self-sufficient. I assist in creating a growspace (whether a closet or stealth dresser, or a non-toxic growtent) in their residence (I live in Massachusetts about 5 miles over the border of RI) utilizing LED lighting (cost-effective for self-sufficiency)90 watts with maybe some cfls on the sides. I make self-watering Earthboxes (I'm in the process of adding aquarium earthstones to the reservoirs attached out side to a 20 dollar aquarium air pump to allow the root extra air) using 3 - 5 gallon buckets and utilizing primo soil (1 expense that can't be omitted) like fox farm. I hope to utilize seeds / clones that are almost mistake-free to begin with. I check their water supply for PH and have them leave 4-5 open 1 gallon containers full of their water left out at room temp for days before usage adjusted for PH (leave them some up/down solution and a "dripper" to add. Then I check in on them periodically in person and continually via email (if they have a digital camera, then pix help)
Any donations are greatly Appreciated such as Pando poly, inline fans, timers, power cords, nutrients, Fox Farm soil, Sunshine mix, perilite, DIY cloners, air pumps airstones, cloning gel, drills, 2-3" drill bits, LED, CFL, T5 lights (NO hardcore lights needed) ,......
You get the picture..
Please LMK. I can provide references within the RI MMJ scene !!
and now about my MMJ politics:
Although there will be inevitable abusers of a lax system like in Calififornia the opposite is true here in Rhode Island where one CANNOT find a Doctor to even RECOMMEND MMJ !!!
So, unless the system here is changed (and I don't think that any of the doctors here will be changing their minds !! my opinion, but prove me wrong, lol !!) Then new doctors more MMJ minded will have to be utilized and that has been my Goal since becoming a RI MMJ Activist !! I saw the problem with the law and its current limitations and tried to find solutions sometimes thinking outside the box which RIPAC and their like WILL NOT DO !! Like convincing a NON-PROFIT ( West Coast organization of physicians to get licensed here or maybe they can find local doctors willing to be open-minded (good luck there !!) to set up an office here to alleviate the obvious FLAW in the current RI MMJ law.
Now, I don't believe that every Tom, Dick, and Harry should get a MMJ Recommendation (ala CA) but we activists all know dozens of people with LEGITIMATE illnesses covered under RI MMJ law who CANNOT FIND A "COOL" DOCTOR and this is a disgusting travesty and INHUMANE !! So, unless the legislature finds a different path to fixing this flaw (which I don't believe they are even aware of due to mainly IGNORANCE !! (my opinion once again)) then we are on a path now to getting closer to California style MMJ and that is bad for the whole MMJ movement.
I am now calling out the RI legislature to either rectify the problem facing these people with LEGITIMATE MMJ LAW Illnesses or the system will FIX ITSELF !!!!!!
Peace and Compassion,