The Solution to ALL growing problems: Stop using the abominable synthetic method.


Well-Known Member
Got mold? Plants taste like robot ass? Don't have a clue what curing is? Think "dank" means stagnant basement water flavor? Get seeds? Buds never dry evenly and always smell fake as frog feathers?

Chances are you use a synthetic! Or the breeder did! It's going to take a long time to undo this fuckery, and there is only ONE way it's going to happen: ditch the poisoning process of direct salt injection. Its a fucking abomination and a scam against earth. HYDROPONIC WEED IS 3D PRINTED WEED. The cells are not grown, they are constructed. IT IS FAKE WEED. And I will be proving it without a doubt. Plants grown with direct injection of building materials are FAKE. No microbial gut/root relation: no Brix. No nutritional value. No medicinal value, very minute recreational value. Its plant fiber. Sad to see how many hopeful cancer patients were killed off by choosing hydroponic "medicine" rather than real Cannabis.

If you feed your plant, YOU HAVE POISONED IT. Stop listening to the Monsanto Satanists. They hate you, and hate nature. They eat shit for lunch, dead babies for breakfast and ground up plastic bits for desert. You dont wanna be like them. Grow up, realise their lies and your delusion. The fucking stoner tomatoes with dread locks are RUINING your crop one poison bottle at a time. They are LAUGHING at you. They HATE you. They are INTENTIONALLY RUINING YOUR HEALTH AND ERADICATING NATURE. It is their religion, to dehumanize the sheep and de-nature the planet. Why would anyone support this? Evil. Demented. Deluded.

Im tired of seeing FAKE BULLSHIT being smoked by my peers. Its always the same. Killed the plants health with salts, it got moldy, and now everything about it is fucked. Fruit scented "sweeteners" to the rescue. 300 an ounce please. Lol. You hydro growers are wacked out of your heads. Having to smoke bud soaked in plastic tasting chemicals just to keep the mold spores killed off. Or smoking stagnant waterbud and calling it "dank". Its fuckin wack. The fungus has entered your brain. Telling me you taste berries when theres no berry flavor even possible in the strain. Dude there's no berry but i can smell the nasty berry sweetener your retarded brain is telling you has given your weed a berry flavor. Youre a bunch of fake people, you salt growers. You are what you smoke. Fake ass placebo people smoking plastic infused moldgrass. Plastic people who stand behind image rather than substance.

Grow natural or don't bother. You offend God and Earth. Fake plants should be a crime. 3D printed cancer causing weed with zero brix. Its a cancerous placebo.

I'll say it again. SOIL-LESS GROWING IS POISONOUS GROWING. Skipping the plants digestive system and filling it with synthetic plastic fake bacteria poop? That's why you have: plastic flavor instead of weed flavor, Miracle-Gro smell instead of plant smell, mold instead of phenols, and seeds instead of trichomes.

And if youre growing in living water, congrats, you aren't a silly hydroponic grower, you just have a watery soil! But most of you have been lied to and have no idea you are still growing plastic weed: the microscope does not lie. Growing with salts is building a plant, not growing it. The shit is disease prone and useless by design! Mold can't live in healthy plants! DO YOU FUCKING PEOPLE NOT UNDERSTAND HOW THERE COMPANIES WORK??? THEY CAUSE THE PROBLEM SO THEY CAN SELL THE SOLUTION! SALTS ARE THE PROBLEM!

STOP USING THE DIRECT INJECTION METHOD. This is not the fuckin 70s, we have the information to expose the scam known as hydroponics (the electron microscope) SALTS ARE THE ONLY PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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synthetic weed
- it molds
- it makes robot ass phenos
- it makes people forget that curing is a thing
- it makes you think dank is stagnant water
- it makes seeds
- it makes buds dry unevenly and taste like feathers

I feel terribly bad that the OP has never had good chemically grown bud, now here he is looking for something/someone to blame his shit methods on.

I like running purp/kush strains organically and i can't even count the amount of times local chemically grown bud still put a smile on my face...
Is this guy THE REV come back in new cloths to spread his BS again?

Look sport, first off......The plant takes up nutrient ions....Those ions are exactly the same thing in organic or synthetic...

Your claims are as overblown and wrong as AN's claims for their crappy nutrient line...

BTW. I run organic.....I do some work with a synthetic for fun and learning....Guess what? It kick's major ass.....Proper dry and cure = VERY difficult to tell what was Org and what was synth....

I speak from over 40 years of experience...... With proper use, synthetics work very well at producing exceptional results.
I may prefer my organic but, your full of BS!

If you want to convert the non-believers.....Be kind and understanding. Explain that you can do everything they can in synthetic, push, supplement, what ever. It's just done a bit differently by source....

Some organic growers say that feeding organically sourced and/or chelated, plant ready nutrients....Is not true organic growing! That you have to build soils that will run the plant out and it must be done all by the living soil.

Now I disagree with that view, strongly. It's all in how you look at it.....

Now coming out and making those mostly ridiculous statements. Only serve to make us dedicated organic growers - look like reactionary morons and that we want to convert everyone to our "cult religion" (or just abut any religion, with it's "You have to believe our way. It's the one true way" BS.)


Or simply take your mental or drug fueled issue, somewhere else!

>Insert Dean Winchester's favorite insult here.<
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OP has been smoking shitty pot grown by shitty growers and has taken his anti-fert rant to religious fanatic levels.

I lay the blame on shitty growing to the one that's responsible for it. The grower.

Plants eat salts regardless of the source but I lay my bets on better tasting buds coming from more complex sources like the salts made by the micro-herd in organic pots of dirt than the salts I get out of my bottles.

Ultimately, it's the dry and cure that makes or breaks a buds worth regarding taste and smell. A more complex terpene profile likely enhances that but I don't have the nose for it.

Medicinally, medibles are the way to go and the taste and smell of the buds really has no bearing on the value of that tho again, a more complex terpene profile may increase it's worth.

However you grow, grow more and share what you grow with those that need it the most. pass.gif labrat.gif
This thread has shown me that even my hybrid organic/ salt supplemented grow is pissing God off.

Does that mean I am a satanic grower?

They did tell me weed was the devil in the 80's.


NOPE! Your good.... The only devil part he refers to, is Monsatan..... He's basically clueless, as Monsanto does not make nutrients or own companies that do...... Seems as though that's a popular misconception around here...

They GMO plants and patent the results. Back before 2010 they began actually improving veggie's the old fashioned way. They did actual cross breading. The idea was to get ahead of the listing of GMO on food packaging and win over the organic market.... That last part was a FAIL!

I applied my KIND mix, to my 4 synthetic plants with great joy and pride yesterday......I will today too....Then Ill simply water my organic plants. Do some up-potting, take clones from 2 Ghosts and place them in the bloom room. Go to Lumber liquidators, Advance Auto, stop and play some triva at my favorite watering hole. Make a big batch of chili, and hand it out to my son's coming home from college to visit (translation: Pick up free food and car parts, do laundry, "help" Dad do brake jobs for each, and of course mooch a spot in the boat for steelhead fishing Saturday night to Sunday noon. All the while they will most likely only do my "watering for me...)

Love 'em to death and don't know what I would do without them.....FUCK Monsanto though!

1) Got mold?
2) Plants taste like robot ass?
3) Think "dank" means stagnant basement water flavor?
4) Chances are you use a synthetic!
5) The cells are not grown, they are constructed.
6) And I will be proving it without a doubt.
7) no Brix.
8) No nutritional value.
9) No medicinal value,
10) very minute recreational value.
11) Its plant fiber.
12) Sad to see how many hopeful cancer patients were killed off by choosing hydroponic "medicine" rather than real Cannabis.

13) Stop listening to the Monsanto Satanists.
14) They hate you, and hate nature.
15) Why would anyone support this?
16) Evil. Demented. Deluded.

17) zero brix.

19) the microscope does not lie.

1---bad atmosphere controls
2---that's pretty funny, never heard that
3---ain't that the truth
4---there is no such thing as synthetic fertilizer, dont confuse with chelator
5--- please provide proof
6---please do it soon, I bore quickly these days
7---false. I prefer organic style growing foods and cannabis, I am good with hydroponics too. I measure brix most every day. I count on brix readings for several indiciations of health, metabolism,harvesting, both inside and outdoors too with apples grapes peaches etc. both systems can show high brix without trix or chemicals/sweeteners, I see it all it the time, I maintain it by following directions I learned in a grow bible, directions on bottles, common sense stuff
11--some strains yes some not so much
12--that's just cruel and untrue man, have some compassion for survivors aye
13--on the contrary, pay close attention to what this corp is doing to humanity, congress, and earth
14--they love money, its their duty to make more of it. not unlike many corps
15--everyone deriving income from any of the products, investments, foods, jobs etc, its easy to support an ideal which you hate in america evidently, ie private prisons, big pharma et al
17--again, this is false
18--I grow organic style in peat moss, like some soil has mor eclay than the next , or more sand or no sand, or just sand maybe, thats soil less and poison ?

19--THIS!!! I need you to show me these microscope truths please

already losing interest so hurry up
1---bad atmosphere controls
2---that's pretty funny, never heard that
3---ain't that the truth
4---there is no such thing as synthetic fertilizer, dont confuse with chelator
5--- please provide proof
6---please do it soon, I bore quickly these days
7---false. I prefer organic style growing foods and cannabis, I am good with hydroponics too. I measure brix most every day. I count on brix readings for several indiciations of health, metabolism,harvesting, both inside and outdoors too with apples grapes peaches etc. both systems can show high brix without trix or chemicals/sweeteners, I see it all it the time, I maintain it by following directions I learned in a grow bible, directions on bottles, common sense stuff
11--some strains yes some not so much
12--that's just cruel and untrue man, have some compassion for survivors aye
13--on the contrary, pay close attention to what this corp is doing to humanity, congress, and earth
14--they love money, its their duty to make more of it. not unlike many corps
15--everyone deriving income from any of the products, investments, foods, jobs etc, its easy to support an ideal which you hate in america evidently, ie private prisons, big pharma et al
17--again, this is false
18--I grow organic style in peat moss, like some soil has mor eclay than the next , or more sand or no sand, or just sand maybe, thats soil less and poison ?

19--THIS!!! I need you to show me these microscope truths please

already losing interest so hurry up

I am just going to accept the "truth" in this thread.

I grow ass tasting robot plants. And I am killing Mrs. MMG instead of helping to save her life and mine.

The conclusive tests showing the massive reduction of her life long cysts is just her doctors lying to protect Monsanto.

Obviously. ;-)
as the doctor pointed out earlier, plants eat ions...they could give a flying fuck at a rolling rats asshole where those ions come from.
growing a good finished product has a lot more to do with your natural ability and your habits in the grow room than they do with whether you're using "natural" or synthetic nutes
NOPE! Your good.... The only devil part he refers to, is Monsatan..... He's basically clueless, as Monsanto does not make nutrients or own companies that do...... Seems as though that's a popular misconception around here...

Popular because the truth is almost indistinguishable from the perception. Monsanto doesn't technically own Scott's for example, but it has what could be politely called a controlling partnership. Also, Mosanto is heavy into research developing new products (public quote from a monsanto scientist):

  • Monsanto will do proprietary research into marijuana fertilizers, biological protectants, soil, and other cannabis cultivation in an attempt to take over the lucrative market for marijuana fertilizers, supplements, and crop protectants.

They are doing that research today, along with developing GMO strains that work exceedingly well with those products. Similar to roundup ready wheat, you won't be able to produce your own seeds once you go down that path, and even having plants with the marker gene, no matter how far removed, would get you sued.

How tempting would it be for a large producer to be able to grow a potent strain in 45 days with a built-in resistance to mold, insects, and fungus, as well as be easy to harvest and trim mechanically? As long as you use their sprays and soil additives that is.
Popular because the truth is almost indistinguishable from the perception. Monsanto doesn't technically own Scott's for example, but it has what could be politely called a controlling partnership. Also, Mosanto is heavy into research developing new products (public quote from a monsanto scientist):

  • Monsanto will do proprietary research into marijuana fertilizers, biological protectants, soil, and other cannabis cultivation in an attempt to take over the lucrative market for marijuana fertilizers, supplements, and crop protectants.

They are doing that research today, along with developing GMO strains that work exceedingly well with those products. Similar to roundup ready wheat, you won't be able to produce your own seeds once you go down that path, and even having plants with the marker gene, no matter how far removed, would get you sued.

How tempting would it be for a large producer to be able to grow a potent strain in 45 days with a built-in resistance to mold, insects, and fungus, as well as be easy to harvest and trim mechanically? As long as you use their sprays and soil additives that is.

those methods may work with large growers, but they'll quickly discover its a waste of time with small growers, they can't find everyone with their seeds, and all it takes is one intelligent grower to produce thousands of seeds that can be sent to other intelligent growers, and your patented seed is so widely disseminated that you can never enforce it.
no matter how good or bad their products is, once you take something and make it fit a cookie cutter, it loses something, something that a lot of people want. cookie cutter weed will be just what it is, commercial regs. small growers growing fire strains that are obviously different and better than what EVERYONE else has have nothing to worry about
those methods may work with large growers, but they'll quickly discover its a waste of time with small growers, they can't find everyone with their seeds, and all it takes is one intelligent grower to produce thousands of seeds that can be sent to other intelligent growers, and your patented seed is so widely disseminated that you can never enforce it.
no matter how good or bad their products is, once you take something and make it fit a cookie cutter, it loses something, something that a lot of people want. cookie cutter weed will be just what it is, commercial regs. small growers growing fire strains that are obviously different and better than what EVERYONE else has have nothing to worry about

They are successfully doing this with wheat and corn today. They have successfully sued farmers whose crops were pollinated by other farmers fields using their gmo seeds. They test at the silos. They catch you when you go to sell your product.

With wheat at least, some farmers will retain a portion of their crop to replant next season. If the plants were polinated by airborn gmo pollen, their seeds become marked, and monsanto catches them at the next harvest.

If it has their genetic markers and you don't have proof you paid for the seeds, you owe them real money. They have the juice to get laws passed to ensure it. They get judges appointed to enforce it.
people don't grow 12 corn plants in their basements, and give corn seeds to their friends, so they can grow 20 corn plants in the woods by their houses....they're successfully suing big farmers because they can find them....good luck finding me if i decide to grow the shit